BUDGET CAMERA vs Street PHOTOGRAPHY POV Sony A6000 in 2023

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This camera will never go out of date. It's a beast when paired with decent glass, and it won't become obsolete just because we have new ultra premium cameras every year, with gazillion of fancy new features. Because when it comes to basics, and it's capturing light, A6000 is awesome at what it does, and even if you rock a fancy new A1 or something premium, it's awesome as a backup, every day, every situation carry camera.


Instead of long technical stories, boring reviews and blah, blah, you show us real review and quality of camera. This is the video i would like to see before buying anything, not technical specifications which we can already read from the store's website. Thanks!


you're the man who made me buy my first camera, buy Lightroom, buy preset packs, and start my own YouTube channel. Man I love your work. Glad to continue follow you trough 2023, You're fantastic!


I’ve been shooting on an a6000 for years and still haven’t outgrown it. No need for something more expensive for most people. It’s really impressive. Recently I’ve been thinking it’s time for an A7IV but instead I spent that money on glass, and I’m glad I did. This thing is a beast when you put some expensive FE glass on it.


So i came here trying to get inspiration for shooting on my a6000 because ive been wanting to upgrade to a more pocketable friendly camera like a Ricoh gr iii but also have been trying to be conscious of over consumption and trying to always buy things instead of just using what i have. Not only did i come here truly inspired by the way you shoot your street photography but of a good person you are helping your fellow citizens. You really warmed up my heart when you topped of the elder lady's metro card. Cheers to you!


2 instances of helpfulness and generosity towards those two elderly ladies, subscribed and liked


I only have an A6000 and as a beginner who dips my toes with photography/editing from time to time, I'd say this camera really works amazing. Will probably take a few more years before I can fully outgrow it. Good lenses especially primes extends the lifespan of this so much. Only downside is the video performance but as far as photography goes, it's still a beast. If anyone here is into gaming, this is the 1080 Ti of cameras


Being a sony a6000 user I could confidently recommend anyone looking out for a beginner camera to buy one. But the kit lens is very limited. It's not that sharp and you will struggle a lot with it in indoor conditions because your shutter speed will have to go less than 1/30 to get a decently lit image. I would suggest someone to use the kit lens for maybe 6 months...have a grip of the camera and switch to a prime lens of your choice. I have gone with the 50mm 1.8 OSS and it was an amazing upgrade.


The a6000 was my first camera going into photography. Beastly when paired with a decent fast prime.


Ace video sam, very kind of you to help those people 😊. I've just upgraded, had my 1st DSLR for just over a year and have just got one of these, the Sony A6000 😁 very happy so far with it, .just need to get myself some more lenses. Currently just using the Sony FE 28-70mm f3.5 - 5.6.


I've just started photography and bought the a6000 with the 50mm 1.8 and i love using it and i love learning to take photos on it. great camera!


Sony A6000 series are incredible. You can choose a lot of budget cameras maybe you can use vintage lenses etc.


Welcome to Sydney. I've still got my a6000 from 2014 it's still growing strong, easily the best camera I've ever had


New handle for you — “good deed” Sam! You must look very approachable. A6000 still very capable, especially in hands of skilled photographers. Still have the unit I bought shortly after it first came out — was an innovative topside mirrorless in its prime. Had issues w/battery life, noisy shutter, light leaks in lens flange (DIY replaceable), no IBIS, few Sony lenses, hot shoe issues. However, e-mount was super-adaptable to wide range of lenses; Sony Play store allowed apps to be downloaded to cam for fun functionality, body was light weight, and pop-up flash could tilt backward for flash bounce. Kit lens had major distortion issues — corrected in camera and in post.


Could you go over your camera settings like what autofocus modes and stuff you use when out on street photography as well as your shortcut buttons


I Bought mine as a webcam in the pandemic, then it introduced me as a videographer hobbyist world, i ended up buying 2 vintages lenses Yashica 50mm Helios 58mm and other 2 manual lenses 23mm and 28mm f1.4, now i'm planning to get a Tamron 17-70mm f2.8. this camera is so much fun, i hope to get one day a Sony a7c to expand my possibilities too


Loved how you helped out all those oldies haha
Sony a6000


i literally started to cry because of the generosity and helpfulness. you are a good person!


Excellent video. The A6000 is the best bang for buck if you want to get into mirrorless. The only downside is the battery life. Too bad the A6600 solved the problem but it is so much expensive


I still watch this over and over again sir! I only have A6000 and you inspires me to use it everyday. And also I admire you to help people. Thanks sir for your video.
