#Shorts - Will I gain twice the weight back after stopping Ozempic?

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Treatments for obesity have to be lifelong, says Ania Jastreboff, MD, PhD. #shorts

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Would it be a possibility that the user didn't change their diet and could have mainly relied on the use of Ozempic?


Basically they didn’t change their habits while on the medication. They didn’t learn to eat properly. They didn’t learn potion control/ macro counting, etc. you are changing your lifestyle not just taking fat meds


This medication is for long term use. Also, lifestyle changes are needed.


I used ozempic for 7 months combined with a workout routine and calorie deficit. Lost 10kgs. Stopped the medication, staying active with the workout routine and calorie deficit, gain weight instead. BE CAREFUL. Even with a change of lifestyle, I think ozempic fucked up your hormones or whatever chemical thing in your body. It doesn’t make any sense how I’m currently gaining and not losing. At my current calorie deficit I should be losing 0.5kg per week, instead I gained 0.3kg this week.


Even when I lost a ton of weight naturally in a healthy way. And I might add I continued to be very healthy just didn’t work out religiously anymore. Over time I gained it all back x2. Sooo. Idk basically genetics don’t give a f


She gained all the weight back because she has a mental illness, most likely B.E.D. or binge eating disorder or she is completely undisciplined in her eating habits.
With these people they always try to have a surgery like liposuction or the gastric bypass and they always end up with the same weight issue. In this case, she chose to go on the ozempic trend thinking it will fix her but she reverted to her old unhealthy ways, therefore gaining the weight back.I would know, my sister has had 3 lipos and the one thing that hasn’t changed is her eating habits and lack of exercise . They do not fix their binge eating disorder and refuse to work on it so they continue their unhealthy habits and idle lifestyle.


For how long does the medication have to be continued to keep the weight off? Are there side effects on staying on the ozempic long term?


Since Ozempic has been approved for weight loss and some insurance covers it, you would think they would lower the price by now. Mine is over $1, 300.00
for one pen


Do they stop cold turkey or taper off? Seems like any other drug dependency and would best be slowly withdrawn to avoid 'withdrawal'.


Lifestyle change is key.. get educated


You have to eat to gain weight unless she has some sort of medical issue. I’m gonna guess that she barely ate her normal foods, made no dietary changes, and didn’t exercise to increase mass to support her weight loss.


You have to want to make changes to your diet and activity habits. Your stomach tells your brain when you’re full, some of us should try listening. I understand weight gain after discontinuing the meds but DOUBLING! Is a eating disorder.


This is because you were eating unhealthy before and after. During the time you’re taking it you should be eating healthy as well, knowing you will go off it soon! This should be an opportunity to control yourself and have self discipline.


Did she taped off? Did she make corrective changes to her diet and habits? Did she do a maintenance dose at all? $100 says the answer to all of that is no.


Relying exclusively on the medication is insane. Change life’s habits. That’s how goals are achieved.


FALSE: if you maintain that same unhealthy lifestyle that led to the weight in the first place, then yes you will regain.

Ive been off for 3 months, lost 50lbs on the shot, and then tapered off amd stopped taking it. I lost another 5 lbs after and have maintain that weight since.

I completely changed my lifestyle, i started eating better, started eating less processed foods, started trying to stop as soon as i feel full (had to convince myself that it is ok not to finish my plate). I also started exercising at least 4 days a week.

It is possible to come off of it, but it requires a drastic change in lifestyle.


Could probably just continue with lifestyle choices as well as reducing your dosing to get off of it vs going cold Turkey?


I did! I gained TWICE THE WEIGHT! and lost no pounds while on it!


nice channel if you would actual answer and inter act with the comment section... people need to hear you...


You would think that in that much time it took you to loose weight your stomach has shrunk and has gotten used to the small portions. Your habits should've changed and you should be more active. All these changes should motivate you to keep it off.
