Skeptical Student Gets A LESSON In Bible Reliability (must-see Rebuttals!)

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Frank Turek visits another college campus and is questioned on the reliability of scripture! His questioner is not a Bible scholar, or respected theologian. His opponent isn't even old enough to buy... you know what... nevermind! His questioner is an internet laced college student! Perhaps one of the most bizarre debates I've seen in a while. Frank Turek schools this young man in the best possible way and the exchanges are brilliant! In this video, I react to one of the best Frank Turek videos yet.

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I didn’t get arrogance from this young man. What came across to me is he is lost and searching. He actually touched my heart, made me feel sad for him. So, I did what’s best and prayed for him. GOD bless you also and for the work which you do.


I was impressed by the way Frank really got this young man thinking. I could see on his face and in his eyes that the argument he was hearing was impacting him. Like he was searching for treasure and actually found some. Thank you Lord for a soft heart.


It made me slightly emotional when he said yes he would follow Jesus if he rose from the dead, thats a man that is not resistant to the truth! Pray for him.


9/11 my husband and mom were in the living room watching while i slept. I heard the commotion and stirred in my sleep. opened my eyes and saw the second plane hit on the tv playing in the bedroom. Got up and joined my family in the living room as the news reports played and everyone was attached to the tv. my 2yr old daughter was sitting with dad and 3 year old son still sleeping. i was sleep but still can remember this impact event with clarity. I love Frank's answer and explanation to this young man. It rings true to anyone listening.


This is amazing! I just watched this and I'm 67 years old. Your recollection of memory regarding President Kennedy is almost exactly like mine. I was 4, and in a playpen watching my mother ironing. She wept and it impacted me just like you my brother. BTW, I'm an Itinerant pastor, not that it matters.


I was at MCRD San Diego in Marine Corps boot camp. I arrived there the previous day so I was in reception week processing into boot camp at that time. We didn’t even hear what happened until the next day.


I love the "Impact event" point. God bless brother Frank


I was 20 and sleeping in at home, while I was going to college, and my dad ran upstairs and burst through my door and said, "Get up! The World Trade Center has been destroyed!" My response was, "DESTROYED!?" I didn't have time to put in my contacts so I ran downstairs and almost put my nose to the TV, and I just caught the 2nd Plane crashing into the WTC. I also watched as the towers collasped.

I also remember asking my dad if I can put out our American Flag, and he said, "Yes! Please!"

I was 20, and I am now 43. I will NEVER forget that Impact Event.


I was a senior in high school when 9/11 happened. I, too, was in the Army JROTC program. I remember teachers coming out of their classes into the hallway and screaming, and some devastated. They also let school out early for those who wanted to leave. Busses were so full that those who could get on didn't have to pay because the meters were full as well. It was a sad day in America, I was in total disbelief because we also knew we were going to war. Never will forget that day.


On 9/11, I was at work at the American Red Cross reference laboratory, working as a medical laboratory scientist. We didn’t have a television in the lab, but the donor room did. Donor room staff came and grabbed us lab folks to come see what was happening. It was mesmerizing, didn’t seem real. It felt like we were all watching a movie. We lab folk ran back to our stations, our phones were ringing with city officials (I lived in Arkansas at this time) asking if we could give accurate counts of blood products, and how well prepared were we to store units they anticipated being donated in the coming days. I have picture of the facility being turned into a huge donation site, which later meant we were freezing massive amounts of blood due to it not being needed after all, as few survivors who sustained traumatic injuries even survived. A very sad time for our country.


Frank is right! All of the NT had to have been written before 70 AD as none tell of the destruction of the Second Temple, though Jesus predicted its destruction.


I was asleep in my room at my mom’s house. I was 18 and at first very annoyed at my mom for waking me up. When what she said finally registered and I noticed the look of horror and panic on her face, I started panicking. I turned on my tube TV and every channel was cycling the footage of the first plane. I sat in disbelief…it had to be fake, right? My mom hysterically reminding me that was a passenger plane was barely audible above the swirl of thoughts in my head. Then, breaking news turned to the LIVE FOOTAGE of the second plane crashing. We watched the news in disbelief as the buildings came down and saw people leaping from windows all day. I could go on.


"Condemnation without investigation, is the hight of ingnorance". Albert Einstein

I pray this young man comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


I was in Korea on leave when the sergeant tracked me down in his full battle gear and told me "your leave is cancelled, we're going to war."


I was in high school in Heidelberg Germany c/o 02. We're a few hours ahead of NY so we were getting ready to start football practice when someone came running out the locker room yelling about it. We didnt think much of it at first until my mom sent my sister to get me to come home then i turned on the tv and saw what happened. Then the house across the street caught fire and i was sitting there reading Revelation tryna figure out what else is about to happen. They cancelled school for 2 days. It took my mom 4 hours to get home because of security protocols- soldiers at the gate in full battle rattle, german shepherds etc. And i have family in DC and NY we had to call to check in on.


I was nine years old. I remember looking across the Hudson River after they let the students out and watching the Towers with smoke coming from them. I remember the details of what was going on around me, I remember the impact it had on people the days following. I don’t speak about this event, nor do I even make any attempts to remember but it’s just burned into my memory.


I was in Heidelberg, Germany across from Campbell Barracks in a 4th floor Server room with a contractor troubleshooting networking problems . We all watched in amazement as we saw/heard the reports on AFN. German t.v. and the American radio. People were horrified.


8th grade math class. I remember hearing my history teacher across the hall scream " They bombed the world trade center!!!" I called my teacher by name and repeated it not knowing what it ment. She turned the TV on just at the moment of the replay of the first Plane hitting the tower and shortly there after, the 2nd plane hit. Watched it real time.

They kept us in school the entire day and made all the teachers turn off the TV b/c you could see people jumping out of the building to their deaths. several children were deeply troubled and crying.


I pray for this young man. Just as I pray for my beloved grandson and his wife. He is so blinded by the naysayers pushing lies on the ‘ internet’. As for 911… I was at home, cleaning, taking care of my mother-in-law ( she had Alzheimer’s) and because we had the tv on all day, grandma was astonished and confused at what she was seeing. Each time the news looped the crashing of the planes it was all new to her. I’ll never forget it. I Completely know that the resurrection is true.


I was in 3rd grade on 11/63 I remember everyone pouring out of the classrooms wailing and carrying on I was dumbfounded wondering WTH was going on 🤔
