Cessna 150 Flight Training: 3 Touch-and-Go's

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Enjoy our Videographer/Editor, Matteo, attempting three touch-and-go's on his second time flying!

0:00 Intro
1:09 Engine Start Up
3:12 Taxi to Takeoff
5:13 Takeoff 1
6:24 Pattern 1
9:15 Landing 1
11:08 Takeoff 2
12:03 Pattern 2
14:00 Landing 2
16:27 Takeoff 3
17:20 Pattern 3
18:35 Landing 3
19:58 Outro

#cessna150 #aviation #pilottraining #pilot #pilotlife #cessna
*DISCLAIMER: All videos are for entertainment purposes only. Do not refer to them as instructional videos due to heavy editing and clips being edited out of context.*
Filmed & Edited by Matteo Avellini
Instagram: @matteoavelliniphotos
Cameras - GoPro 4 Black, GoPro 7 Black, GoPro 8 Black, iPhone 12 Pro Max, Sony A7s mk.III
Suction Mount - Novoflex
Microphone - Rode Wireless Go

Rich Manor
(562) 413-3251
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Good job Matteo, Rich is a great instructor, very calming!!!


This was a really fun video. Normally I am watching Rich demonstrate some very sophisticated aircraft that are for sale. But watching Matteo get some instruction from Rich brought me back to my first flights as a student, several decades ago like a few of us have commented on already. I really enjoyed seeing the fast learning by Matteo with excellent instruction by Rich. With each pattern, Matteo got better with trim, control harmony, throttle use. Keep at it Matteo! I can tell you will become an excellent pilot!!


Great video. Brings back found memories of my first experience in a 150 60 years ago.


I took a discovery flight a month ago. I can totally relate to this video! I wish I had an instructor like Rich! My discovery flight didn’t go this well. I won’t say it was my instructors fault. I’ll just say, maybe I’m not the student for him. I learned a few things from this video!

Thanks Rich, for posting!


Very good about gently getting inside the student's head about how to think and what tendencies are when you learn. Always relating to the student so they feel normal. Great personality makes all the difference. I'm sold on Cessna for learning.


Memories! 152 training at Gunnell Aviation Part 141 at SMO in the mid 80's. SMO was the busiest single runway airport in the nation at the time. My first solo in the pattern I was number 8 in sequence for landing. Busy. It was the best of all things. I think Matteo is hooked! Thank you for another great vid.


Rich excellent video. Matteo is lucky to have you show him flying. You are very good at coaching. Beautiful airplane. Started really nice.


Matteo working through some serious information overload, but rising to the challenge!


C150 WITH wheel pants! Love it! Got my PPL in this. Rich I admire your humor and patience. Well done!


It’s actually a trip to see brother Rich in a 150! I’m so used to watching him fly much more sophisticated, and complex aircraft.


Great instruction, Rich. Well done, Matteo. As your mother, it was tough to watch your first attempt as pilot. I see a world of difference this time around. Still exhaling.


One thing I noticed, I was watching this at my guitar recording workstation. The laptop, to a 5db boost to L&R near field monitors. Matteo was on the right side and Rich on the left. I don't see that stereo separation very much. That's a good thing.
Nice job Matteo!! Right hand on the throttle and you'll be in a Citation in 2 weeks! LOL Congrats!! 8) --gary


Ok .. now add power just a little bit... right little bit left little bit....up just a little bit hold just a little bit ... now when you hit the runway... full throttle to left ...right... you got it!!


Fun video. I remember now my first couple of flight school turns about 35 years ago.


This is the very best video I have ever seen. Indeed help with my landing, and you say just fly it down to the runway. That awesome.


Great teaching Righ. Nice, calm instruction. Good job letting Matteo control the airplane with good positive reinforcement. Stick with it Matteo!!


Loved this video Rich! Terrific to see Matteo, who admittedly didn’t know anything about the aviation community when you brought him on, now taking flight lessons. Certainly a testament to your passion for aviation and willingness to share that with others. Keep it up. Would love to see him get his PPL one day!


A flood of memories came back of when I owned a 1968 150H from 1975 to 1979. I bought it for $5500...yes...$5500. How 'bout that. It got destroyed in a bad storm in February of 1979. All ropes held but 2 out of the 3 rings did not hold. Tail tiedown ring came out of the tail cone and right wing tiedown ring broke off at ground level. Tower said there were a couple of hurricane force wind gusts. Sad night. I got about 650 happy hours of flying memories in it. Rich, thanks for posting this video...and keep flying Matteo!!!


What an awesome little 150. Great job! Learning from the Legend. Can’t beat that. Well-done. Thanks for posting that.


The smile on startup gave me joy! The skies have chosen him! Enjoy your training skipper
