What's the Difference between Christian Denominations?

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"What's the Difference between Christian Denominations?"
Dr. Gregory Wills answers in Honest Answers | Episode 58

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I was a lifelong of agnostic that slowly came to Eastern orthodox christianity My mom is ethnically Jewish but was a practicing non denominational list which never really sold me. I had to go and intellectually stump on the faith and then and do some serious both the research and soul searching. I never quite had I found Jesus moment. For me it was a longing and a struggle and finding a home and still dealing with my failures but know I have the family in the church And saints to support me in my trying to become close to the Lord.

But I honestly when I went to a Eastern orthodox service the matins on Christmas Eve day I never cried so hard in my life being able to hear the divine liturgy in its beauty in English.


My church currently recognises the following denominations:
$1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.


There should only be one church. Having 40, 000 denominations is the reason why no one takes Christianity seriously.


I grew up (and still am) Pentecostal. I think he described the beliefs of Pentecostals quite well. As someone who has experienced some of these things first hand (speaking in tongues, divine healing, etc, ) it is a powerful experience. Many people say it's emotionalism or anti-biblical, but it is absolutely real and genuine. I don't believe it was exclusively for the early church, as Acts 2:39 says "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call."


Wow. How true. I was baptized in the First Christian Church and soon learn that the Church of Christ and the First Christian Church were once one, but split over a disagreement about whether or not there should be music in church. Being young and often speaking before I thought, I pretty much said but that was a pretty stupid reason to split a church. The pastor seemed very offended and told me that, "Nevertheless, that was the truth!" So, it seems obvious that people can emphasize a difference to the exclusion of all commonalities. That is people. That is not God. Imperfect, fallen, indeed. Perhaps there is a deeper meaning to God referring to us as children.


I never knew about the different denomination. But I’m Just a follower of Christ, so I Im not going to follow a denomination that contradicts with the Bible. Heaven is home. God won’t ask you what denomination you were. He’ll be more interested in what y’all did with His sons gift of life.❤️


i was confused about this as well before until i realized from reading the bible and searching that no denomination can actually save me. only JESUS CHRIST can save me. when people ask me what my religion is, i usually say that i do not have one but i do follow and love JESUS CHRIST as my messiah so i can identify as a christian(a person who follows and loves CHRIST) . i follow the teachings of GOD in the bible and i do not identify in any denomination. regarding where i go to church, i go to a Baptist church but i was clear when i talked to the pastor there that the baptist denomination cannot save people and that only JESUS can save people, and luckily we both had the same way of thinking. denominations cannot save people, only JESUS can for by his blood i am reconciled with the heavenly FATHER.


I just converted from Islam to christianity, I'm glad that jesus christ guided me to christianity. But I'm confused with these type of thing, Baptist church etc. Are they different religions?


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus has many many millions upon millions of followers scattered all over this Earth, from many different backgrounds and denominations, if you can't handle this simple truth and you're telling yourself that only your denomination is the true church and only your members are children of God oh, that's a heck of a plank you have in your eye!! Jesus simply asks us to share the good news of the Gospel, not discourage and divide fellow Christians by self-righteously accusing them of being unGodly, you don't have to scroll down very far on this or other Christian videos find very hateful unchristian comments attacking each other, and yes I have certainly been guilty of this in the past I can testify that it only leads to guilt and shame, instead let us love and encourage our neighbor! Amen


We supposed to be all CHRISTIANS, but the church love division, CHRIST is not divided, a house divided can not stand.


The fragmentation goes on and on. Jesus, give us the grace of humility and unite us as one.


I'm a new Christian and these are the reasons I find it hard to choose a church. So complicated with all of the "Isms". It seems like the Church is a mess. I'm learning and reading the Bible on my own for now. I will find a Church or Denomination to join, I guess, when the time is right. For now, I'm learning so much on my own. I know we shouldn't forsake fellowship tho.


Going on internet helped me but it also made me overwhelmed.
Different religions
Different denominations
Different doctrines


i think this video was pretty well done. I especially like the careful and respectful nature of the host.


I’m nondenominational. I don’t even like to say I’m religious. I claim to be faithful to Christ our Lord. Church is where two or more are gathered in Jesus’ name. I have Church with my family and friends. I don’t physically go to a church because within the denominations they are so strict on their interpretation of the Bible and often human judgement spreads like weeds into their sermons. Maybe one day I can find a church I like, but I’m happy building my own personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for now.


He states 5 beliefs that divide Protestants the most: 1. Church Government. 2. Who should be baptized? 3. Gifts of the Spirit. 4. National/ethnic history. 5. Liberalism. Which do you think is the most important? Hands down, I believe it is #5.


This is my story. I was raised in my mom's new age church that is unitarian and believes in all paths lead to God. They quote Jesus but don't put full faith in them. I became atheist in college but in 2012 I started believing. This photo of me is from around 2011. It is 2020 now and I was baptized Baptist this summer. I was baptized Catholic in 2016 and the enemy has been after me for a long time. I think it has to do with family blood lines. Please pray for me, that the old me (daughter of my mom) meets with the new me (daughter of my dad) in heaven because I feel like I am two different people.


Really enjoyed this clear explanation, thank you!


I'm glad to know more of the specific reasons my ancestors and I are Baptist, and I'm even more glad to know that most, if not all, of us are indeed joined as brothers and sisters in Christ in spite of minor and historical factional differences!


Being free to be divided is still better than being "united" in one government-sanctioned church.
