Dietitian Reviews Sarah’s Day What I Eat in a Day (Teaching Diet Culture to KIDS?!)

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Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In todays video, we will be talking about Sarah's Day's diet!

1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey
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We as parents refused to categorize food! Our daughter learned from trying and tasting and watching us eat. Today at 18 she is one of the most diverse eaters in her peer group and she has taken up the fun of cooking and trying new foods and cooking for us and her friends regularly! She is such an intuitive eater I am happy that her relationship with food and her body is so normal and healthy. We had to fight our surroundings tooth and nail sometimes against making her eat foods or finish her plate. It was well worth every argument.


I’m an educator for children 0-5 years. I love to play the “what food do you like” game. I’ll list a bunch of fruits and veggies but I’ll also say I like to eat donuts and chocolate. At meal times I’ll talk about why the foods they’re eating are good. Milk makes our bones strong, fruit has vitamins that help us to not get sick, etc. I’ve struggled with an ED for 15 years and I don’t want the kids in my care to go through that.


It’s wild, I followed Sarah a the height of my disordered eating and followed her content like a bible. I guess this video showed me how much progress I’ve made being able to see all the moralizing and fear mongering (in terms of additives and what not) that I used to listen to and take to heart and now take with a grain of salt :)


My mom has pushed low carb on all of her kids, I would diet and binge... always felt terrible. It wasn't until I found your videos that I realized carbs aren't bad. I'm finally building a healthy relationship food. Thank you!!


THANK YOU for the clear explanation that "processed" does not necessarily mean "bad."


Her 3 year old said in a recent vlog “I’m so hungry I’m gonna get chunky”. It was heartbreaking. He’s 3!! But is concerned about becoming chunky. And it’s clear to see where he got it. There are videos online of Sarah calling herself exactly this word - ‘chunky’ - especially about her body when she thought she was ‘unhealthy’. It’s so sad the impact she’s having on that child. He tends to go crazy when his Dad takes him out and he can enjoy real kid food. Just so sad all around.


I like how the saying “don’t buy any food you can’t pronounce the ingredients of” falls right in line with “fear that which you do not know”


you have been helping me with my restrictive ED recovery as someone who also has PCOS and in a bigger body. whenever i am tempted to relapse, i remember the advice you’ve given about nourishing my body and respecting it - even if i don’t love it. i’ve made a lot of progress on hunger/fullness cues too! it’s definitely still hard because most ED recovery advice is for people who are underweight and/or don’t have a chronic physical illness as well contributing to body image/weight issues. one day at a time ❤


I now completely understand why my mom had bowls of candy at home and didn’t “restrict” us when we wanted candy or snacks. (i’m typing with caution here) She ALWAYS brought up the example of how restricting types of foods would lead us to be the kids at birthday parties who go ham on the cake and candy because they don’t have access at home 😅 i’m so grateful my parents always preached the message “everything can be fine in moderation” rather than “good and bad.”


Sarah has literally been in a “project comeback” state for years! At some point you need to get on with your life and not use being in a “comeback” stage as an crutch for validating disordered eating. You don’t have to “comeback” to anything, it’s always rubbed me the wrong way, especially because she’s never not trying to come back to something.


Love that you shouted out Kids Eat in Color!! Her work helped me SO much with how I approach food with my toddler. Between you two, I've really improved my relationship with food. THANK YOU <3


My eyes have opened up so much since finding your channel. Her convo with her child really stressed me! I don't have kids yet but I do worry about their future when it comes to their relationship with food. All I can do is try my best. All your knowledge is helping me feel confident that I can be there for them the right way when the time comes. Even if society still sucks!


Yes! My parents didn’t have many junk foods at home when I was growing up, and I ended up going crazy at my grandma’s home when she opened her pantry for me. I do better now, of course, but it was a lot of work on my part.


I used to be a huuuuge Sarah fan but as I got older I realized she is an absolute clown. She does not practice what she preaches. I regret discovering her when I was in my teens… it took me years to understand my own feelings about the things she spouts. She wholeheartedly takes credit for “transforming” her followers bodies through her (terrible) workout programs, and puts herself on a pedestal as a self-proclaimed Health Princess. All the while, she turns a blind eye and deletes thousands of valid, constructive comments from people expressing they’ve been hurt by her content. She is so narrow minded that she dismisses any and all criticism as hate. People asking her if she has certification to be releasing workout and nutrition advice (she does not) get deleted and blocked from her page.

Sarah benefits enormously from the echo chamber she has carefully curated online - there is no room for critical thinking, reconsideration, or EDUCATION on any of her social media. I understand the need to be professional and level-headed with this video so I applaud you for that. Very validating video and finally… some actual SCIENCE.


I saw this other mom on TikTok that helps her daughter by categorizing food in general as fuel but specified that there can be categorize such as Fun Fuel and Brain Fuel and tells then everything is good in moderation and everything is bad in excess. I really love this approach.


Ever since she silenced people with recovering EDs calling her out on her triggering marketing tactics I’ve avoided her content like the black plague. I don’t even have an ED and I was very upset.


Just wanna give you some credit Abbey. I noticed you got some feedback on your “built bar-ads” on a previous video and I can tell (even though I wasn’t one of the people who said anything) that you took that feedback to heart and did something different. That’s amazing! I am not bothered by how you did it before at all but this is so appreciated!! Love your HCC and I implement it in my own life on a daily and it’s made my relationship with food so much better. You’re amazing. Thanks for everything you do!

Lots of love from Sweden ❤


Thank you for posting this! I used to love Sarah’s Day but as someone recovering from an ED, I found her content to be somewhat triggering. She seems to be so focused on “fixing” her body even though she just gave birth! She also has to make everything “healthy” and has unrealistic goals for the average person. I appreciate her as a human but no longer follow her.


i literally love you. Having recovered/recovering from an ED and being constantly at risk of falling into orthorexia in this world of diet culture and "clean eating" I SO appreciate that you do these videos and bring in scientific research to further your point


You have honestly helped me so much to rebuild a healthy relationship with food and the way I view myself. I no longer punish myself for “unhealthy” food choices because I know that overall I am making good choices in my diet and I have seen so much progress in my health/fitness journey by just listening to my body and eating what feels good. Thank you so much for your content, it means so much!
