Stranger Things Season 5 Theory!

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When Max said “ I can’t see or feel anything!” I got so sad


It was so sad when Eddie's uncle found out that he died😭


I'm sad for Eddie and Max But so glad for Steve


Bro I was crying so much and I never cry at shows RIP Eddie 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Video: talks about max
Comments: “rip Eddie!” “I’m so sad when Eddie died!”


Another thing that confirms this is that dr Brenner says to eleven that Henry consumes his victim and are still with him when he kills them so when max died she was taken by henry to grow more powerful so when eleven revives max her consciousness isn't in her body but in Henry's


Seems like from my perspective on everyone’s reaction to vol. 2. They rather a lot of other characters die first rather than Eddie, I agree, Eddie is a great character and Joseph Quinn did an amazing job portraying Eddie, I am really hoping they make some reason that he comes back alive, even if it’s dumb as fuck. From what I’ve seen a lot of the fans want similar things as me.


I have only cried at the end of season 3 when will is moving away and when max “died” and Eddie died. When Eddie died I was crying buckets of tears


Actually 001 already had hinted it, in Ep 7, when El looks at her fellow siblings dead(other test subject by brenner). 001 told her, "they're not dead, they're in here with me *points at his head* .

This theory could be right, Max might've survived but she's brain dead. Because Vecna captured Max and kept her in his mind, maybe the only way freeing Max is by killing Vecna in S5. We'll see.


But I had a feeling he was gonna die because mostly every new character dies like barb bob billy Jason and Eddie:(


I cry rip Eddie he was a good character


Ok let me make one thing super clear: Max is 99% going to wake up from her coma!!! In a recent video, it explained how she’s getting paid around 9 million dollars for season 5, and there’s no way she’s getting paid that much just to be asleep the entire season. Also, Max might be a really big part of defeating Vecna. At the end of season 4, we suspected that Max might be lost in Vecna’s mind, therefore knowing more of his plans, weaknesses, backstories, etc. If a major character were to die, it would most likely be Eleven, Will or Robin.


So you know how in season 4 they reveal that El actually fought 001?? Well, dr brenner told her she had lost her memory because she had passed her limit. What if she loses her memory in season 5 because she passed her limit with her powers trying to defeat vecna?? Please tell me if their is any flaws in this theory because I want to make it better


I’m down for this theory because think about Max’s brother they couldn’t tell until it was too late like max so idkkk


Vecna did tell El that when he kills people, their consciousness ends up in his mind thus letting them live inside him. Brenner even said so. With that, Max is trapped inside Vecna’s mind in some sort of Mind Prison. She’s trapped in there with the other victims Vecna killed such as the neighborhood pets, Mrs. Creel, Alice, Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and the victims from Hawkins lab. It’s possible that the people that were used to create the Flayed Monster in season 3 are trapped in there too, like Heather and her parents. If that is true, Billy might be trapped in there too. Even though he regained control of his own mind in his last moments in life, the infection was still in his body. Nancy helped get the infection out of Will’s body in season 2, but Billy didn’t get the infection out of his body. So what if when he died in front of Max, his consciousness then went into Vecna’s mind? If this did happen, that means Max and Billy will be reunited in Vecna’s Mind Prison. While they’re in there, Billy will apologize for everything he did and doesn’t blame Max for originally wanting him dead when he was abusive. Billy will say he did hear Max’s letter and agrees he would’ve liked to start over and be a real brother and sister. He would said he would’ve liked to take her to see a rated R movie or try to play an arcade game with her. Or even play a board game with her and her mom Susan to act like a real family. I believe in season 5, at the point when Max’s bones have healed, Vecna will use his powers to heal her eyesight and then possess her so he can interact with the characters to know what they’re planning to do to stop them so he can lure them into a trap. Everyone will notice how Max is behaving differently, mostly Susan, Lucas, and El. For example, Vecna ad Max will say he/she doesn’t want to go on a date with Lucas right away like they promised in “The Piggyback”. El will go into Max’s mind to see what’s going on and she’ll see Vecna there. She tells everyone about it and says they need to keep Vecna distracted while she goes into his mind to free Max. When El goes in, she’ll find the other trapped victims. Thus, she’ll not just free Max, but all of them so they can attack Vecna own mind over powering him. Mrs. Creel will say how she’s so hurt and disappointed in Henry. Alice will be upset and say how their father Victor has taken the blame for their deaths. Fred can say “This is for torturing Nancy”. Then Patrick will say “This is for killing Jason.” and Chrissy will say “AND Eddie.” They all then attack Vecna. As this happens, Billy and Max will have a tearful goodbye hug and he’ll say “I love you, sis” which will make Max cry since Billy finally accepted her as his sister. She’ll then say “I love you too.” Then she’ll wake up back in her body and hug Lucas. If Susan was informed on everything that was going on, she will be there in that scene and hug Max too. Everyone will then come in for a group hug.


When Lucas said: “Erica, help!”
It hit


Eddie might be coming back at season 5 bc they weren't so emotional and sad of Eddie's death I think in my opinion next season they will go back to the upsidedown searching for vecna but randomly stops and stumbles upon you on Eddie and the reason why Eddie is still young is because time works differently in the upsidedown so there's a slight chance we might see Eddie coming back



Also from what it looks like eleven recreated max with her memories, which is why it shows all those moments from her life, so therefore it would make a lot of sense if max was actually a clone who isn’t exactly the same as the original and the real max is still with vecna


Ok I finished the series officially now. What got me really excited for season 5 is that Nancy talks about a giant monster with sharp teeth after her vecna encounter. If we do get this monster(which we probably will) I think the best suitable name for the new monster should be “The Titan” which I hope is a suggestion in the D&D guide book.


They said in the show that Vecna swallows everything and leaves nothing. So I believe he took all of max, her memories, thoughts, the person she was, and he left a shell. Not so sure she can come back but she's definitely not in her head anymore.
