Все публикации

Signature Building Systems use the Portascanner AIRTIGHT in their modular homes

Portagauge 6 Introduction Video

Demonstration - Portasonic® Pro - All-In-One Flow Rate and Pressure Calculation

Demonstration - Portapipe Ultrasonic Pipe Liquid Level Indicator - Vertical and Horizontal Operation

Net Zero Heat Programme Case Study: Coltraco Ultrasonics

Coltraco Ultrasonics granted Research Award for the Portascanner® AIRTIGHT

Demonstration - (13.8°C) Portalevel® MAX PLUS + Portasteele - 45 kg/100 lbs CO2 Cylinder Test

Demonstration - (21°C) Portalevel MAX PLUS + Portasteele measurement of 45 kg/100 lbs CO2 cylinder

Introduction to the Coltraco® Ultrasonics Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PLUS

Demonstration - Portascanner® AIRTIGHT - Manhattan Fire House Project

Permaflow® Menu Walkthrough - Fixed, wall-mounted clamp on ultrasonic flow meter

Introducing Coltraco Ultrasonics

Coltraco Ultrasonics - Heathrow 2.0 Sustainability Strategy

Mersey Maritime Industry Awards (MMIA22) - Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO

Webinar - Test Inergen™ System Pressure Loss Non Invasively - Portagas

Live Demonstration - Portagas® (Short)

Joint Webinar - Coltraco Ultrasonics and Innotec Hong Kong on the Portascanner AIRTIGHT 520

Demonstration - Portascanner® AIRTIGHT 520 - How to Locate and Quantify a Leak

Demonstration - Permaflow® Fixed Ultrasonic Flow Meter - How to Log Measurement Values to a Computer

Demonstration - Using the Extension Rod Sensor with the Portalevel® MAX MARINE PLUS

Webinar - Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO, Hatch Cover Testing & Watertight Integrity Tester

Instructional Video - Portascanner® WATERTIGHT PRO - How to Use

Instructional Video - Portascanner® AIRTIGHT 520 / Portascanner® COVID-19 - How to Use

Demonstration - Portatank® - Testing Fire Suppression Spheres