How did the Muslims conquer The Levant? - The Arab-Byzantine Wars - Part 2

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How did Muslims conquer The Levant? - Arab-Byzantine Wars - Part 2

When Muhammad died, Abu Bakr became his successor, although not as a prophet. The prophethood is said to have ended with Muhammad, but Abu took the title of Caliph in his place at the agreement of the Muslims of Medina. After Abu, Umar, Uthman, and Ali maintained the Rashidun Caliphate and embarked upon new missions to spread their power and faith across the region. During the first caliph’s reign, some of the displeased Arab tribes engaged in the Ridda Wars, or Wars of Apostasy, with the caliphate’s troops. Following Muhammad’s passing, a handful of the tribes had broken ties with the caliphate, stating that their allegiance to Muhammad was purely a personal loyalty, and some of the tribe’s leaders went as far as claiming to be the prophet’s successor in prophethood, which sparked the discord. Although the conflict did require military engagement, Abu and his men were quickly able to suppress the rebellions through both war and diplomacy and consolidate their power over the Arabian Peninsula so they could shift their focus outward.

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♦Sources :

Al-Baladhuri, Ahmad ibn Yahya (9th century), Kitab Futuh al-Buldan
Al-Waqidi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Umar (8th century), Fatuh al Sham (Conquest of Syria)
Chronicle of Fredegar, 658

Fragment on the Arab Conquests, 636
Chronicle of 819

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Everyone is gangstar till Khalid Ibn Al Walid emerge from the desert.


Byzantine Empire : " i can't defeat the Persians, what shall i do ?? "
Sasanian Empire : "" i can't defeat the Romans, what shall i do ?? "
Khalid ibn al-Walid: " let me solve this problem "


Some lessons
Never duel arabs
Never fall to feint retreat
Never invade Russia in winter


"You have done and you have done what no man has ever done but it is not men who do it is Allah who does".
Umar to Khalid (May Allah be pleased with them)


Omar did appreciate what Khalid did and his genius on the battlefield. He never said anything bad about him he was his cousin. He only wanted to show the people that Muslims can win even without him and that at the end of the day it was God who lead Khalid and the Muslims to virctory


“Peace & Blessings upon the Final Messenger”


Roman diplomat to the general:
sir we have good news and bad news
Good news the arabs are low in number
bad news: Khalid bin Walid is the general


Khalid's effort was appreciated. Just that his time has come. Besides, a true Muslim would never see his effort put in vain if he does it sincerely for God, and not for reputation or wealth. Khalid is one such person.


Abu Bakr is a title. It means "The father of Bakr". His real name is Abdullah. My man was treating Abu as his first name.


The Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Azziz stated:

"A Ruler usually appoints people to watch over their subjects. I appoint you a watcher over me and my behaviour. If you find me at fault in word or action guide me and stop me from doing it"


Great video, and simple explaining. Good job mate.
I just have a little note about Four Caliphs, where they known as:
Abu Bakr
Umar ibn al-Khattab
Uthman ibn Affan
Ali ibn Abi Talib

"Abu" or "Abi" isn't a name by it self, it's like a nickname which mean "Father of". Arabs in general name the person or call him by his first son or daughter, and still use that until now.
So "Abu Bakr" called by his first daughter. His name was "Abdallah bin Abi Quḥafah". Also "ibn" means "son of" you will cross it many times when you read either Arabs & Muslims history.

That was it, and I hope you all a good day inshallah.😊❤️


Western Kids : Thanos is the most conquered guy in this planet

Khalid ibn al-Walid from haven : ReAlLy


Sorry Khalid ibn Walid Ra was not unappreciated he was& is very much appreciated loved. Omar discharged him from his duties because muslim army started believing Khalid ibn walid was a some sort if a lucky charm and that he himself brought victory not God. So Umar ra discharged him to combat that belief in the muslim army and khalid ibn walid ra accepted Umars wisdom happily with no issues


Khalid bin waleed was granted the title 'sward of Allah' by Prophet Muhammad SAW few years before all these victories. Khalif Umer was so strick about discipline and due to aggrsive approch of Khalid bin waleed his opponent complained to khalif that Khalid is not doing justice as per Islamic laws due to those romores khalif dismissed him and when people asked him who will win war for us on replied he said God will help.


Let me tell to non muslim friends Caliph Umar encouraged Khalid but because some issues and also many people thought that battle could not be won without khalid. UMAR showed people that victory is because of god not because of someone else and tried to protect everyone's faith because we believe there is no power without Allah but indeed khalid was called Sword of allah


The prophet called him the sword of God. God will never let his sword be destroyed by any of his enemies.

This sword of Allah died lying on his bed in the city of Homs in Syria.

His name is Khalid Ibn Walid.🗡
‏‏رضي الله عنه


Prophet Muhammad pbuh said Khalid Al Walidh is SWORD OF ALLAH


no one:
absolutely no one:
knowledgia guy: shy-a


I thought this would never come but thankfully it has


The early arab Muslims won, not because the Byzantines and sassanids were weakened. It’s because the Arab Muslim had a new style of fighting. Which was more light and mobile. The Romans and Persian were used for heavy type of fighting and when introduced to quicker and faster forces (Rashidun forces) they didn’t have the experience to counter it or defeat it. Which eventually led to their defeat. Same was for the mongols. They were just more mobile than any other forces present at that time.
