WEIGHT LOSS MYTHS: Everything You Have Been Told About Diet & Exercise is WRONG! | Dr. Tim Spector

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On Today's Episode:

If you’re tired of feeling trapped in the web of marketing lies from the food industry and misinformation bombarding you every time you scroll on social media, this episode is for you!

Millions of people are basically being tricked and misled into poor “healthy” food choices that make you unhealthy and even more overweight. It’s safe to safe diet and exercise are two of the best ways to have better health and lose weight but even that advice is being tainted by the medical research community, doctors, and companies with monetary agendas.

This episode is going to expose why counting calories doesn’t work and how it totally ignores the complexities of our human bodies and the environments we live in. It’s going to explain why exercise isn’t the best thing for most people to start with that are trying to lose weight. Finally we’re revealing how so-called “healthy” foods are as unhealthy as the fast food you’ve been told to avoid.

Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology, award-winning scientist and author has been published in the world’s top scientific journals. His work has involved finding the link between genetics and disease. Part of that work includes exposing the lies and myths around nutrition, diet, and how to eat for better health.

Tim is also the co-founder of Zoe, a weight loss program and nutrition study designed to look at your gut microbiome, your blood sugar, your diet and more from day to day to help you improve your long-term health and reach a healthier weight.


“It’s a bit of a vicious circle because they’re getting these sudden impulses to eat, they’re not able to plan all their eating as well as other people.”

“If you’ve ever had a really poor night sleep for some reason, your brain tells you to overeat.”

“People who eat lots of plants and have high fiber levels, that combination of diversity and high fiber, regardless of whether they eat meat or not are the healthy ones. So, meat, I see it as an option.”

“There’s a link between eating fiber and health.”

“Genetically we’re much more microbial than we are human.”

“I’d say to anybody with anxiety or depression issues, it’d be worth doing a three month experiment with your gut, [...] with your microbes you’ll change your brain chemicals.”

“If you’ve got a healthy microbiome it will help your immune system fight the cancer…”

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WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!


When he said "I think we would all be vegetarians" he lost me.

I never felt better than on keto/ketovore.


Just starting my journey from 450 lbs. Down 25 ln 8 weeks. I have joined a PFit gym and hit train 30 min 6 days a week. It's going to be a slow process but I feel better, stronger, and eat much. Cleaner. Anxiety I'd all but gone. It's a lifestyle change for sure. I appreciate this podcast as I continue to educate myself in hoe to be my most effective optimal self for my family and Real Estate business. Good luck everyone. TY Tom


I work on a construction site, I see allot of men doing 8 or 9 hours hard physical work a day and plenty of them are way overweight it’s all about what u put in your body and how much


For those who don’t know, he’s the cofounder of Zoe — a start up that creates a fully tailored meal plan individual to you. He’s just overcomplicating health and making it sound super nuanced and subject to individual variance so that he can sell you his stupid Zoe subscription. There’s nothing overly complicated about health, just eat a clean diet, avoid ultra-processed foods, do some weight lifting and cardio and you’ll lose weight


Would appreciate timestamps in the description for these long videos!!


I love how everyone here has all the answers because the one thing they picked and stuck to worked. Every diet works if you stick to it. Every bit of exercise works the same way.

No one is talking about the thing that gets people to the obese point to begin with, mental health. That has to be fixed first and foremost, whatever the issue is. Whatever the hole in you is that you're trying to fill with food. Whether it's depression, anxiety, stress, boredom, unhappiness in a marriage, unhappiness with a job... You can't act like everything is perfect if you are an obese person. Everyone has something to work on.


Poor night sleep spikes my hunger. It has to be one of the reasons it's so hard for parents of young children to lose or maintain a healthy weight.


I'd like to thank you for this helpful interview! I often learn something good from your channel!
I myself am not vegan or vegetarian. Just have one or two meals a day with 70% ish good amount of fat like extra virgin olive oil, avocado, Grass fed butter and sometimes organic meat with its lard/fat, and a lot of cruciferous vegtables!
No craving for sugar. No craving for snack and I'm not just loosing weight but more important loosing visceral fats and my energy level is just amazing!
Be safe


Thanks for all the fantastic insights & the education you provide. So granted for you, your family, and all who are involved with achieving your Purpose. May you be blessed.


Regular water and some coffee and tea fasting has been the magic key for me. I just did a 3.5 day fast. I was going to go to at least five days but stopped because I had some cucumbers in the fridge that were going bad. I decided to eat them and there goes the fast!! The biggest challenge with fasting is the social pressure to join the party and eat the usually bad stuff. For me, proper sleep and what I eat play a major role too.


I hate, at minimum, the way this is stated. We don’t just go back to the weight we were by doing nothing. We regain weight because we stop doing the “diet” and go back to the old habits. Of course we regain. There was a reason we started the diet, we had already been eating too much. Imagine that, I regained the weight after I went from Whole Foods, back to Taco Bell.


Tom, you need to interview @Anthony Chaffee MD. He has an interesting position on why we shouldn't eat plants


Goodness me what a lot of ignorant and fixed-opinion commentary from a bunch of people who, without doing any real research, think that because something is true for them that it's true for everyone. The fact that calories are nothing but arbitrary average values that have different relevance for individuals based on many factors including the gut biome is nutrition science that's decades old! Even a car - a machine - will get different mileage from one vehicle to the next also depending how it's driven. Humans are far more complex, and while simple answers have appeal, they are simply wrong.

Much of the 'thinking' repeated below is entirely outdated, and actually - though he does spin everything to make money and I this must be taken into account when listening to him - Tim Spectre is correct on the basic facts of how different foods have different responses in different people. Some people get fat on rice and others on potatoes.

There are plenty of studies: google Christopher Gardner and Eran Segal for a start as they were pioneers in this area. It always amuses me when people who have swallowed the old hook line and sinker, warn people of a new one and yet cannot update their own ideas. No doubt we will discover even more nuance and errors in the current thinking but this IS the current thinking - not the hype seen in almost every other comment here (I am unkindly thinking perhaps all from people who are making money from peddling old ides)

I write simply because there may be some people reading the comments disheartened. Food science is fascinating, and when you have an open mind and nothing to gain financially, it's an interesting area of study.


Tell that to my body. The one and only way I lose/don’t gain body fat is walking an hour a day. No amount of keto and intermittent fasting moves that fat.


Thank you so much! Enjoyed this workout.


Would love to se a talk between, This guy, David Sinclar, Brian Johnson and Andrew Huberman


When you create an environment that cues success, you can simply relax into the knowledge that you are refining your life.

When you fall asleep tonight, your experience will integrate into knowledge like moonlight through a window. There is nothing you have to do.


It’s nearly impossible for a working person
With a set income to figure out how to eat correctly. There’s one store near my home (Walmart) it’s limited. For your everyday Person, finding out how to eat right is very hard. We are bombarded by the industry to eat processed foods! Lions mane mushroom? Not where I live! Where do find this in season? I’m barely making my rent and car payment. Help us everyday people.


I had red flags going on early in this convo and for some reason I have a feeling Tom did too. For the most part this is mostly good info I believe, but there's just something about this guy that makes me want to take what he says lightly.
