The only way to make dumplings IMO #CrazyRichAsians #PrimeVideo #Shorts

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I didn't notice it before but you can see the tinge of disappointment in Michelle Yeoh's face when he says his grandmother taught him that. She later reveals that she had to leave Nick with grandma because she never approved of her. She wanted to teach her son these things but had to sacrifice that happiness to get the elder to be satisfied with her. Yet we also see that no matter how much Michelle Yeoh sacrifices it is never enough.


The way even Eleanor gives a slight chuckle at the botox joke. These small details humanizes her, elevating her from the draconic matriarch/in-law trope, and makes us believe in the motherly-filial relationship between Nick and his mom.


I just adore this quiet little scene. Every line and every glance rings so true as an Asian American who spends time with relatives who grew up in the homeland. Another reason why to me, CRA is a genuine joy to watch.


What I like about this movie is: It is simply good. It is not a "let's make a movie with a majorily asian cast" movie, it is simply a very good movie that happens to have mainly asian actors.


As an Asian American, Rachel acts as I would when at a table with relatives who grew up in the homeland. Such realistic dialogue. And thank God for Nico Santos' comic relief, whose character as a funny cousin with high EQ is also very realistic.


Oh, it was tough at first when i was a little boy. Got the hang of it as time went by. It depends of family. I'm Singaporean Cantonese. So, hār gáo: sīew mái; séau zeng; fún chéong are all normal to our household.
Minced shrimp & pork were the main filling.
Kneading the dough, the flour must be the correct proportion against water.
It was a family event.
We could make over 300 dumplings in an hour.
We'll chit-chat while doing all that.


This movie is eaons beyond most romantic comedies I've seen because it's infused with the importance of culture and tradition. Although Eleanor was not supposed to be too likable, I actually did understand her point of view, although she was wrong about Rachel, which she eventually realized. In this scene, you can see how this family, who is so rich, is gathered together, making their own food. Many, to not say most, American families of this stature and wealth would not be making their own food. They'd be too busy making money or engaging in some kind of individualistic, and maybe even self-centered and selfish activity. This was Eleanor's point. This was her fear in welcoming Rachel, and if Rachel hadn't been who she was, it might have been justified. Excellent movie and characters with substance. That's why this movie is so much more than it seems at first. It also moves beyond potential stereotypes about Asians by showcasing their rich culture. Beautiful.


Michelle's acting here is great. No need for dialogue but her expression is enough to make me feel totally nervous if she was the mother of my boyfriend 😂


I've watched this movie but because of the thumbnail of Gemma Chan I clicked in anyway. She is just so elegant, out of the world. Just watching her brightens up my mood.


I’m so glad to know that I’m not the only one who thinks this is not just a popcorn movie.. from time to time I will always revisit to watch this movie just like The Devil Wears Prada.. seems just like another romcom / chick flick.. but they are both finely made ❤


We all know the hottest person in this clip is Michelle Yeoh


Gemma chan making dumplings is so wholesome. that woman has a pretty smile.


This movie was so good. Well written and well acted and depicted an accurate portrayal of an Asian family.


I have the biggest crush on Constance Wu - such a beautiful and perfect woman. I am in awe every time i see her.


Very enjoyable movie 🎬 This cast is just stunningly beautiful, and the location is gorgeous. I hope to go to Singapore someday


Gemma Chan is so unbelievably gorgeous


This song represents as a mark to the first time I looked back at my past with my ex and realised that yes. I remember alot of sweet things with my ex, however love was definitely not one of them. And for the first time I actually dont want to go back to him. I don't want what once was. I remember him, but I dont remember love. And for the first time I don't feel a wave of emotions looking back. I don't feel triggered. I'm free. Free to love again and receive love.🍃


eleanor was my fave even in the books.


I loved this movie, i get the female in this show most, i understand Eleanorand how she aint actually a villainess but someone who has been there she simply knew what it will take from rachel .she wanted to preserve the family, working dad, stay home mom, happy kids, connected family rachel life in US ( not connect to family much ), she is a career women ( she wont stay at home ) and no mater how much she will want to rachel wont spend much time wih her kids if she keeps her job (lets be real ) . So she was realistic


This is one of the only films I've ended halfway through. And I'm Asian.
