'Easy Tinnitus Treatment'? | Doctor Cook Reacts to this Tinnitus 'Cure'

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"Easy Tinnitus Treatment"? | Doctor Cook Reacts | In this video, Rachael Cook, Doctor of Audiology at Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, AZ, reacts to a viral video suggesting "quick and easy tinnitus treatment." Will it work?

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You should absolutely do more of these sorts of videos. I appreciated the way you provided an explanation for the effect she was seeing instead of denying outright any possible positive outcome.


Beautifully, logically and scientifically explained. Thank you very much.


Tinnitus is horrible to live with. I wish there were something to help all of us. I had a Cholesteatoma 5 years ago. Went to an ENT specialist with pain, fullness, hearing loss, and ringing. Was told “welcoming to middle age”. I went back two days later and sat in the lobby saying “I will not leave this office until I see a real doctor”. Sure enough CT and MRI after I had a Cholesteatoma and had surgery a few weeks later by a specialist. I lost 50 percent of my hearing in the one ear, but if I were not my own advocate… who knows.


I have severe chronic tinnitus which has become progressively debilitating over many years (15-20 years). I have noise-induced high frequency hearing loss, and have great difficulty understanding speech, especially with background noise. I'm so weary of all the gimmicks, products, and false hope that is targeted at desperate people seeking relief. Thanks for addressing videos like this one, pedaling false information. Please provide more videos addressing research based help for tinnitus. Doctor Cliff does an excellent job giving reviews of hearing aids. Which devices are best for navigating hearing loss with tinnitus? I am at wits end 😕


Just discovered this video. So grateful the way you handled Dr. Jo’s video with grace and truth. I’ve had tinnitus for about 10 years and you have just given me much more help than any tinnitus video I’ve ever watched on YouTube and I have watched many.


Thank you so much for this informative video. I think you’ve reviewed the video in a very professional manner. Having severe tinnitus for 30+ years I find it very irresponsible for anyone to make claims, statements and advice that are blatantly untrue, misleading, and uninformed. I guess we have to keep in mind that we should always consult a professional possessing credentials within their area of expertise and education - such as an audiologist for tinnitus. I noticed the video was very gimmicky with a pet vibe, huge disclaimers after disclaimers and general “it works for me” type masked disclaimers. I did checkout their website and they have a “pay” option to be a patreon to help fund their work which I felt if it’s all like this, no thanks and “shame on you.” And sadly this may impact someone with tinnitus in a negative manner and have them thinking, “something else didn’t work so what’s wrong with me.” Tinnitus is very serious and should be approached very cautiously for many reasons.


Thank you your review is much appreciated. Any further reviews on tinnitus would be useful.


Thank you for this Dr Cliff / Dr Cook. I have suffered from T for 22 years, - becoming increasingly loud and reactive over the past six. Old hands know that any alleged treatment that depicts someone tugging at their ear is almost certainly nonsense, and worse than that, it is cruel in offering that moment of hope that new patients (and some not so new), are always longing for. This is a typical example.


I just watched Dr. Jo’s Tinnitus video the other day ! I’m so glad I ran into this reaction video. Thanks for this !!! I was told by my ENT there is no cure and also read/heard the tinnitus is in the brain and not the ears.


Dr Cliff, both my older sister and I have both had tinnitus since we were born. Our family Dr when I was young (6 years old in 1968) was interested in us because of it, and said he might see if he could get something published because it is such an incredibly rare thing. I have never once in my life heard silence. It's never happened. I turned into a Professional Musician for a few years there too. As such, with the help of frequency generating devices, I was able to narrow down the two frequencies (different in each ear). The left ear was about 3 cents sharp of 3 octaves above the highest F on a piano, and the other ear was about 4 cents flat of it. I am REALLY hoping you actually respond to this post and let me know what you think. I have posted this exact thing with hearing specialists here on YOUTUBE many times, and not a single Pro like yourself has gotten back to me. These years, at 61, my hearing has gone SO far downhill, I need hearing aids to do my health care job, and am unable to afford them, not that you can help with that, Coiuld you get back to me on this? Thanks so much.


Great video and I agree with everything you've said in it. I am suffering from Tinnitus in one ear since over 20 years and I am wearing a hearing aid since 7 years. I really can confirm that the hearing aid alone did A LOT for my life and for managing my Tinnitus. Unfortunately the hearing loss seem to have become worse since a few months even though my audiologist and my ENT said that there were only a few frequencys that have gone worse but along with the Tinnitus getting better or worse sometimes it happens with my hearing loss as well so that I really belive that there's a connection - so I will try to continue to habituate my Tionnitus to help with my hearing loss as well.


I have had it forever even before hearing loss was detected and now severe. I have tried a few of the snake oils and none worked. While some whute noise woks a little I just deal with it. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for putting the truth in perspective.


I have essential tremors. I also have deep brain stimulation, which I think is the cause of my tinnitus. I am looking for a solution to eradicate it forever. This has been going on for more than five years and affecting my sanity. I like the fact that are an audiologist. I am considering seeing that kind of doctor or specialist. That's on the back burner. I am facing my third surgery right shoulder surgery in the latter part of April. I am supposed to be in a sling for six weeks. When that ordeal is over, I will be seeing an audiologist or ENT at the same time .


Thanks very much for the informative video!


Much more credible than the many “instant” reliefs or cures.


Thank you so much for your very excellent video! So informative! I have tinnitus, but since a frightening “Sudden Hearing Loss” this summer, it seems the tinnitus is much louder!! The ENT I saw was in a hurry to get me in and out of the office. First, he gave me a few steroid pills (5), to see if I notivced an improvement in my hearing…nothing…so the pain began when he said I had to have ear injections…three injections within five days. The first two were done with some discomfort. Then my third injection had to be postponed because I developed COVID. So my final injection was performed 13 days after the second injection. In between those times, I had an MRI to rule out any tumors within my ear. Everything was negative! So, back tpfor the third injection, which hurt immediately and I felt a huge “whooshing” race across my forehead😱. I reacted by saying, “WHOA”…What a feeling😱. The doc’s reply…oh, that happens.” Then left the room assuring me that he would return in 15 min. to release me. I never saw him again. Instead, a tech came in, asked how I felt and dismissed me. As I returned to my car, I experienced spinning …all around me!! I made it in to the car thinking the spinning feeling would pass…not knowing I was having a vertigo episode, which I had never experienced, ever! My husband drove home believing I would recover from the experience….NO! It was horrible. I remained in the car for 2 hrs. trying to throw up, but unable to do nothing but suffer! Finally, I told my husband to call 911, was taken to hospital, with a 5-hr. stay and released with the ER doc telling me to take the Meclizine. Since then, I have been dizzy, my tinnitus has increased and I am close to my wit’s end. I am anxious and am trying to remain calm. I have seen the doc’s audiologist for another test and recommended $7K hearing aids with a one year guarantee! They are “state of the art”, so I’m told so all my problems will disappear. I hope they are right. According to the ENT, he can’t understand why I had such a reaction to the final shot. I have my own opinion. I feel he was negligent. I have lost most of my faith and tryst in the medical profession and want others to know my story so they can be very cautious with the medical practitioners. Just a terrible experience, and remains painful today.😢


I went to doctor's many times... no ear wax props, no liquid behind my ear drums, went to an audiologist... I'm hearing perfect somehow. idk about it if there would be background noise cuz we haven't tested that. I did realised I have a hard time hearing others when there is lots of background noise.
My tinnitus gets louder when I'm sad (crying).

I have tinnitus since 2017. The sudden loud ringing noises when a hair cell in the ear dies, became more frequent and longer and sunddenly it stayed forever. First very quiet and then it got louder and louder as more hair cells in the ear died.

I'm never sure what type of tinnitus I would have exactly since doctor's where I go don't really wanna say. All they say is: you just gonna have to learn how to live with it... there is nothing we can do.

Help would be appreciated 🙏 thank you for reading, have a great day and stay strong :)


I have Meniere’s Disease and my ENT told me nothing could be done for my tinnitus.


Noise Damage is very real. Micro-Suction caused mine !
