Debunking the Detox Part 3: The role of the expert- TV

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Diets can be confusing, and it's sometimes hard to tell who is a real expert and who is profiting from selling you their diet. The media is supposed to bring you non-biased information but, as our panel discovers, that doesn't always happen. Why is some media so good at reporting on dieting and detox, while others seem so unbalanced?

Rosemary Stanton- Nutritionist and Visiting Fellow at University of New South Wales
Joseph Milton- Senior Media Officer, Australian Science Media Centre
Hosted by Sonya Feldhoff- Afternoons presenter, 891 ABC Adelaide

This segment includes media examples:

The Raw Food Diet
Episode Title: The Raw Food Diet
Program: Today
Broadcaster: Nine Network
Date aired: 15 October 2013

Gluten Free Phenomenon
Episode Title: Gluten Free Phenomenon
Program: A Current Affair
Broadcaster: Nine Network
Date aired: 8 January 2014

Cookie Diet
Episode Title: Cookie Diet
Program: Today Tonight Adelaide
Broadcaster: Seven Network
Date aired: 23 April 2012. Modified version re-aired 5 March 2014.

Garcinia Cambogia: The Newest, Fastest Fat-Buster
Episode Title: Garcinia Cambogia: The Newest, Fastest Fat-Buster
Program: The Dr. Oz Show
Broadcaster: Seven Network
Date aired: 5 November 2012

Rapid Diets
Episode: Rapid Diets
Program: Today Tonight Adelaide
Broadcaster: Seven Network
Date aired: 5 March 2014
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