Demonstration - Portalevel® MAX - Novec 1230 Cylinder Test

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NB: The Portalevel® MAX is no longer our latest addition to the Portalevel® range and has been superseded by the Portalevel® MAX PLUS. For more information on which solution may suit your needs best, please go to:

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This is a video showing the Portalevel® MAX ultrasonic liquid level indicator operating on a 79KG fill weight Novec 1230 cylinder commonly used in the fire industry.

The user moved down in methodical steps from the top to the bottom of the cylinder, once the user had established that high readings were found below level, he located the sensor below the liquid level and pressed CAL producing a full bar graph. The user then moved up the cylinder in smaller incremental steps until no bar graph was shown indicating the gas phase. Smaller relocations were made until the exact liquid/gas interface was found. The entire process was carried out in under 1 minute.

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