10 SHOCKING Hunter X Hunter Facts! | New World Review

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Jolly Roger Design by Ambereddraws:
Рекомендации по теме

Broke: Hunter ex Hunter
Woke: Hunter Hunter
Ascended: Hunter times Hunter
Galaxy Brain: Hunter Squared


Ideas for future videos:
- HxH alternative endings for each arc
- HxH predictions of Nen abilities


If Kurapika dies, he'll be taking a large part of me with him


To put the Chimera Ant Arc into perspective, it started before the 1999 anime ended, and it ended after the 2011 anime started.

The last OVA of the 1999 series came out around the time Pitou was born in the manga, and the last chapter of the arc came out the day after the first episode of the 2011 anime came out.


I've read a really interesting interpretation of the title of the series: it could refer to the fact that Gon spent most of the story "hunting a hunter (Gin)". Making him a Hunter Hunter


The reason you don't pronounce X is because X in ancient times was considered a unpronounceable letter by many people, so they decided to ignore it, but the didn't ignore the bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum.


If your boyfriend or girlfriend ever says "Hunter Ex Hunter"

They want to break up with you.


You didn't even mention that in the HxH musicals, Hisoka is actually played by Hisoka's anime voice actor.


Fact number 11: bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum


So the X is a multiplication symbol? I call it Hunter squared then.


" you would never call it 'yuu star yuu star hakushou"
well now I kind of have to.


kite's #3 weapon is a sailor moon reference


Knowing that I could die before knowing the ending of Hunter X Hunter, Vagabond or Berserk keeps me up at night


Little PSA for all Hunter Hunter fans: there is no greater joy for a fan who has finished the series to introduce it to a friend. Sitting down and once again enjoying it from start to finish is so surreal and is very fun😄👍.


togashi is waiting for the one piece to be revealed.


I love the way you tell your viewers to subscribe its so creative and unique, also on the first video I subscribed because of it. "As a child Killua was restrained and tortured as a form of training, but by far the most torturous event in his life was not subscribing to NewWorldReview for HunterxHunter content" I love your intros


Maybe Togashi meant it in the sense that they will die because they are mortal, as in every other human character's inevitable fate is death regardless of whether that happens in the story or not


watching Gon's arms/hands get progressively destroyed (as outlined in the video from a simple break via Hanzo, to a more serious injury in Heaven's Arena, to explosions in GI, to ripped off in CA, to a withered husk in CE arc) is a nice way to visually show Gon's progressive unchecked deliberate self destructive behaviour. it's even interesting that when he doesn't sacrifice his own arms/hands, he sacrifices Killua's (epic dodgeball game). I wish he had more "parental guidance" along the way to prevent his tragic "end". It is not even hidden in the show nor a real surprise by the end that what happened actually happened. Not only do viewers see his behaviour as often very extreme but in-anime characters will frequently inner monologue about him being a "monster" or talk about him behind his back regarding his one track mind. From as early as the first arc. But even his companions don't really do much if anything to stop or modify this. Most characters will just say things along the lines of "this is just the way Gon is" or assume he and Killua are "just kids". He gets a pass on many of his actions. Yes, I do understand that sometimes he was punished (by Wing, by Knuckle's nen ability) for a short while but these were usually only temporary "time outs" and not actually anyone taking him aside to review his actions and thoughts and to see if there was a better way of channeling his emotions and dealing with loss, anger, frustration, failure, fear, etc. And so he lived to do it again and again and again in escalating fashion as he got into more dangerous situations. It's tragic too that his deadbeat dad actually demonstrated (once) that he has the capability of being that guiding force (when Gon says he should have died rather than Kite and Ging immediately changes his facial expression and posture and gives Gon some true guiding statements that helps to snap Gon out of this guilt spiral) but he chose at least twice to leave Gon behind. Once as a baby and again at the end of CE arc, arguably when Gon needed a dad the most. He just lost his humanity, his best friend (things arent the same anymore), his nen, and nearly his life. Don't get me wrong. I actually love that Togashi created such a beautiful compelling hero rise and fall story and took it full through to the end without some random friendship speech negating the entire descent as we see in so many other anime and hero stories... but it is just, well, so tragic, that there were many time points where an intervention could have been done that may have saved Gon. While this does in many ways wrap up the story of Gon, I do hope that Togashi has the health, time and desire to craft an equally beautiful hero redemption arc!


Neferpitou was introduced in 2003. I can barely even wrap my head around that.


The most shocking fact is that hisoka's bungee gum has both the properties of rubber *and* gum
