The ONLY way to make him miss you!

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The ONLY way to make him miss you!

HOW TO CHALLENGE A MAN (Watch This 25 Minute Video)


Do you want to know the best way to make a man miss you? Let Alex Cormont The French Relationship Expert tell you exactly what you need to do!

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My name is Alex Cormont and I've been helping men and women in their love life for more than 10 years. I became the number one relationship expert in France and Europe.

For the past decade, I have helped more than 20000 people all around the world. You want to find the one? Save your marriage? Get back with an ex or learn how to attract a man into your life? I'll give you all the tips you need to improve your relationship.

Yes, Love can be taught and I'm the expert you need! I have a unique philosophy from the country of love itself. You deserve to be happy and I give you all the secrets you need on this channel.
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Guys miss us when they don't hear from us. Okaaaay but I don't miss him when I don't hear from him. I detach. My feelings go cold, then dead.


The moment that I realized that I'm getting ugly because of stress for over thinking I definitely 🏃


So true! 10 months no contact rule I let him feel that he wasn't good enough for me and he came back this Christmas but right now he needs to start from step 1 and he needs to earn it. Thanku Coaches!


I do this naturally with guys I don't like and they always miss and chase me but I do the opposite with men I do like and they always run! Thanks for this video, it really solidified it for me


I broke up with him first, 6 days later I asked to meet up again and talk things out. It was at that moment I thought we could try again. He straight up said no. I’m a highly sensitive person, and I was codependent in this relationship (big mistake). But I never lowered my value for him, my standards were always high and he knew it. Yet he still walked away. In the end I just hugged and said “this is for the best, and I won’t forget you”. 3 weeks passed. No sign of contact. And honestly I realized him coming back won’t change a thing. Won’t take away what he caused. This is for me. I’m moving on.


I AM THE PRIZE ! I AM THE QUEEN. Ignore him a lot. Works like a charm. Men are so crazy this way.


Distance or space make the mind wonder and that's why people miss each other.


“It’s not what Hollywood and Disney teach you, that’s why I am here” 😃 that was awesome!


7 months no contact, he contacted me few days ago and said he thought about me and missed me so much. Baby steps again!


I am the prize.

When I met my now-husband, there were 3 or 4 other men asking me out. He was just one of a number of options for me.

Because I love my life. It’s fun to be me. And I love people. And they felt that. They felt my enthusiasm and excitement about the adventure of life itself. That’s what drew them in.

I’d take dance classes with gal pals I would look forward to, go to lectures or readings I was interested in, travel to amazing places with my family of origin or for work… attend theater groups or join them, go to concerts… or volunteer in the bell choir at church - who does that? A bunch of blue hairs and a hot little number.

So, when I ran into these fellows - it was just between adventures and I’d have refreshing things to say.

I got to pick my husband out of a stable of good men. He stood out as great and had things I wanted more than anything: the kind of relationships with his family I wanted to create for mine.

He wasn’t the richest competitor. Or the most adventurous. But he had my top priority and was most proud of his family.

He showed them off and puffed up to share them with me. That was more endearing than riches or adventure ever would be - and I knew he’d value me if I joined his family.

So, after a few years of getting to know him, we got married and started my dream family. The life I’d prayed for.

Little did I know what challenges they would bring. Lol.

I’d been through times I was like women this guy describes - kind of lonely. Maybe coming across as desperate… but I worked hard and was capable of learning so I got my dream job and it brought a lot of fulfillment and joy. When I spoke of the joys, and of people I admired, it attracted more of those into my life.

I got the guy I wanted who wanted to step up for me. We have the family I prayed for.

Love your life. Take adventures. Don’t let the guy be your only or most valuable adventure or priority in your life.

Explore ways to deepen and strengthen other types of positive relationships in your life. I asked my grandma at lunch one day, who’d lived exactly the type of life I’d hope for, for advice about “how to get a guy to like me”. She’d gotten not just one dream man to spend a lifetime with, but after he widowed her, she got another! And spent almost 30 years enjoying her 2nd husband as much as she’d loved her life with her 1st for 45.

She gave the best advice: “Don’t.” She said, bluntly.

“Just enjoy your life and the right man will be attracted to that, one who’ll love that kind of life, too. The right guy will notice and won’t let the opportunity to meet or impress you pass him by.”

That was that. Don’t worry about it. If he’s not beelining to my door, he’s not the right one for me. Because you want someone who’ll cherish you. Life is hard work enough, let alone bending over backwards to hook the kid of guy you might not be right for and feel miserable with him until divorce does you part.

Get to living a life you sincerely enjoy and even in the lonely times, hold out for somebody who truly cherishes you - who wouldn’t forgive himself for letting the opportunity to meet you pass him up. That’s the lifetime you want, a lifetime you can cherish together. Not just a dandy trophy you had to flatten yourself to win over.

Get involved in classes, activities or experiences you are interested in and feel positive about. That will attract men who want positive ones in theirs, and are willing to offer that for you, reciprocally.

If you’re the hottest number in your life, he’ll have to compete with *you* just to be in it ;o) let alone an arm full of other suitors.

One poor guy never even got another date. The schedule just didn’t open up whenever I was in town at home, he wasn’t. But he kept calling for 6 months trying to find times to get together. I genuinely liked him a lot, but it never would have worked out for us because we have different values, so I feel it’s for the best. Had I been entangled with him, I’d never have met the guy that made my dream come true.

Hold out for the guy that musters the guts to come to you.

He’ll have something to offer and ask if he can bring you something: a drink, a dinner date, a white water rafting trip?

He’ll act like it’s a pleasure to share with you, because it will be. You won’t have to pull teeth. That diminishes you.

If you hold out, you’ll stand out as having higher standards for yourself than other women, and that will be so attractive he’ll stand in line to compete.

Keep your dance card full (even if it’s just dates with yourself for a spa day or evening out with friends) and only find a slot or few each month to fit him into your life… until he’s earned more access by attending to you with consideration for a few months at least.

Then surprise him with tickets to your next adventure or invite to a family BBQ and make sure he feels cherished to be included in your life as he’s made you feel in his ;o)


It’s been over 2 weeks NC. I will not reach out, I will take this to my grave if I have to 😂


I am the prize! 🏆
I am a challenge & will not initiate the first contact. Love it 🦋 🦋


I AM THE PRIZE, if he wants me then he's going to have to miss me and beg for me back with a big apology, high value love only. 3 months NC because he's taken me for granted 😁💕👑


Right again, Alex. Ladies, always be prepared to tell a badly-behaved man to take a long walk off a short pier. Then you can run after him alright-- and push him off.


Some guys are lame, they only value those who do not care about them. It makes me realized these guys are unappreciative and immature. A guy who truly loves you will accept both your perfection and flaws. Can you imagine marrying yourself to a man who do not give you value because you are a good woman and care for him a lot? That's stupid. Love should be both reciprocated between two couples and not one sided. Give and Take.

To conclude, no need to manipulate nor waste time to immature guys. Find someone who do appreciate you and not take you for granted.


Even if you go no contact doesn’t mean he will contact you. Even if you had some amazing memories! . A weak man will not appreciate a good woman no matter what she does… once you realise that you need to move on.
No amount of no contact can change these type of men they like the control and usually move onto the next woman that will let them sleep with them with no strings attached.
It is not until these men have hard lessons that they change and some never do.
The problem with thinking that no contact will bring them back can bring a sense of false hope concentrate on yourself and the right person will come along …if they do truly love you and they have truly changed then perhaps but in the meantime don’t hold your breath 😅


He can miss you as much as possible, but if he doesn't act upon it and put in the proper effort, it's worthless. That's the real test. It's the tough times that test out the relationship and how they truly feel.


*Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.*


I love how he says " Izzz it what you want? Izzz it?!" 🤣 No Alex we don't want to suffer


He loves confidence but it scares him and fear is stronger emotion than love . So ladies he will miss you, but eventually not reach to you
