What Happens When I Get a Over 30 MPH Speeding Ticket?

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Driving in a hurry to get the kids in school, meet the client, do the errands before going off to work? Without realizing it you are already driving beyond the state's speed limit. Either a cop will stop you or a ticket will be sent to you for your infraction with the traffic rules, either way, it will be such a big bump on your day getting all things accomplished.

The Umansky Law Firm provides a couple of suggestions on how to go about this, first, you may set the case for hearing and contest all allegations against you in the citation, second, you may simply pay for the ticket, third, you may attend a traffic or driving school. If caught and you think you need a lawyer, hire one who can walk you through the entire process and can defend your case the best way possible. In the state of Florida, if you are caught violating traffic rules, you will receive violation points depending on the speed you are going beyond the state's limit.

Fine is likewise imposed. Florida provides harsh punishments to its violators so it is important to have a good defense. There are various factors that one should consider when caught, calibrator may not be in good condition, the ticket may not match the citation records, and device used may not be of the state's standard.

Further, punishment may vary depending on how the offense was committed, you may be drunk, you may be with your kids, or you may have an emergency, these factors are important since you may be allowed to simply pay for your ticket or will leave you with no choice but to go to a hearing, example is if you went 30mph beyond speed limit. In the latter case, a possible jail time, fine and license suspension may be imposed by the court.

Thus, as explicitly explained above, it is important to consult your lawyer on what defenses and best resolution possible you may have with your case. You must not take this for granted since penalties however light or serious they are will likely affect your stature as a law abiding citizen.

A speeding ticket is one of the most common interactions we will have with law enforcement, but the process can actually be quite daunting if you want to argue the facts of your case. Many times we plead no contest, go to traffic school, or plead guilty outright and take on points. But what if you want to prove your complete innocence? Attorney Lindsey Gergely of The Umansky Law Firm explains.

To learn more about speeding tickets and other traffic violations, please visit the following link:

Should you need help finding a lawyer for your case, please read the following guide:

"How to Find a Criminal Lawyer in Florida"

The Umansky Law Firm
1945 East Michigan Street
Orlando FL 32806
Рекомендации по теме

Ya i got cought going 65 in a 35 and spent 120 days in jail plus a fine of 1200 dont spead aint worth it. Syke im still speeding f the law


I have a speeding ticket for 105mph on a 70mph, I DONT live in NC, was just passing by i95 in a motorcycle. I can’t assist to court on next month because. Any assistance and how much?


My issue is that this assumes you actually broke the law. I used to think this way but now I know better. Twice now I have had to defend myself for criminal violations where I not only did not break the law but it was obvious that I did not break the law. Sick of this




“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14❤️ Please don’t take this lightly guys repent today, no day is promised so do it now, here’s the sign you’ve been looking for. God loves you and so do I❤️❤️
