When Christians First Met Muslims | Prof. Michael Penn

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If history matters, then getting right the history of the first encounters of the world’s two largest religions—Christianity and Islam—really matters. In this fascinating video, Prof. Michael Penn, the Teresa Hihn Moore Professor of Religious Studies at Stanford University, sheds light on the extremely important but little-known aspects of the early history of Christian-Muslim encounters.

Prof. Penn's books referenced in the video:
- When Christians First Met Muslims: A Sourcebook of the Earliest Syriac Writings on Islam
- Envisioning Islam: Syriac Christians and the Early Muslim World (Divinations: Rereading
Late Ancient Religion)

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If history matters, then getting right the history of the first encounters of the modern world’s two largest religions—Christianity and Islam— really matters. The problem is, we likely have that history wrong.
The received story of Christian-Muslim interactions is a story of unrelenting military conflict beginning with Islamic expansion shortly after the birth of the new religion in seventh-century Arabia, and ending with the siege of Constantinople, with a few crusades thrown in the middle for good measure. Now there’s nothing factually inaccurate about this narrative. The problem is simply that it’s only a small part of a much larger story. Let me explain…
Early Christianity is primarily seen as a religion of the Mediterranean Basin that spread with the Roman Empire, and was recorded in Greek and Latin. But, a large number of early Christians lived in what would be modern day Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Eastern Turkey, while generally writing in a dialect of Aramaic called Syriac.
Due to a series of fifth-century theological controversies, most western Christians considered these Syriac Christians heretics and essentially wrote them out of history. My own research focuses on how the history of Christianity changes if we no longer ignore that for centuries the geographic center of Christianity was not Rome or even Constantinople but rather Baghdad.
The recovery of this essentially lost history of Christianity profoundly affects our understanding of early Christian-Muslims relations. Again, let me explain…
The prophet Muhammad was born around the year 570 in the city of Mecca. According to Islamic tradition, his prophecy began in 610, when he first received divine revelation; in 622, he fled to the city of Medina to escape persecution; there, he and his growing followers thrived, and, eight years later, he triumphantly led a Medinan army into Mecca, where he died in 632.
His first successor, oversaw the beginning of a dramatic expansion often known as the Islamic Conquests. Muslim forces experienced unbelievable success in the following decades. In just a few years they took over the entire Persian empire and two thirds of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine empire. They soon controlled all of North Africa, Spain, and were only repelled in France. In the eastern Mediterranean, military conflicts between the Islamic and Byzantine empire continued for over eight centuries, resolved only in 1453 when Islamic forces finally took the city of Constantinople, what is modern day Istanbul.
However, this well-accepted narrative is overly simplified because there are only a handful of modern scholars who can read writings in Syriac from the majority of early Christians who lived under Muslim rule. The problem is if you stick to Greek and Latin sources, you are building your history of Christian reactions to Islam solely on the writings of Christians who were primarily in military conflict with Muslims.
But up to half of ancient Christians lived in the Middle East and had a very different experience with Muslims than did most Greek and Latin Christians, with any military encounters over in just a few years. By the 640s, they were firmly within the Islamic empire.
How then would the history of Christian-Muslim relations change if, instead of reading Christians often at odds with Muslims, we focus on Syriac Christians who had daily interactions with Muslims and thus a much more direct knowledge of Islam.
I wrote two books exploring how in the Islamic Empire, these Christians held key government positions, attended the caliph’s court in Baghdad, collaborated with Muslim scholars to translate Greek knowledge into Arabic, accompanied Muslim leaders on their campaigns against the Byzantines, and helped fund monasteries through donations from Muslims—including money from the caliph himself. Middle Eastern Christians ate with Muslims, married Muslims, bequeathed estates to Muslim heirs, taught Muslim children, and were soldiers in Muslim armies.
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When Umar Al Khatab (RAA) [He was the 2nd successor to Prophet Muhammed PBUH] arrived in Palestine, he asked "Where can I Pray?"
A priest said "You can pray here, in the Church"

Umar refused, and said "I fear that if I pray here, Muslims would say "This is where Umar prayed" and build a mosque on this church"

And he prayed outside of the church, in Palestine you can still find "The Mosque of Umar bin Al-Lhattab" right next to the original church, both of them are still operating.

It is sad to see the christians/muslims arguing in the comments, you are missing the point of this video!


I am dissapointed with the fact that he didnt mentioned ethiopian which is one of the first nations to accept christianity even before europeans did, and had early interaction with first muslims even helping mohamed followers to hide in their kidgom while hiding from persecutors.


2 billion muslims believe Jesus will return to earth and restore peace and order. I think most christians dont know that aspect of our faith.


I am a muslim and i respect my christian siblings


im Muslim and i got alot Christian's friends, and I love them so much


many christians first met Muslims during the Prophet's time peace be upon him and many of them converted to the Truth after they found the Prophet. #exchristian ALHAMDULILLAH


If Muslims and Christians stick together, the world would be in peace


I am a Christian and I find it easier to live with Muslims than with Jews.


We cannot thank enough our Christians brothers and sisters for their help in translating Greek books to Arabic. It’s such an underrated thing. Love from a Muslim. Peace ✌️


First time that muslims were meeting christians were when they were seeking refuge in that time Ethiopia.


This is what I expected from early Christian and Muslim community, reading the Quran one will wonder why it always make reference to the people of the book.


I have a Christian friend in my class (I'm in Pakistan so it's rare to find Christian cuz 97% is Muslim) and she's the kindest person in my class! I'm a really anxious person and feel overwhelmed asking for help but I don't talking with her at all! Even though we are not close, I can really tell she has a wonderful personality. Our Islamyat teacher also tries not to make her uncomfortable or feel offended. Y'all are great!


Eloh (hebrew) = God
Ilah (arabic) = God
Alaha (aramaic) = God
Allah (arabic) = God


Islam isn't a New Religion, it is there at the Beginning from Adam (Aws) .


even the first muslims who were persicuted were protecd by a BLACK christian king named Nages of Ethiopia. and was prophet Mhammed (pbu) who send them!


the 5 dislikes are from people with full hatred in their hearts.


I am Christian I hope we both have peace for ever


In the holy Quran there is a chapter named "Sura Maryam" for the mother of jesus.
Abraham =Ibrahim
Soloman =sulaiman


*Islam is Only Non-christain Faith which says "Believe and trust in Jesus (PBUH)*

*Proud to be a Muslim*


Am just gonna throw this fact here.
Do you know that the first Christian church in the world was in iraq
