Why Rebuild of Evangelion Exists

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Before Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time hits theaters (if it ever does), here's a closer look at the reasons the Rebuild of Evangelion series exists in the first place.

#Evangelion #RebuildOfEvangelion #HideakiAnno
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"If you were a high school freshmen when 1.0 premiered you're probably 30 years old now" yeaaaah thanks for the reminder man...


I feel like Anno is a man trapped by his own legacy. Imagine creating your magnum opus so early in your career and it being a work that literally changes the face of the medium you work in forever. How do you shake the shadow of that?


We all know why the last Rebuild is delayed again and again.

Madlad Anno is working on creating a real EVA so he can trigger an Impact after the premiere.


“Well boys we did it, anime is saved” -Anno, 2077 as 3.0+1.0 finally releases.


I like the rebuild for what it is, a retelling of the same story from a happier man. It’s the same story with a more positive outlook


evangellion and the end of evangellion movie had a heavy theme of rejecting escapism to accsept the harsshness of the real world to find real happiness but over the years that messege has been extremley diluted due to the popularity of eva, with all the eva merch and promotianal material directly contridicting the themes of the show. like how the fuck are you gong to buy a body pillow of a fictional girl becouse you want to pretend that shes real and have a messege about anti escapism.


"Why does Rebuild of Evangelion exist?"
"So Anno can fund anime he actually cares about."
You know what, this explains a lot.


"Within the anime industry, things have come to be judged not on quality of the work, but the amount of sales and as a result, the industry has deserted the middle and high school students who are supposed to be the primary audience, *and there has been an overflow of MOE anime directed towards obsessive fans in their 30's who spend money centered around late night broadcasts* that is the current situation
- Toshimichi Otsuki spittin FACTS

lol and its only gotten worse.


In other words: Hideaki Anno is a massive passionate nerd, that wants others to see and enjoy his work for what it is: A damn good story


I'll never forget Evangelion. If this is the end of it all.


As a Greek I love that his studio name is the Greek word for joy. He definitely have brought some to me. We can be as cynical as we want but he has brought to many of us some memorable moments that changed us


So Anno can get the funds for a Ultraman vs Godzilla film


Anno is my hero. He not only created my favorite piece of art of all time, he also actively works to help to give young creators a voice and helps to preserve the things that inspired him. He's a smart and good man.


Looking at the Rebuild movies together what story they're telling, in the text and subtext, it seem to be even more of a direct, harsh criticism of otaku, escapist culture than the original series was or even the perceptions of modern anime. It literally feels like the movies are actively making fun off or playing you for wanting to seek more out of EVA, your pereceptions of it in the context of modern anime tropes and re-experience some of it's surface content again for whatever escapist reasons. I could even theorize based on this that the conclusion of 4.0 is Shinji learning to just let go of EVA and all of his baggage that came with it, like the viewers have to.


Please be mindful about the spoilers for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time.


3.0+1 was just recently delayed indefinitely :/


It’s sadly ironic that the dance from Me! Me! Me! is so far removed from its purpose of being a parody of the anime “moe” industry because of its dilution in tik tok and Instagram. Now the animation is traced over Zero Two, a character that embodies moe escapism, and thousands of people are copying the dance for attention on social media. I’m sure Anno would be disappointed in Me! Me! Me! ‘s unfortunate misrepresentation.


Many times we wondered, "It's a title that's more than 10 years old. Why now?"
"Eva is too old", we felt.
However, over the past 12 years, there has been no anime newer than Eva.
- Hideaki Anno


The end of Evangelion 3.0 gave me a sense of silent loneliness and struggle because rebuilding the world is not that easy, people need food, water, shelter, transport and other things but in the Evangelion world almost everything is contaminated by Third impact meaning nothing can grow and starvation is high so be fortunate on what you have or else everything is gone forever.
That is my analysis on Evangelion rebuild movies


Anno heading a gundam series would be interesting.
