The ONE KNOT Every Boater MUST KNOW | Learn To Tie It Easy Then Fast

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This video focuses on the bowline knot. It's an incredibly useful knot that won't slip no matter how much tension is applied, and yet can still be untied easily.

How to Tie the Bowline One-Handed

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Hands High by LiQWYD
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Thanks for teaching slow and fast versions


You forgot to show the most important part: how to "undo" the knot after it's been under huge tension for a longer period of time. This is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable features of this knot and also the reason why I use this for almost everything.


May years ago a friend showed me how to tie a bowline with one hand. The likely time for this is when your second hand can't let go of another task. The process was like, hold - twist - grab - shake it out. Love to see a video of it. Thanks.


OMG, out of all the videos for a bowline, this was the BEST example on how to make one!!! Thank you for this!!!!😀


He really did a good job for the beginner. I know how to tie the bowline a couple different ways and also without even looking at the rope. Learn the basic way first by doing it 100 times til it gets boring. I like to pretend people are watching me tie it and it puts a little pressure on me. Also pay attention to the 9’s and P’s and what part of the rope is on top. You learn that by repetition hundreds of times and then and only then can you get on comments and act like a know it all even though it’s still rude because it’s a beginner video. I personally liked the video.


Good video. One of the "big three" most important knots to know (imho)-this, the square knot, and the half hitch (or multiple hitches). The bowline is the knot to make a rescue loop as well, as it will not slip; for example, if someone has fallen in the water, or off an embankment. Thank you!


I enjoyed teaching many young Scouts that knot. When creating the hole and tree, I found Scouts like the additional analogy that the Tree must grow out of the ground, not on top of the ground. This gets the loop in the correct direction. Great Videos!!!


One of my favorites, having sailed for years. If you need a midline loop under high tension from both sides that holds fast but super easily undone saving your line, check out the alpine butterfly, amazing knot.


absolutely agree, this is the most important knot for boaters. I practised and practised until I could perform the knot in any position without having to look. Practice whilst watching tv. Once you have found your way of tying the knot, you will never forget it.


Yes, "The ONE KNOT Every Boater MUST KNOW". ALSO, worth mentioning is a very close twin to that knot, "the figure eight with a bite", that will not work itself loose. Nice


Super helpful for a complete novice on the water. :)
Thanks for sharing captain.


A long time ago when I was still a teen I was in a diving club and training for my scuba certificates. We also learned to tie that knot while in the water very fast when you get a rope end thrown toward you for a rescue or something. Even can do that with one hand (two is more easy)while the other hand holds a person that is unconcious or something. The trick is to get the rope behind your back so you are in the u_shape of the rope (or behind the victims back so the rope passes between the two of you). The one hand holds the end and you try to have the long part that is leading to the shore /boat/ helicopter or what ever leading away from you to the side you face. now with that hand with rope end go over the other long line, come back with your hand under the line while you twist your hand. this makes the loop (rabbit hole) in the long end) now get the short line end behind the part of the long part of the rope that is "the tree" and with your fingers you push it behind the "tree"and at the same moment you get the short end with those same fingers via the front of "the tree". So the line makes a u-turn around "the tree" while you hand it over to yourself in the same hand (needs some practice but is not very hard) and now you pull the hand back so the loop (rabbithole) will slide over your hand and closes the knot. ones you had some practice you can do it within 2 seconds single handed


Thank you for showing the fast way to tie a bowline knot. I discovered how to do this when I was in Boy Scouts and we had knot tying races. It makes the knot so much easier. I find the bowline to be extremely useful.


New to this. Thank you. Will practice a ton


thanks, this is a knot i've learned before, but forgot it. the quick way actually makes more sense to me and is easier to understand


When I started my construction apprenticeship, I was given a book on rigging. I was told to go and buy myself a length of rope and learn how to tie knots. I was also informed that if asked I better be able to tie whichever knot it was. That was 50 years ago, and I still know the inside bowline, outside bowline, square, Carrick bend clove hitch... a good knot is one that you can tie, holds and you can untie.


Best knot teacher! Done at first try, thank you.


nicely made video. Thanks for having a good contrast background (white rope with black background).


i thought that it was something special, but in croatia where im from you cant pass the boating school without knowing that knot😂


I have NEVER had any bowline come undone or back out or work itself free 12 years in the military 12 years on ships 20 years as an Iron worker using rigging daily not the standard bowline not the double the running none of the bowlines I have ever used "back out" if the tail doesnt come thru . if you leave a nub of the end in the bulk of the knot you will have a problem, if you make it right it stays tight load or no load
