The Rapture is a Lie! John Rich

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John Rich went on The Tucker Carlson Show to discuss his new song, Revelation. In the interview, he discusses how the rapture is a lie From John Darby that's taught in the study notes of the Scofield Reference Bible. This is my reaction to that part of the conversation.

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This has probably been the hardest thing for me to get past coming out of the evangelical church background. I’m thankful to be in a Lutheran church now and beginning to better understand the scriptures.


Hallelujah The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻. I was owing a loan of $49, 000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery, Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $11, 000 and got my payout of $290, 500 every month…God bless Mrs Susan Jane Christy ❤️


Jesus is not a religion, but The Way, The Truth and The Life, PERIOD! It is what Lord Jesus did for us and not about our works, but Lord Jesus works that is going to save us!


If anybody lacks wisdom let them ask God and he will surely give it to you in abundance


The bride of Christ will be saved from the wrath of God. The rapture Is biblical. “Come up hither!”


This is one of those issues that just causes unnecessary division. The end times will play out the way they will and you wont get any bonus points for being the one who was right. Right now we are just supposed to love each other and spread the gospel.


If someone ever says God don’t talk to you or give you something that wrong . God talks to me all the time . twice this happened in my lifetime. My daughter was in a very bad car wreck. I asked what can I do in Jesus name out of my mouth I spoke Crystal arise in Jesus name, my dog was found dead on my kitchen floor. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth. He was lifeless. I said Cody come back to me. In Jesus name he started gurgling and breathing. That is the God I serve. I serve no other the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. .


God taught me himself, nobody came to get me and take me to a church he showed up like a lightning bolt in my family room…. yep I’ve had a bull’s-eye for 13 years for real. I got baptized as a Catholic at 31, but I didn’t get saved until 2011.. then I saw all of the Pharisees yeah the veil is torn we can go straight to the guard and decide that he knows all of it already. He’s all powerful he’s all knowing and he is everywhere… omni


Noah was removed before God's wrath. Lot was removed before God’s wrath. We will be persecuted by the wrath of man, but removed before the wrath of God. God said Himself, that we will not suffer His wrath


The rapture is most certainly not a lie!!


Why comment on the belief in the rapture or in the belief against the rapture? Just be thankful for the spirit of Jesus has you


There's going to be a rapture before the tribulation period . It will take place at God's timing.. The message comes from Jesus deciples. We are in the church age right now. The church age ends when Jesus comes to get his bride (the church). Then the tribulation period begins. Jesus comes back on a white horse at the end of the 7 year tribulation period .


I’ve been having this discussion with my father in law. As Southern Baptists, he believes (and so had I) about what is presented as The Rapture. After listening to discussions, having history presented, leaning on discernment, and reflecting on what I feel in my heart - that faith (or anything of true value) can, should, and will be challenged by struggle. Take your cross and bear it forward. Plus, I always believed that if The Rapture happens the way so many believe, that’s great! But I’m in it for the fight to come, the struggle we find ourselves in today, and the mandate to strive to live as Christ did…as flawed as I am. Prayers for everyone trying to navigate these troubled times.


I'm looking forward to this:😀
John 14: 1-3 " Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms : if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
Now that's a blessed hope!


Not only does it sell books, it encourages people to become "believers" so they have an escape plan. Many who are not changed by the Holy Spirit. They come to the corporate church and give $$$. So Christians fall into camps of pre, mid, and post trib. I site 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2. I am seeking and praying for discernment and truth. I have had "Christians" pounce on me with anger, even one saying if you don't believe in pre trib you are not saved. It's interesting how passionate about this subject.


He never said the Rapture is false! He said “Pre-Tribulation” Rapture is false!


I have seen the rapture in a dream from God Most High and it’s awesome! Three Rivers of souls flowing (flying) toward our destination like three rivers in one.
The top portion of souls literally made me feel and see the glory of God Most High like I had never seen, full of all joy, praise, and cups running over for all to see the brilliant joy of the Lord Most High. The middle portion of the river of souls were happy and content, but not near as happy, or brilliant as the ones above. The last River of souls had the least brilliance, but were just happy to be there.


We can only be ready, be prepared, He will cover us under His wings whatever comes.Harpazo ready..hallelujah


I have been teaching the same thing since 2011. The "Rapture" or better named, resurrection, is THE LAST DAY. The early believers (such as Martha) knew the resurrection is the last day:

John 11:23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. 
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. 

John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.


The Geneva was the first Bible with study notes it came before the king James version it was the Bible that the puritans came to America with.
