Differences between Pentecostal and Baptist Churches

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Differences between Pentecostal and Baptist ChurchesThe differences between Pentecostal and Baptist churches can be broken down into three main categories: beliefs, worship styles, and church structure.
Belief-wise, Pentecostal churches place a higher emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and supernatural experiences. They also believe in speaking in tongues and divine healing as part of their religious practice. Meanwhile, Baptist churches are more focused on traditional Christian beliefs such as salvation through faith alone, the importance of Bible study and baptism.
In terms of worship style, Pentecostal services are often characterized by a lively atmosphere with loud music, spirituals, emotional responses from attendees and spontaneous outbursts of speaking in tongues. Baptist services are more subdued with traditional hymns and scriptures read in unison.
Structurally, most Pentecostal churches have a congregational system where each member has an equal vote regarding church decisions while most Baptist churches operate under a hierarchical model led by a pastor or board of elders who make decisions for the congregation.
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You talk about Baptist view of Salvation and draw a picture of the Thats where I gave up on this video


The baptism of the HS is much more than speaking in tongues, but the practice of of praying and healing of others.That took a while for me. Taking more teaching on healing was put into practice.I was as surprised as the one who was healed when I did the praying.Sometimes I even mixed in tongues and then ask the Lord for an interpretation.God would do that to help me know how and what to pray for for healing. God is faithful to believers. He does speak mysteries to us in faith.., beyond human knowledge.


Why use the image of the Roman Catholic Pope? Catholicism is doctrinally different than the Baptist doctrine.


I never heard of Pentecostals using the Dominican Rosary


Millions of Pentecostals believe in the trinity. Whoever said in the comment section that all true Pentecostals believe in Jesus only was wrong. Do we stop believing that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary just because the Catholics do?


No offense, I'm a baptist and some things you said are true, but some are inaccurate.


You are incorrect on Pentecostal beliefs. I am a Pentecostal believer, and we do not believe that, in order to have “authentic faith, ” you must be baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. We believe, a person is just as saved at conversion and baptized in water, as one who is baptized in the Holy Spirit. The only difference, the scripture says, that the Baptism in the Holy Spirirt is for the power to witness to others (Acts 1:8) and makes you are eligible for one or more of the nine gifts of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
Pentecostals do not believe in “perfect” holiness on this side of heaven as you said, we believe, as the scripture says, “strive” for that perfection or maturity of holiness, Philippians 3:12-14.
We don’t believe that miracles are happening to an individual to show they are saved, but miracles can happen to a believer, because they’re faith is in Jesus’ ability to heal or produce a miracle. There have been miracles in the Bible where a miracle was done for a person, not because of their faith, but because of the faith of others that were praying for them, James 5:14-16.
We do not believe that complete sanctification can be obtained on this side of glory, we do believe that sanctification is accomplished at salvation, as far as, we are separated from our sins, but that sanctification of the person is a gradual thing, for some, quicker than others, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
There’s much evidence that a person can walk away from their faith, Hebrews 6:4-6, 2 Peter 2:20-22,
1 Timothy 4:1, Galatians 5:4, and many others.
We also don’t believe that a person’s healing is guaranteed, for God is a sovereign God. We do believe healing is available to those that believe.
We do believe that the inward work of the Spirit, brings about outward Godly works, not the other-way-around.
Hopefully this has helped you in understanding what we really believe, although, not All Pentecostals teach exactly the same, just as the MANY Baptist do not teach the same.


This is not true . I belong to a pentecostal church. COGIC. Baptism is in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.


please be more careful with your images. the Bethel image is NOT for the fringe group mentioned


i love catholic founded by Jesus Christ in 33ad


Church of God and Church of God of Prophecy believe in the trinity


It's strange that it took 1.5-2 millennia to get denominations that actually follow biblical examples of baptism. There is one god and one baptism, and the only baptism mentioned in the bible is with adults who choose to do it, not babies


Is there a subliminal effort to equate Baptist with cults? The first is when a figure which looks like the Pope define what Baptist. And to connect the Bethel church with a figure Bethel Baptist Church?


This is what the Bible says about false preaching


As far as I can tell, theologically speaking, Penecostals are just Baptists with extra steps


Do pentacostals often open bible in church or is it mostly talking? Some churches don't open the bible


I could not watch beyond the ridiculous irony of the Pope explaining salvation by grace alone. Still, I suppose it would have saved the need for that historical blip called the Reformation (not to mention the Thirty Years War, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Irish Troubles). 😅🤔


Not sure if it is intentional but this “comparison” is so slanted it is shameful. Obviously Baptist leaning. All you have to do is see the cartoon of the crazy eyed tongues talker and it should tell you everything you need to know. In addition many of the accusations made against the Pentecostals only apply to a few heretical groups. For instance, there is a small group that identifies as Pentecostals that believe you must speak in tongues to be saved but they are non-trinitarian and therefore not orthodox Christian.


Apostolic Pentecostals believe in one God that manifested himself in Christ, he is described in scripture as Is9:6 As the son that was born, the child that was to be given, that he shall be called The Mighty God, also in revelation as the 1st and last! the Everlasting Father, In Ish 44:8, 9 Ish said that beside him there was no God, Matthew stated that he was Emanuel or God with us. In Exodus he told Moses to tell Pharoah that I am that I am hath sent you, in Jn he tells the pharoahsees that before Abraham I AM, that was a declaration of Godship! The same God that told Moses is now malfested in the flesh as the son of God, in flesh! he stated again that I am the Resurrection and the light, same God again declaring his Godship and Lordship, he Said again, I am the bread of life, I Am the door to the sheepfold! Paul stated that All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily! Yes we believe in one Lord, one faith and one baptism That the same God that created is the same God incarnate that came as flesh a blood sacrifice on Calverys cross!! And resurrected on the 3rd day! And ascended on high!
We baptize according to the word of God according to Jn3:3 jn 3:5 Acts 2, 38, 39, Acts 8, 9, 10 and Acts 19. We don't use Matthew 28:19 version. That is speaking of his titles scripture still calls for that one singular Name to be used, not titles. Holy Ghost enfillment
Acts 1. Speaks of what happened on the day of Pentecost! Great read! Paul said I forbid not to speak in tounges for I speak in tounges more than you all! We believe buy repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of Sins, and the enfillment of the Holy Ghost evidenced speaking in other tounges salvation is achieved! Born of water and spirit!


i imagine non denomination is the way christ would do it. but unfortnatly even non denonminational churches are ofton based off pentacostal baptist eta. so even tho they WANT to be non denonimatinal, they end up in a denonomation unofficialy.
