False Prophets - Darby, Scofield, & Larkin - Antichrist Politics

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The Wolf Pack - Dispensational Deceptions False Prophets John Nelson Darby, Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, Clarence Larkin
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Thank you very much for this. I am now in a large evangelical church in Minneapolis area. Leadership and most of congregation have drunk the Scofield Kool-aid. I have been trying to debunk Dispensationalism with friends there for some time with almost no success. What you have done here may help me. I grew up as a Lutheran so heard nothing of Dispensationalism. When I started to go to my evangelical church I kept hearing about the Rapture. I bought it for a long time. When Covid and lockdowns hit us I wondered if the tribulation was at hand, I did my own research into Dispensationalism, beginning with Darby, then Scofield and back to the Rothschilds. Didn't take long to realize the whole program was unbiblical and that there was a hidden agenda to the whole program. What you are saying I had found to be accurate. Keep up the good work. My prayers are with you. JM


"In the last days before the return of Christ, true believers will go through persecution... We will go through suffering and God wants us to be awake and aware and prepared so that we can preach the Gospel." AMEN! We are to be Christ's light, shining in the darkness of the end time of the last days.


Keep doing what you are doing! Thank you for teaching and preaching the truth of the Word!


(Former Dispensationalist and former RC here)
I m back to the King James Version because of Acts 8:37


Thomas Jefferson created his own Bible he took out all the parts where he felt like Jesus was being magic


I was Pentecostal Zionist from head to toes, but no anymore, the more I investigated about darvy, parham, Seymour, scotfield the more God opened my eyes that that dispensationalism isn’t from God.


Very well said. I enjoyed listening to this message more than anything that I've heard in a while.


Although this preacher misrepresents what Calvinism is, he is absolutely correct on dispensationalism being error and heresy. I used to be a member of an IFB church that taught dispensationalism and never knew there was anything else. Then I started learning about the reformed faith (doctrines of grace rediscovered during the Protestant Reformation) and the Lord opened my eyes to understand the doctrine of election and predestination through deeper study of the Word of God. It was glorious. Soon afterward He opened my understanding about how wrong dispensationalism is, and I became post-millennial and that was also glorious. Praise His holy name for His faithfulness to not leave me in darkness and error!


Great message. There is way too much confusion in Christianity today.


Pastor says, “you can have bad doctrines and still be saved”…yet goes on to judge the salvation of everyone who has a doctrine he disagrees with, classic! He calls out Ruckmanites as being heretical and unsaved, yet refuses to look at any Greek words, a classic Ruckmanite teaching!


This is right on. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says that Satan's servants masquerade as apostles of Christ. The 4th commandment has never changed and Hebrews 4:1-13 proves it. There is no Sunday mandate in the bible. Sunday is a pagan worship day. James 2:10 says that to stumble at any point of the law is the same as breaking it all. You have to be in all truth or else you settle for some lie.


Great preaching pastor. And I like your water glass. It is exactly like the ones I have at my house!


Are you saying that we don't have to turn from our sins in order to be saved ? If so what of Hebrews 10:26 ?


For anyone interested. Walter Veith Total Onslaught series. Dispensationalism is a very real and sad state of mind today.


You not only know history and geopolitics really well you equally know the Bible and its truth.


*_God Bless Pastor_*

So many teach Dispensationalism far to readily without serious scrutiny of its sources.


Excellent! Packed with truths! Much thanks⚓️


The most ironic claim by those who study history only long enough to satisfy their viewpoint.
Darby never started dispensationism, as we know its mentioned four times in Paul's epistles - the Biblical proof.
The historical proof -
1828 Websters dictionary in which Noah Webster( A christian) began compiling in 1807 -
#4. dictionary explanation for dispensation -
That which is dispensed or bestowed. A system of principles and rites enjoined. As the Mosaic dispensation; the gospel dispensation; including the former the Levitical Law and rites, the latter the scheme of the redemption of Christ.

How much clearer and precise does history have to be?


There is a dichotomy here. I agree with the idea that dispensationalism is dangerous and wrong theology. I agree that the most dangerous part of dispensationalism is that it states that much of what Jesus said is not for Christians. All of it is for Christians. However, I do not see that this pastor has fully realized what the implications of that are. If every part of the Bible is for us than you cannot escape the Sermon on the Mount. That sermon is directed at us. If we are saved by grace alone, than we can ignore the Sermon on the Mount in our lives both public and private lives anyway we want, we could even be gay or drink or be addicted to drugs or commit crimes and it cannot effect our salvation. If however, there are sins that cannot be accepted in the church, then no sin can be accepted in the church, including failure to feed the hungry, help the poor, or visit the incarcerated. There is a very strong dichotomy today in the church and this guy is onto it but there is a ways to go.


Darby, Scofield and Larkin didn't go fore enough. The "gospel of Grace" in opposite to the "gospel of the Kingdom" is one of the aspects of "Rightly dividing the Word or Truth". Otherwise you have to explain a lot of contradiction in the Word of God. God bless.
