21 Home Hacks for LESS STRESS!

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Get Organized HQ Virtual is your one-stop shop for all things life + home organization. It’s a 5-Day Online Event that starts on Monday, Sept 11 and centers around practical, real-life strategies for creating homes filled with more peace and less stress.

This year, over 100 smart, friendly, and expert women are sharing their tips, tricks, advice, and secrets on everything from budgeting and meal planning to decorating and decluttering. It's a great chance to see your favorite influencers and meet new ones, too!




We have a few ways that we can come alongside you:


This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month

This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.


This workbook is designed to walk you through decluttering each area of your home in 15 minute lessons.

- 168 full color pages
- easy to follow lessons designed for limited time & energy
- our key concepts (like inventory, the silent to-do list, the endowment effect & more) are spread throughout the book, too

Ideal for those looking for a self-paced guidebook to declutter their home quickly & efficiently.

The workbooks are $20 (digital or spiral bound)
Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US


In the Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course we go through the workbook, breaking down specific areas of your home in detail to be able to declutter faster and with more confidence. If you want to know specifics (like how many of each thing to keep) this course is for you.


Thank you for your support!

:: C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G ::

#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist

:: M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W ::


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I went to the donation center a few days back. There was a young couple preparing for their first home, and they were so, so happy to find matching picture frames and a nice vase. Why this was special to me? Because those items have been donated by myself. Decluttering does not only make me happier, but also has the potential to make others happy, too ❤❤❤


I work outside of the home and my closet hack is that I have 5 pairs of black pants and put my money/energy into beautiful tops, sweaters, jackets, etc. much easier to only have to decide which top I’m going to wear each day with my black pants. Makes laundry easier as well. Wash all the pants together…DONE!


I live in Africa so we dont have donation centers or dollar stores or even thrift stores.😢 So the last 2 weeks I have decided to declutter and go minimalist. I am 50 and my kids are grown. My husband loves to leave stuff around like putting laundry next to the laundry basket. Everyday he would give me these big eyes and said what if we needed this or that, you know. So when he is at work I put stuff in black garbage bags and take it to our church. Its been 2 weeks since I started and already I gave a truckload full of stuff. Someone else can litterally refurnish and restock their house. This feels


"It's easier to take back a no than a yes". That is GOLD.


I am slowly working through my clothing…. This summer I have donated 367 items so far…. Not counting shoes!


My tip for storing the one youre using with "backstock" elsewhere (fridge items that you can keep on the shelf before theyre open, bathroom items like toothpaste and shampoo, medicine, decanted pantry items, and more) is to mark the top of the item that youre usung with a check mark ✅️ when you have a back-up already. That way, when you run out of it, you can remember to go to your backstock stockpile (top of a closet, bottom of a cabinet, wherever) for it, rather than adding it to your shopping list and buying even more when you already had some.


We made a decision to live a simpler life when our kids were young. Limiting activities, and finding ones that meet just once a week. Our kids did great in high school, and both received scholarships for college. Now that our kids are grown and have their own families, they have adopted the same philosophy. It has been scientifically proven that free play time is vital to the emotional well being of children. Over scheduling children can be damaging to childhood development. I just had to share this, as both my husband and I are retired teachers, and we have seen this trend grow. I fiercely protected our dinner time, so we could sit together and talk about our day!


What has helped me with anxiety and being minimal at the same time was to stop shopping, I used up all the stuff I had, saved a ton of money which I invested, post 3 years anxiety gone, financially all sorted out and have a minimal full functioning home.
A daily 15 min cleaning was what I started out with.
And knowing that my clutter did not end up in a landfill has brought in a lot of gratitude and peace.


I have been minimizing my home ruthlessly since 2021. I did the Minimalist Game every month of 2021, and then in 2022 and 2023 - I've continued on with my own decluttering challenges. I have minimized my home by almost 8000 items. The more I decluttered and minimized - the more effortless my home became. Once you're working with a simplified home - its so much easier to figure out the little shortcuts to help you keep it tidy. Great tips Dawn! 💖


I have a very small kitchen, and clearing everything off the counters has been an absolute game changer. I can see my kitchen from my couch so being able to see only clear space is lovely. So calming.


2 hacks to share:
*For all meals, I clean up as I go, no food is left out. No second helpings temptation.
When the meal is done, load the dishwasher. Done.
*No dirty dishes in the sink-use the dishwasher! Never ever go between meals or overnight with dirty dishes in the sink.
Starting fresh in a clean kitchen is a game-changer for motivation!


I watched this video for less than two minutes. I ran to my kitchen and I organized all my containers and water bottles. I threw away 5 tops for water bottles that had no match. That made so much space then the tops on was so easy to organize. My cabinets look great and it took me twenty minutes and that’s only because I needed to wake up a tall person to help me get all the stuff, lol. Thanks for the motivation. Go8ng back and watching the entire video. Hopefully I get more tips. Enjoy the day.


3:33 Surprisingly, the best hack for my L-cabinet was adding a small motion-activated LED light! Cheap, and it made a HUGE difference!


When it comes to laundry… I find it overwhelming to do a load of laundry a day (I have 2 little kids and work full time outside the home) but a week worth of laundry to WAY to much for one day… instead I break laundry into 2 days Wednesday and Sunday and this works really well for our house ❤


I have made a game out of meal planning. We call it The hunger games. Every Sunday we pick six meal from a container that has about 25 meals in it. These are our meals for the week. One day over for leftovers or takeaways.


Dawn! THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU! Hubby & I have decluttered 67 boxes of "stuff" in the last week!!! I NEVER could have done it without your encouragement. The encouragement to let it go & really realize that I was looking through clouded eyes. My fantasy self had to be exposed. I have a long way to go, but it's ok. It will be like an onion. Thank you again Dawn!


I've listened to so many organization tips that haven't worked for me. I've started watching your videos and am slowly decluttering. It feels so good to see the little steps we're making and that they're sticking. I still have a long ways to go, but I'm so encouraged. THANK YOU! And meal planning is probably the most stressful thing for me. I go back to work in the fall and am soo encouraged after hearing to tip to stick to the same meals each week. Those premade bulk meals are not my thing and I thought it was just me. I thought I was crazy! So happy to hear I'm not alone.

Also, I caught myself saying "love you too" at the end of the video. It must be because you're saving my sanity. Haha!
Thank you!


Labeling made a HUGE difference in my home. I felt very much like I was fighting a losing battle against my family, but I used labels in the kitchen and now they put things back in the correct spot. It's like magic.


Thank you SO MUCH for your channel and what you do. You are a joy to watch and you've helped me so much. You make decluttering seem doable when I thought it was impossible! I've been holding on to things from 15 years ago that I thought I would get to, but now I feel like it's ok to get rid of them and I have closet space and I feel so much better! I felt like such a slob and horrible home keeper because it was impossible to have a clean house with as much stuff as I had. But now I see the light! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You bring glory to the Lord with what you do.


1) Store food storage containers with the lids on 1:03
2) Store water bottles etc. with the lids on 1:32
3) Store stuff where you use it 1:50
4) Move everything off of you kitchen counters 2:12
5) Make your own 'drawers' 2:53
6) Match your kitchen to your season of life 4:01

7) Highly simplify your wardrobe 5:33
8) Decide once what you're going to wear for the week 6:11
9) Add a donation bin to all closets 7:11
10) Add a "Time-Will-Tell" bin for testing a simplified wardrobe 7:47

11) Bathroom "Time-Will-Tell" bin 8:27
12) Use the "Container Concept" 9:20
13) Create a hair styling tool caddy 9:58
14) Create a "Getting Ready" 10:20

15) Order things on subscription 11:10
16) A load a day keeps the Laundry Monster away 11:30
17) Add bins/basket to laundry room 12:04
18) Keep socks where it makes sense in your house 12:51

19) 2 pairs or shoes per person by the door 13:13

20) Have a regular, simple meal plan 13:38
21) Have a"Hectic Week" meal plan 13:51
22) One go-to dish for a meal or dessert 14:44
23) Decide once 16:18
24) Add expiration dates to your calender 16:33
25) Know how you like to catch cook 17:45
26) Don't keep any paper 17:55
27) Keep a vital documents folder 18:22
28) Velcro cord organisers 18:32
29) Lable things 19:25
30) "A place for everything and everything in its place" 20:21
31) Few kid activities 20:57
32) Family Marriage Staff Meeting 21:18
33) 5 Minutes Matters 21:54
34) Background music 22:22
35) Outdoor breaks during the day 22:40
