Top 5 Reasons You Are NOT Making Gains | Straight Facts

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One of the most frustrating things in the world is when you actually put in the effort and hard work to build muscle but you see no results. Suddenly everything feels futile - what could you possibly be doing wrong? Well it turns out there are very many things that you might be doing wrong and Jerry Brainum has a helpful checklist to help you start making gains.

Now you can stop wasting your time in the gym with no results - perfect your nutrition, training, and fitness lifestyle with these top 5 reasons you're not making gains. You'll notice a huge difference. Watch the latest episode of Straight Facts above!

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Рекомендации по теме

*Habits That Are Stealin’ Ya’ Gains!*

1. Overtraining
-Stimulate, don’t annihilate
2. Progressive Resistance Training
-Must always increase intensity
3. Bad Workout Tempo
-Be judicious with rest periods
4. Not enough rest
-7.5 to 9 hours, no discussion
5. Poor nutrition
-Can’t outwork a bad diet



All the people on phones drives me It's that way every where not just the gym. I totally agree with you Jerry, you don't need to be on your phone in the gym. I won't bring my phone into a restaurant either. People are addicted to their phones, it's out of control!


When I cut my sets from eight to three my muscles grew like crazy...glad you mentioned progressive need to log your weight and reps and always try to do more reps...not sets...each workout


After 8yrs of heavy training I know all these things.. but after hearing this today I realised I'm not doing them!!!!
These are the basics but this is a pure gold reminder of these basics!
When I look back at my training log I see the best results were when I was taking longer rests (by alternating 3 exercises rather than sitting down between sets) Eating more (incl more protein), having an extra rest day here and there (but not too many!) and sleeping well (work stress is playing havoc with my time and sleep now!)
Trying to lose body fat always throws me right off my game by eating less, having less rest, doing some cardio and basically forgetting all the muscle building laws in this video!!!
Time to get back on track! Thanks Jerry.


Jerry my friend you must be the most knowledgeable guy on bodybuilding ever, how lucky we are to have your knowledge at our finger tips, thank you.


Thanks Jerry! Cell phones in the gym is a pet peeve. Good info too


This is really the only good video series on this channel nowadays. Jerry is the gainz prophet preaching the swoly bible!


Jerry Brainum should be a millionaire with all his research and tips


He should be announced Pope in BB world! Very informative, straight no B.S, anchored to scientific pubs. Keep up!


A few days ago I was doing an arm super set of DB curls and tricep cable kickbacks, I was curling 10kg dumbbells with the focus on squeezing and lowering the weight in a slow controlled way. A young guy who was training with his friend was also curling however he was using the 17.5 kg dumbbells and swinging, alternating and bending over all at the same time with zero eccentric focus and control, ironically most of these guys look at me as if to say "10kg pssh" The next day I saw him on the lat pulldown machine using far too much weight and barely pulling the weight lower than his face... Now I am young too but I never really understand why guys feel such a need to load weight far more than they are capable of lifting with good form, the body doesn't care how much weight is written on the iron it only knows how it feels and responds to resistance and contraction. Looking forward to your next newsletter release Jerry!


i use my cell phone to time rest between sets. But yes, i see people watching youtube and stuff while training. That's why they have no gains to show


You can overload the muscles without increasing weight or reps. Slow your rep speed down and see how many reps you get with the current weight your using.


This guy is so wise.. .. I really mean it.. .. He is amazing !!!!


So why I’m making better gains at 42 vrs 20s is because I’m weight lifting with my 15 year old boy. This is putting me In the optimal rest time waiting for him to do his set. Interesting. Really enjoy your videos. Plus like you said information is key. I’ve been weeding through the info negatives are inportant


People over complicate the absolute shit out of this. Drives me fucking crazy


Thank you Jerry. Please keep making videos.


How did I just find this?! This is a goldmine. God bless this man!


I dont know what you call it in americano but in sweden we call it weight fixation. And i think that is a big reason a lot of dudes dont make gains. Progressive overload shouldnt be about "wanting" to lift a sertain amount of wheight but to do calculated increases in what your muscles actually need.


My biggest issue is sleep. I just dont have the time for 8 hours. Work, family, etc. I just train recreationally, so it's not like I'm training for the Olympia, so I have to accept some short comings. However I am the type of person that I do not like half assing things and want to maximize all I can. I need to study more on, if there is anything, to help combat the effects of less than optimal sleep. I'm sure there isnt much, if anything. Nothing replaces sleep. Once I get my sub to Jerry's letter, I plan to flood his email regularly with questions on this matter. Lucky you. Haha. Another great video. Thank you sir!


I understand what you mean by people playing on their phones, but I take my phone in every time I work out. I have a workout tracking app called JEFIT that I use to log my workouts. It keeps all my stats, PRs, weight, measurements, etc. I also use it for music. I will not answer a call while working out (unless its an emergency or I'm expecting an important call, and then I step out so not to disturb the other people). I get in the gym and I workout HARD. I do not lift any amount of impressive weights. I do high repetitions, and up to 10 sets of each exercise, with the last set going to failure. I don't play in the gym, and my phone is a tool to keep accurate records
