20+ Types of Baptists Explained

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00:00 Introduction
00:23 General Baptists & Particular Baptists
01:20 Free Will Baptists
01:37 Pentecostal Baptists
02:06 Strict Baptists
02:35 Grace Baptists
02:52 Reformed Baptists
03:04 Seventh-day Baptists
03:24 Regular Baptists & Old Regular Baptists
03:58 Separate Baptists
04:38 Origin of the Triennial Convention
05:02 Primitive Baptists & Progressive Primitive Baptists
05:40 Missionary Baptists
05:53 Landmark Baptists
06:40 Historically Black Baptists
07:30 Independent Baptists
08:11 Independent Fundamental Baptists
08:22 Bible Baptists
08:45 Unaffiliated Baptists
08:59 Episcopal Baptists
09:30 Placing the Southern Baptist Convention
10:02 Evangelical Baptists
10:46 Progressive Baptists
11:24 Conclusion
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Once upon a time, a Baptist got stranded on a deserted island. Years later he was rescued. As he was showing the rescuers his buildings, he pointed out that this was the 2nd Baptist Church. They noticed an exact styled bamboo building up the hill and asked him what that building was. He replied, "Oh, that's 1st Baptist Church, I don't go there any more." 😮


I’m glad you spent some time on the historically black churches. They’re huge but often overlooked


When you hit "Progressive Primitive Baptist, " i burst out laughing. It gets ridiculous after a while.


I am a current member of a Free Will Baptist Church that is part of the NAFWB, (and yes we do participate in feet-washing and it is a blessing)... but let's always remember that it's not denomination that saves it's our faith in what Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior did for us on the cross


Another great video. I’ve been waiting for this one. So many Baptists.


I was saved and baptized in a small Southern Baptist church. Spent my teenage and young adult years in Baptist Missionary Association churches and earned a Bachelor’s degree from a BMA college and served on the ministry staff of two BMA churches. When I decided to pursue a graduate degree I enrolled in a Southern Baptist seminary and earned a Master’s degree, served on ministry staff of five SBC churches. I also was in attendance at the organizational meeting of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. I expected to see Southern Baptist in the list, didn’t expect but wasn’t surprised to see the Baptist Missionary Association since they are small and are hard to find outside of the Deep South. It really surprised me to see the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship as that organizational meeting was in 1990 so it isn’t very old. I commend you for your thorough research and understanding.


Saw a Reformed Baptist Church today and excitedly returned here to refresh on its details.


As a Baptist history nut, I was curious to see how you would bring together this vast jigsaw puzzle of Baptists in a short video. Did not think it could be done adequately in this amount of time, but you surprised me! This may be one of the best simple explanations of Baptists I've seen in a long time. I am one of those "provisionists" within the SBC, so I would only counter that the belief in the security of the believer from our point of view is not the same as the Calvinist "perseverance of the saints." There are some critical differences, which leads us to believe we have no agreement whatsoever with the five points of Calvinism. Some attempt to bridge the gap for the sake of unity and peace within the denomination, leading to key leaders of the denomination touting some commonality between the two. But this only comes from those who do not understand the full definitions and teachings behind the catch phrases. I look forward to more of your videos!


Josh, thank you so much for trying to sort out all this very confusing material. Makes my head spin!


I had the best of two worlds growing up. I attended a Free Will Baptist School M - F and was a member of a “big Baptist” Southern Baptist Church for Church and social events. I loved it! As a proud “backrow Baptist”😂, my joke was if anyone uttered an “Amen” or anything other than a group response to the Pastor, everyone would turn around and say “who said that??”😂🙌🏻🙌🏻👏👏 And we Southern Baptists pride ourselves on Sunday service ALWAYS ending promptly at Noon!!😂🙏🏼🙏🏼🙌🏻


I loved living in Spain in the mid-80s. The Spanish simply asked if I were a Christian or a Muslim. Sometimes it was difficult to break away from a conversation regarding Jesus and the Scriptures because of the thirst and hunger of those I would meet. Conversations could go on for hours upon hours.


I've been a Baptist all my life - was in 'cradle roll' when I was an infant - and baptized when I was five. I was raised Southern Baptist ; mostly in Portland, Oregon if that sounds odd.

I've been asked this very question - why so many? - many times. The short answer is perhaps the most useful.  

Doctrine is pretty similar in all subgroups. The triune God, the natural instinct to ignore God and make our own choices, and the gift of God to forgive our sins as humans. There are some activity differences - like how often to celebrate the Lord's Supper (or Communion for some), or how often to have baptismal services. Of course the need for baptism, not for salvation but as an act of obedience and commitment is constant. (That's why they are all 'Baptists'). Some congregations have either a demand or preference for the KJV, some don't.

1. How individual church congregations govern themselves. SoBaps hold a monthly business meeting allowing all members of the church to attend, but not mandatory. That is to determine budgets, call a new pastor (if needed), vote on remodeling and those kind of decisions. Other groups have congregations with a board of deacons or elders as an essential governing board. Usually, all major money spending issues go to a general vote.
2. How individual congregations finance their missionaries.


THANK YOU Joshua. I have been anxious to see a video like this on various Baptists for a long time.


Episcopal Baptists? Now I've seen everything.


Well as a Baptist I must admit I didn't know most of these. The Progressive Primitive Baptists get the prize for most ironic title though. 😂

In Australia we're more homogeneous it would seem, though perhaps I'm just not aware of all groups. Most Baptist Churches in my state are part of a shared Baptist union.


What I have learned is that the term "Baptist", by itself, doesn't mean much.
I am a part of the Free Methodist Church and the term Methodist seems like it is becoming that way, especially with everything happening in the United Methodist Church.


I was baptized in a Missionary Baptist in 1972. I think the pastor was secretly a fan of Chuck Smith & Greg Laurie. We had drums & guitars! And I remember the 1st time I wore blue jeans to church!


Yikes! On the one hand I'm delighted that you have been able to provide so much information to so many people. On the other hand, I can't begin to process the information as fast as you are providing it.


My family has a strong General Baptist heritage on both my parents’ sides, and it was indeed a GB church that I was born into. Outside of the General Association, I don’t often come across anyone who knows what General Baptist is, so it’s kinda cool to hear it mentioned in a video! Thanks for your overview!


Great information. I was in an IFB (independent fundamental Baptist) church for 14 years. I graduated from one of their schools: Bob Jones University. It claims to be non-denominational, but all the churches on the approved church list to attend for campus students were some form of Independent Baptist or Bible Baptist.

You could do an entire episode on fundamentalism or Independent Baptists because of all the different "camps" and I have to say it, "personality cults." While I was at BJU I heard what I thought were "rumors and gossip" about certain churches and the school associated with them that had to do with a lot of unbiblical and even abusive stuff.
