What if ISLAM Conquered Europe | Alternate History

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This alternative history video follows a timeline in which the Arab Caliphate conquers Europe. Without the civil wars which shook the Islamic empire early on in its existance , the arabs would have likely been able to conquer the Byzantine Empire and the rest of the former Roman Empire. This video is also a summary of the history of the Rashidun caliphate and the problems that occured over the Islamic succession. Namely between the cousin of the prophet Muhammad and the governer of Syria Muawiyah.

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Then the Europeans get to America and they colonize Al-Abama


Strange, I would have thought that this would be a kind of "what is Charles Martel lost the Battle of Tours?" scenario but this was great nonetheless


The Islamic golden age would have been more widespread.


This is a great in-depth video! Thanks for showing the possibilites.


Also I was curious if you could have included all of Continental Europe it would feel strange seeing a United European country stretching from Iberia in the west to the rural mountains of Russia and the caucuses in the east except under the rule of a Islamic or Muslim empire. But the video was an amazing awesome video awesome quality work keep up the amazing awesome work peace.


4:25 even without Greek fire I doubt the Arabs would actually take Constantinople so easily. After all, it took the invention of a giant cannon to bust open the theodosian walls Even after the Byzantines essentially lost everything and where a city state. The walls are that OP. The Arabs could take Anatolia though


Wow! Seeing a video finally dedicated to a what if starting by my namesake (and alleged ancestor 😅) taking over was fun. 😂


In the 2nd siege of Constantinople, the Bulgarians hit them hard. Good job guys.


What if Western Rome never abandoned Brittania and it wound up becoming the last legitimate remnant?

What if Władysław III never died at the battle of Varna? Not necessarily won, but just lived and maybe went on to successfully integrate the Hungarian holdings into the wider Commonwealth?


Very interesting. I wonder what the Age of Exploration would be like in this timeline; in fact, would there be an Age of Exploration since access to the Indian Ocean would be more available?


Excellent video 👌 have you ever wondered what if the Visigoths actually repelled the Muslim invation?


Egypt had a older history with christianity than all these places put together, if they converted, I don't see why Greeks wouldnt. As for slavs, they werent even christian at that point, similarly for the balkans.


That image drawing in 2:06 isn't even Umayyad nor 700s, It's from the Title Caliph of Constantine to do with the history with the French invasion of Algeria in the 1800s


Great video! What software do you use to animate and create your maps?


Video Idea: what if the 1169 byzantine-crusader invasion of Egypt succeeded?


There was no dispute over the succession


What if the Byzantines converted to Islam?


There are mush better scenarios such as when Musa bin Nusayr (the ruler of north africa and the one who conquered Iberia) said that the Caliph prevented him for completing his conquests to the mediterranean and constantinople until he reached damascus


Хей защо не направиш "What if the byzantines never lost the balkans" или нещо такова в сценарий в който Аспарух губи при Онгъла и Българската държава никога не е основана на Балканите .Така можеш да покажеш какъв принос има България към източноевропейската история . Иначе страхотни видеа дано ти донесат успех!


What if Civilization started at the height of the Ice age, so like Sundaland, Sahul, Doggerland, Green Sahara, Mega Chad, Cuvette Centrale Lake, Greater Caspian and Aral sea, Eurasian Mammoth Steppe maybe throw in closed gates of Hercules in there for good measure.

What if Tang continued their expansion into Central Asia after the Battle of Talas (None of the rebellions that followed after that crippled the dynasty)[Also the Sassanid dynasty had gone to Tang China and its prince was there at the frontlines of the Battles against the Caliphate, I imagine that if the Tang are relatively triumphant he would be made a vassal King or commandary on a Tang Iranian protectorate].

What if Viking expansion took them all the way to West Africa, establishing trade routes btw West Africa and Europe through the Atlantic by 1000 AD.

What if Portugal and Ethiopia allied to destroy Mecca.

What if Portugal conquered the Mamluks instead of the Ottomans.

What if Japan and/or Spain conquered China. I am mostly getting this from the "Samuel Hawley" channel but both had designs on China and China was weaker than it seems at this time, having like a tenth of its actual claimed army, like even the army that defeated the Japanese on land in the Imjin war was smaller than the Japanese one and they were very slow to mobilize, like around a hundred pirates terrorized southern China for over a month ravaging large sections of land before the army came to stop them and it took similarly long to intervene in Korea. Now reaction time would be faster near the capital but the Japanese would in less than a Month have already gotten to a Beijing if not for Admiral Yi harassing their naval supplies, if he someone just dies, the Japanese would have occupied enough of Korea to create their supply lines to reach Beijing.

As for Spain, he also made a video on that and they planed to use like 15, 000 Spaniards and Ameridian Mexicans with like 25, 000 Filipino, Wokou and Japanese mercenaries to invade China from I think Fujin province. Now they tried in OTL to intervene in Cambodia and failed and the Spanish King refused the invasion of China but the Cambodian force was relatively small(like what they used to conquer the Aztecs and Inca) and we could always have a senerio where they and the Japanese collaborate and attack different parts of China, maybe the Spaniards go first in SOuth China and by the time an army is drawn up to attack them down south, the Japanese take down Korea and reach Beijing.

As for Japan, Hideoyohi wanted to reach all the way to Northern India so who knows.

What if the Ottomans conquered Rome.

What if the Rus converted to Christianity(AKA more Turkic influences and the Ottomans gain an ally)

What if Ashoka's missionaries successfully spread Buddhism to the Greeks in in Persia, Anatolia and Greece/Thrace.

What if Carthage opened strong trade links with with West Africa(If they still end up conquered by Rome, let it be in a less genocidal and destructive manner that they can still keep such trade links open.)

What if Rome never conquered Britain.

What if the Caliphate collapsed earlier, like around the late 850s, just like a decade before the Ethiopian Merchant Class were again engaged in a war over Islands of Hanish, Danakil, Farasan and Socotra Islands.

What if Samo's Empire didn't fall apart following his death.

What if the Kushite dynatsy was able to hold Egypt from the Assyrians(AKA Continuing the cultural and political unity between Nubia and Egypt for centuries more that was started by the Egyptian New Kingdom).

(for a more modern one) What if Biafran, Katangan and Papuan separatism worked out, waht would be their effects on the cold war, ideology, the churches, liberation theology, pan-africanism etc.

What if instead of joining the Axis, the Japanese kept up their built up image as the non-White great power and defender of coloured peoples by helping their ally of Ethiopia against the Italians. Jabzy had a recent video about how the Japanese were building up this image.
