How the MCU Could Fail...

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe was heavily inspired by the Ultimate Comics. Unfortunately, the Marvel's Ultimate line failed quite spectacularly, leaving the MCU with a ton of similar problems. Here's a theory, because I'm told "theory" is a good buzzword to have in a title.


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*Couple of things:*
1) Premiere gave me more problems, so this video has lots of colorful "failed media" bars. Enjoy!
3) I'm very tired and sad about stuff, so I'm gonna leave now, but you are amazing and I love everything about you!!!
4) Did I mention how much I love you?


Personally, I think it's Marvel's comics we should worry about.


My biggest concern will be what Marvel decides to do with some of their actors retire. Do they let their characters die or retire and have new characters take up their mantel or place, or do they keep the character going with new actors? And you have to wonder if the average movie watcher will still watch Marvel movies without Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Evans, in their respective roles?


DCEU is in danger. MCU is thriving. DC comics are doing spectacularly well. Marvel comics are at an all time low though. Weird. It's the contrapositive situation between two juggernaut comic companies.


I don't care what happens next. I am with MCU till the end of the line.


The difference is that binging movies=/=binging comics. This is a culture/era where platforms like Netflix (where MCU films are in their library) reign supreme and people can easily burn through the movies at least under a week instead of tediously reading issue after issue of a comic. Now if they start intertwining TV shows with the movies, maybe it could get problematic. I guess that's why the Netflix shows do not interact with the movies very much.


It's always:
Will the next Marvel movie fail?
Will the next DC movie be any good?


"DOES THIS "A" ON MY FOREHEAD STAND FOR FRANCE!?" That part makes me laugh for some reason.


Great video Scott. I agree with you 100%. I'll never get this superhero fatigue people are talking about.


Marvel's problem is that they don't kill their important characters. Rhodey not dying in Civil War just goes to show that Marvel is too overprotective of their franchise to take risks. If they kill Cap or Iron Man in Infinity War, then that removes the two best things about the MCU. If they let both of those characters live, then the MCU still loses because that would be complete crap, but those actors' contracts are expiring and as far as we know, they aren't resigning for more films. All it's gonna take is for Iron Man to swoop in, land, and when the faceplate of his helmet comes up to reveal some other guy who's not RDJ in the suit, it's possible that a large portion of fans are just going to say, "Nope!", and that'll be it for them. Probably the biggest threat to the future of the MCU is RDJ and Chris Evans leaving. Did I mention that Marvel has no balls and doesn't take risks?


I have two big thoughts on this video:

1. I agree that Phase 1 was heavily influenced by the Ultimate line, but I think starting in Phase 2 they moved much more into 616 stories. I don't know if that means anything for the life of the MCU, but just something to note.

2. It's my understanding that starting in Phase 4 the MCU will scale down. The next two Avengers films will be basically wrapping up an 11 year story arc, so I feel Phase 4 will feel like an almost fresh start with a lot of new faces in the forefront.


I think the MCU is going to slowly wind down after Infinity War, as to most people, it'll be the climax, the point at which the story stops, the point at which we assume our heroes continue on their adventures, but we will no longer be privy to them, the Adevnture Continues... just we won't see it, but we will, and to most, that may seem weird that the big bad is vanquished, and the arc over, but the story goes on. Depending on how Marvel plays it, depends on the success of further films. Marvel needs to avoid making Post-Infinity War films feel like an epilogue.


People always bring up Westerns as an example of a genre that died out due to oversaturation. Allow me to make a middle argument. Superheroes in general are story devices. They are. They are vehicles to tell amazing, larger than life stories. COULD superhero movies become less popular over time? It's entirely possible, I wouldn't say a massive drop but at the very least a reasonable one. And the thing about things like this? They travel in a cycle. Westerns are slowly but surely making a bit of a comeback and are making a presence again, perhaps the most fitting example is Logan. A superhero movie that's a Western first and a superhero movie second. Superhero IS a genre but it's a genre that can so easily blend into MANY MANY MANY different genres. Horror, thriller, romance, science fiction, science fantasy, adventure, action, drama, western, mystery, comedy, crime, historical, slice of life, urban, you name it superheroes can fit into it because at the end of the day superheroes are about protecting the innocent and making their lives better. Those two ideas may take many different forms and variations and that alone means superheroes just have even more takes to play with.


MCU movies are just fine. most of them are amazing... the problem that marvel has to fix is the *comicbook!*.... THAT IS THE BIGGIST PROBLEM!


Since this video came out, Marvel has dropped Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther. I don’t think they’re slowing down 😂


Phase II in general (Winter Soldier and GOTG were amazing) felt like Marvel didn't know what to do with its universe and just shoved in some characters to expand the world but Phase III looks like the MCU's found its footing again.


to be fair, the audience for the MCU isn't the same as the one for the comics, a majority of the people who watch a MCU film aren't gonna read the comics. It's still very unique among the film industry, however could everyone's focus on cinematic universes be their downfall?


How can marvel fail that's DC's job.


As a fanatic of the comic industry, i fear that when the MCU falls, (and comic movies in general for that matter) it will take the comics with it


Basically, MCU's huge success will ultimately be its downfall.
