Skeptical Student Asks IMPORTANT Religion Question (Why they can't all be true!)

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In this video, Dr. Frank Turek is asked an extremely important question about world religions and why specifically he trusts the Bible, but not the Quran or the Book of Mormon. I hope you enjoy!

Go Subscribe to Dr. Turek's channel! @CrossExamined
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Frank Tureks book is so important. I was an atheist for 53 years until I received the unconditional love that Jesus has for us!


Just a heads up, it sounds like your mic is only outputting in the left channel, and the video clips are only outputting in the right channel (listen to the video with headphones on).


The amount of new testaments documents we have along with how close they were written to the resurrection is astounding. But the best part? Jesus... Emmanuel... God with us.
The only God who loved us enough to draw near and die to give us back the life we rebelled against. Forever grateful to the Lord my God!!🙌🏿


Your channel is a gift! I am constantly reminded of Solomon’s words: “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Thank you for honoring my intellectual curiosity in all the ways my childhood church did not.


I so agree with the host of this video. almost 20 years ago I was started seeking truth of my own life that led me to seeking If there was a higher power govern our lives. it took many years until I was broken down to the ground both physically and mentally, not exactly fellow human would help me get up, some even stepped on me further, but the one who helped me survived serious life trauma it was God. So I encourage anyone who wonder, curious or what ever that make you feel the need to know Christianity, take your own time to learn the Bible, sooner or later you'll be calling, it happened to me and I'm not even from a Christian family or from missionary people, I turned to Christ on my pure fate and will never go back to my old native belief.


I am an agnostic, and honestly watch videos like this without an open mind. You’re right, the video didn’t move the video one way or the other for me, but I’m more open to being convinced that Christianity is true.


one of me ears really enjoyed the conversation :D


I find it curious how many Christians will claim revelation has ceased, as Dr. Turek does here. Yet if you ask any Christian if they have had an experience with God or if they have had a prayer answered, they will say they have. It would be strange if they didn’t have an experience like that and still believed. Why then do we so broadly rule out the possibility of God communicating with His children? The central idea of theism as opposed to deism is that God intervenes in our lives and makes Himself known. We either believe in revelation or we don’t. Either God intervenes or He doesn’t.

I believe God continues to make Himself known and understood in various ways. Revelation continues.


Love it! Keep posting these are the best 🙌🏾😁🙌🏾😁🙌🏾


From what I can tell, the way you can answer a question like Matthew’s is to say: 1. The historicity of Jesus Christ, 2. the teachings of Jesus Christ, 3. the unique claims of Jesus Christ, and 4. his resurrection.
These show the theological significance of Jesus and what is recorded about him in the Bible, and sharply distinguishes from other religious texts.


“I can’t live up to what’s already given”
Unfathomable truth


So I’m a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Mormon)
I love learning about other peoples faiths. Right now I’m on a Catholic binge so that’s why I came across this video.

A few corrections about what Mormons believe: we believe there is one God, the Eternal Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

We believe this one God is three distinct entities. We believe that at this moment Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father have two separate perfect physical bodies and are in heaven together at this moment.

There is a scripture that alludes to a system of the family of Gods. We believe that there are other individuals who are in Godhood who have their own universes but we have no relation to them as God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ are our creator.

You can also see John say something similar in the book of revelation when he mentions that those who have their names written in the book of life are “joint heirs with Christ.” The book of Romans also says we are heirs to God.

As far as mistranslations to the Bible you don’t have to look any further than exodus when the Bible tells us that God hardened Pharos heart against releasing the hebrews.
Any consistent reader will assume this is an error and Pharaoh hardened his heart against God.

As to the Book of Mormon, we read and love it, just as we do the Bible.

The Bible is a record of the Jews, and the Book of Mormon is a record from the tribe of Joseph. We believe more ancient records and scriptures will be found from all the tribes of Israel.

This means that the factor that separates us from other Christians is that we believe the God of Israel is active today. That scripture didn’t end 2, 000 years ago, and that there is a marvelous and great work ahead.

We are in the last days and there is much that needs to be done before the return of Christ to the earth.

As far as physical evidence for the Book of Mormon, id say it’s largely irrelevant. But it exists in spades.

The problem with America (this is my own opinion) is that after Cortez burnt the city of dreams, much of the history was lost in America.

But what we have certainly shows a relationship between the Book of Mormon, and early Jews, and the writing characters on the Gold plates (long story but it’s the record that the Book of Mormon was abridged onto.) are found in some Native American alphabets.

There has been tremendous “evidence” that was used to disprove the Book of Mormon, and as the years go by, we find out that more and more of these counter evidences aren’t true. People used to argue that because we never found steel from before Columbus that the Book of Mormon wasn’t true. They don’t bring up steal anymore.

If you’re interested in the irrelevant physical evidences for the Book of Mormon, you should check out Neederotic who did a long form video with shadiversity about the evidences for the Book of Mormon.

The true evidence for the Book of Mormon is the same as the evidence for the Bible. Your heart burns with the spirit of God when you read it.

I am of the opinion that you and I have far more in common than we have that separates us, and I look forward to proclaiming the good word with every one of you. Jesus IS the Christ, The Living Son of the Living God.

I know that Christ lives and that He is a literal being.

In a coming day I will fall prostrate before Him, and through my tears, I shall kiss the nail print in his feet.


Our walk in faith is indeed a walk, and we have to continue to put one foot in front of the other every day (not just on Sundays). I've always enjoyed "walking, " but I sometimes just lack the motivation or mindfulness to that next daily step. You've really helped me on that front. Your videos are so digestible in terms of format and length and they are so inspiring. Your videos really are daily doses of wisdom that profoundly aide in my regular re-orientation towards God. I can't thank you enough for that.


Love your channel man, love from Finland :)


Love your content. May God bless you❤❤❤❤❤


Love your channel. This is a great video. May God bless you always.


asking questions is good, i asked manny and have read many ungodly books doing so (bagvadghita, quran, book of mormon) but i was looking for the truth of God, while praying to the creator God, untill one day Christ revealed himself to me, someone i had turned my back on as a yongster. now questions are helping my faith strenghten


Recently while listening to a discourse on the 1st chapter of John's Gospel I had a breakthrough! "In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God..." " Word" was translated from ancient Greek word "Logos"=Mind! CHRIST WAS IN THE FATHERS FORMLESS ALL MIND GOD HEAD SINCE INFINITY! It was helpful for me to use Mind, Logos, as a synonym for Spirit, to go further, we are made in God's image which is "mind", a crude mind but capable of thoughts, concepts, ideas wheras YAWAH can create just by uttering words or think8ng them. All concepts reside in the Father, then God sent the Word to be with us, CHRIST JESUS, the Formless Father, manifested, conceptualized in the Son(formed) so we could know Him and be saved by Him! After praying for discernment on the Gospel of John this was revealed to me! Thank you and highest praise to our LORD CHRIST JESUS!


Dr. Turek knows his Biblical stuff; thanks for posting this -- thumbs up and subscribed. 👍


What denomination do you side with or have you not picked? I was baptized at birth in and out of churches around Catholics, other denominations and even the haters (atheists) and I ran for a while but ultimately had my moment and woke up. After returning to Christ I have found so much infighting and the removal of context in the churches that i feel like a large percentage of Christians are forgetting the entire point and when they speak a certain way I feel that it’s repulsive to others especially outsiders - clean cup on the outside but dirty on the inside, we’re all sinners who have been ravaged by fallen angels. Think about the whole UFO thing right now and how relevant it has become. It’s actually something that has led me back to my faith and it has never been stronger because I’ve been able through Christ to connect every single dot in my life’s journey to this point. I’m being called a Jesus freak 😅 that’s actually an awesome compliment 😊
