Why iPhones Don't Have Pattern Unlock

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One of the most common security methods on Android is pattern unlock. Where users swipe across the screen in a pre-configured pattern to unlock the device. Most people find it easier than inputting a 4 or 6-digit passcode like on iPhone, so why hasn’t Apple introduced the pattern unlock feature in iOS? Well, the answer is security.
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There is an option to not show the pattern. But most people, like myself, put an easy pattern. Sometimes we forget the pattern and defend on muscle memory.


Half of the people put very easy pattern and half forget their patterns


Apple doesn't have pattern lock because Google owns the patent on that feature. Both Apple and Google on the patent for each of their unlock features: Apple - Slide to Unlock and Google - Pattern to Unlock. This was in 2011.

The study you referenced was before the pattern lock feature was able to be hidden.

Lastly, fingerprint and face unlock biometrics are the leading ways that Android users unlock their devices. Google has had "face unlock" since 2011 and Apple since 2017. Google had fingerprint 2011 on Motorola Atrix. Apple 2013 on iPhone 5S.

The two companies diverge in biometrics. Apple has the better face unlock if we don't count the Pixel 4 series with Soli radar. Google's Android platform is better in fingerprint technology since Apple has stepped away from this method.

As an expert with both platforms, I can guarantee you that both are very good. Android is better than you give it credit for. But I can still respect your passion for Apple. 😁


As someone who avoids all security for test devices, yep, apple definitely wants you to use security features.


I think the problem isn't inherent to the pattern unlock, but more how people use it. I've seen some insane patterns I would never be able to copy in one look, and it gets harder to copy if you hide the lines. Another thing that can really change whether or not you'll be able to memorize it is with how fast it's done. Even with numbers, if the person does it slowly, you can memorize it much more easily. For trained eyes, finally, the numbers are basically the pattern unlock so you can also memorize things like that, without thinking of the numbers themselves. Either way, I think we should have both options anyway, I question the percentage difference considering how many variables there are.


I heard that on Samsung, they are able to enable a feature where the pattern only show up briefly without leaving a trail behind.


You always do the most high quality and easily understandable videos, keep up the good work
Also 4k at 60fps wow


You can choose to make the pattern invisible on Android. Pattern is simply quick to unlock. And if you're so worried about your security there's an option to use 6/8 digit pin code or even better an actual password with different characters. Just make the option available and let users choose.


My pattern was very complex. My friends couldn’t even unlock my phone with me showing them multiple times.
Also there is usually an option to not show the trail behind the pattern.
If you’re password is all 1s (and I know many people who do this), it’s just as easy for onlookers to figure it out as those with simple patterns.


Long-term Android user. Never used pattern unlock despite how popular it was.

It wasn't because of lack of security but just purely that I was paranoid I'd forget the pattern, haha. Pin numbers I have ingrained in my memory as I'd choose numbers related to something in my past.


I think a lot of people easily forget how regularly swiping a pattern to unlock your phone leaves skin oils wiped in that pattern. I have been able to unlock a friend’s phone by noticing the finger swipe pattern before - admittedly they were not one to wipe or clean their phone often.


Not having pattern unlock on iPhones shouldn't be a problem to anyone honestly. Passcodes are easy to use and if you buy an iPhone from the last 7 years or so it'll have biometric authentication too


On most Androids you can turn of the visual confirmation for the pattern


I can confirm pattern unlock is less secure. I've seen other people who use pattern unlock and I easily remember and guess them just by looking at it from few distance. However if the person turns off pattern trails then it's kinda difficult to figure it out. It also easy to guess than pin because people generally use easy patterns.


Just putting a simple option of hiding pattern lines while drawing the pattern makes it much harder to guess or remember it. Infact remebering a 4 or 6 digit code is also not much difficult


A problem with the pattern, is that in certain conditions, you can figure it out just by the grease left on the screen.


This channel should be at least 10M cuz he gets straight to the point, click on the the video, BAM, gets to the point, no long intros or anything, I like this guy


Pattern unlock also leaves a smear on the screen in the shape of your pattern. Also a vulnerability.


I didn’t realize that patterns have such a big security problem, thanks for the video


Oh yeah well even 4-digit codes too, i just memorized almost all my classmates' passcode just by watching it too
