10 Wild Facts About Killua You Didn't Know!

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Fun Fact for Fun Fact #3 most of the transmuters in the show change their outfits often, it's an example of how fickle transmuters are and that's probably why the anime made that change. Bisky, Hisoka, and Killua are all transmuters and they all change clothes/ hair every opportunity they get.


I think they did try to teach Killua how to use Nen, he just accidentally skipped that "class." Killua's parents sent him to Heaven's Arena and told him not to come back until he reached Floor 200. This is the floor where, when you join, other Nen fighters give you an initiation by attacking you with Nen, forcing you to either die or adapt and learn to use Nen yourself. He was meant to learn Nen through a secret trial by fire, but he instead got to Floor 200 and then just... went home without visiting the floor, thus evading his Nen "baptism." I think all the Zoldyck kids learned their Nen at Heaven's Arena; Killua was just an outlier for wanting to leave the arena so early.


i think the manga tried to show the difference between a psychopath and someone trained to behave like one. killua was able to change due to his interactions with gon.


My nine-year old son just watched the prisoner battle episode for the first time. I’d always assumed that the sack was a paper bag, and thought it was hilarious that Killua was carrying one around. But I was wrong. The “sack, ” my son deduced, was part of the prisoner’s shirt, torn off and repurposed when Killia took the guy’s heart. Brutal.


this channel is so good Liam doesn't even need a title, he just puts New World Review like a boss


Kil was hunting for Friendship. From the beginning he wanted friends and he got one in the end


Imagine if Togashi didn't have health problems and HxH kept going like One Piece.


Hey guys do you remember when killua thought he could kill netero, those were funny times


Killau is truly a men of culture, no wonder we all love him.


The 2011 anime toned down Killua's fashion sense for one notable scene. In Chapter 69, and only Chapter 69, Killua is wearing a shirt with these huge rings hanging from it which I would definitely not describe as "plain and practical"


Isn't Killua hunting for his own value and purpose though?


So early that I'm here before the title.


I like the Killua cat thing being a continuation from Yu Yu Hakusho... Just like a lot of HxH.
And, the best Killua fact is that rides horses like a boss.


Did his family intentionally try to slow his development for a period of time? It’s almost like they’re afraid of his real potential. He mastered Nen almost instantaneously. 🤔


Irish lad here from the Republic and I'm hoping I can give some insight here as to the separation with the North:
Over a century ago, the UK invaded Ireland and setup military might in our country, however this wasn't for any direct produce gain (although they did take quite a bit of that which worsened the effects of the Famine since we had nothing to eat and gave almost everything to Britain). Instead, the UK were afraid of the French attacking them by using Ireland as a "back door", so they decided to get into Ireland first and setup occupation in Ireland to protect themselves from a possible French invasion.

Of course, this didn't sit too well with the Irish who started Rebellions all over the country to take it back. I'm skipping a ton here but there were two main figureheads of the Rebellion: Michael Collins and Eamon de Valera and they were invited straight to England to speak with and negotiate peace between the two countries. De Valera didn't go and sent Collins instead who was able to work out a deal where the Irish would get back 26 of the 32 counties in Ireland and would be able to establish our own Republic of Ireland. Collins and his group took this deal since they knew they wouldn't get anything better and went back to Ireland to report said deal, saying that the 26 county deal was a "stepping stone" to regaining the full country. De Valera was pissed (to put it politely) and labeled Collins a traitor for taking any deal that didn't restore the entire country - eventually sparking a Civil War between the two Rebel factions which led to Collin's death and De Valera being established as the new President of Ireland from 1959 - 1973. He passed relatively recently in 1975 at 92 years old and is generally looked down upon for labeling the person who gave Ireland her Independence as a Traitor.

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland continues to remain apart of the United Kingdom (Wales, Scotland, England & Northern Ireland). There is constant turmoil amongst the citizens of the North with many fighting to break free from the UK; many wanting to stay with the UK; and many just looking for peace and quiet. Personally, I would love to see a fully united Ireland, however I know it's not something I'll see conceived in my lifetime so all I can do is hope people stay safe and try to negotiate peacefully instead of using the bombs and molotovs I've heard destroy the peace in the North.

Hopefully this gives some insight into whats been going on in Ireland for the last few centuries and I apologise for any bias



By the way, the Killua 'cockpit' reference does not refer to "Di--" so much as the place one might PUT their "Di--" 😅


Technically Killua did go to the Hunter Exam with a purpose, it was to hunt his entire family when he was still at massive odds with them after having ran away. He mentions this while speaking to Gon about his family for the first time. Thats really only up until he reunites with Gon though after the Retrieval Arc, from that point on he doesn't seem to be hunting anything he just piggybacks Gon.


I fully expect Kalluto to either give me chocolate at the end of my life, or to give me the answer to what happened in his story arc, at the very least.


randomly just thought this but it would make sense if illumi or maybe one of the elders of his family decided to teach kalluto about nen immediately before or (more likely) after the first hunter exam. my first thought was maybe illumi wanted to make kalluto stronger than killua for some reason(but i dont think thats a good reason since kils coming back) but more likely kalluto asks one of the family members to help him get stronger, maybe he admits its to join the spiders or they already know and offer the help so he can get in, idk just thinking


people always say that togashi hadnt invented nen in the hunter exam. what about illumi brainwashing? of all the things that don't fit, that seems to fit perfectly.
