Blending explained in 5 minutes | ft. The Mandalorian bust

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In this video I am painting this Mandalorian bust to explain the best ways to blend on your miniatures. Whether you are painting warhammer miniatures or any other miniatures, blending is something that will push your miniature painting to another level.

When I started painting warhammer, I basically just drybrushed my space marines and called it a day. I move on to mainly highlighting the edges and shading the recesses, but now, I also know how to build volume using blending on my miniatures. Blending will truly move your miniature painting to another tier - not only will you be able to paint some volume on your models, but also it is necessary to paint non metallic metal. Whatever miniature you are painting, creating some volume and depth to the miniature will certainly help it quite a bit and that is when the blending comes.

Here I am showing you my 3 favourite ways to blend on a miniature. On this Mandalorian bust I have used stippling, wet blending and glazing. While wet blending is useful to creating some basic color gradients on the miniature, you wll find that you will need some additional layers of glazing to truly make it a smoothly blended transition. Glazing is probably the most precise blending method for your miniatures, but at the cost of your time. Stippling, on the other hand, can be quick and precise, but can damage your brushes.

These videos are essential watch if you want to improve:

Surely, these are just few of the blending methods and I will cover these further in the future!

The Mandalorian bust was printed from a file on thingiverse, unfortunately, I can not find the link, but I am sure that you will be able to find it!

I am painting miniatures for warhammer, age of sigmar, marvel crisis protocol and much more! Whether it is superhero miniatures or space marines, I will paint them! If you are looking for some sweet miniature painting tutorials or warhammer hobby content in general, this is the right channel for you!
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This is my first ever bust that I painted and as such, it took me quite some time to finish (resulting in a video delay). I can not even count how long this video took me to produce, but if you want to show me your support for what I do, go ahead and subscribe and like the video! 👊


Seeing the multiple midtones before starting the blend is really helpful! Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your work!


I'm liking these 5 minute videos! Everybody seems to like to extend for 20-30 minutes so it's golden that there's people focusing on the short and sweet format :)


I’ve got to admit, you’re videos may take you time, yet they are concise and informative enough for your viewers to relish.

Thank you.


It boggles my mind so many viewers are unsubscribed. This channel is top notch. I appreciate the time and effort you put into these to help people like me excel In the hobby


Haven't done a bust yet but this video helps out a lot. Thanks for sharing your experience.


This is the best video to understand layer blending. It literally showed me how I was wasting my time trying to make super smooth transition by hand whilst I could just glaze over them. Top, notch!


Dude you’re golden! I’ve never seen such a helpful picture of a work in progress blending. I always try to have anything smooth from the start and fuzz until I get it smooth. The way you’re sketching your highlights makes a lot of sense now that I see it. For me you are the single best youtuber out there! Thanks for your Hard work, I appreciate how hard it must be to cut down to such a short time without loosing information! Love!


this is basically the best compact video overview on advanced painting techniques out there!
very well done and straight to the point. i love it
new subscriber


I'm from Thailand🇹🇭. This video is very useful for a newbie like me. Thank you very much🫶🏻🤍


First video that explained EVERY main blending method understandable while not taking hours to watch. My sub is yours


Thank you for helping all of us makes our tiny man-dolls look goodr ❤️


Never thought stippling would be viable for blending. Gonna try that out after my class. Thanks for your knowledge bro!


Stumbled upon your video on NMM and really like the speed in which you explain complex processes. Huge amount of information condensed into 5 minutes. Brilliant


These 5 minutes videos you do are superb. Well thought out and very well presented. I’ve been painting for years and I wish I’d had the concise explanations you are providing when I was starting out… even years down the road they are still really useful. Thank you very much!


Please make a long video of your process. Seeing every step while it’s happening would be extremely helpful!


Love the short format info videos and the comedy is perfect. So happy to have found you. Keep up the awesome work!!


Wow, this changes all my persoective on minis, im a comic artist and got into miniatures a couple of months ago, this layering and blending has much much more studies from drawing and shading, than the clasic eavy metal style. Definetly giving this a shot alongside the highlights and glow video. Thabk you so much!


I subscribed and put Like in every video I saw: thank you so much for your work! It’s helping me a lot! 🙏🏻


Extra points for Masterclass oil paints shown. Love them.
