Advanced Map Making Tutorials Part 6 - State Transitions

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I frequently get requests for tutorials about various parts of my maps, so I've decided to start a series where I will be going through how to start building a custom minecraft map.

In this sixth episode we add a control to trigger a Ready Check, look at how to make error messages if teams do not have sufficient players and how to transition into a new state - the Ready Check state.

This series is designed for both Minecraft 1.8 and Minecraft 1.9. Wherever there's a notable difference I will be going through both solutions.


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The Advanced Map Making tutorial series continues with our first steps towards making a working transition into the Ready Check!


If your map includes something that puts a player in spectator mode but you have the team setup where you simply walk into the armour stand (invisible) at the lobby then do make sure that when they go there they don't change their team like sliced lime did at 9:00 to about 9:12 ( 9:09 ) you can prevent this by putting a gamemode selector (m=adventure) in the command block that selects, removes you from any other team, and adds you to the corresponding team and make sure you use adventure mode because your lobbyists 😂 are switched into adventure mode from survival mode


Hi Slicedlime, great playlist you got here! It's very useful for someone like me who's trying to understand something more about making maps :) I'm sad to report an error i keep getting. When updating the command block for the Round Length sign by adding the 1st and 2nd line and removing the execute command that was infront of it, the command block is telling me it cann't change blocks while it is outside the world. I checked the coördinates and everything double, but nothing makes any sense :( Can you help me with this please!


Why not adding a command block conditional to the command block that changes the state, and let that command block do the announcement of the Ready Check? That way, if the state was successfully changed to state 1, the /tellraw command would execute.


Hi :D
I am not sure if either; 1. I am messing up my command arrangement or 2. If there was any updates that may have caused the transitions not to work?

Why I say this is because when I have the same commands setup, specifically the operation and then the two repeat blocks testing for scores of 1 and 0 in that single tick.
When I delay the operation command block by one extra tick it works perfectly but it seems that the operation command is running before the tellraw/say/transition state blocks.

I am not sure why though, they're not running differently to the setup in the my knowledge...


It's still bugging me even on my sleep on how State and OldState have different scores when you literally make them have the same value with /scoreboard operational "=", it's almost like a bug that became a feature.


You should install Lorgon111's nudgeZ


Also I'm thinking about makeing a ONLY ONE COMMAND BLOCK for getting the basis/setup for the blank map I just need help with getting the positions of a command block and it's contents in this world also I will make the lobby part of the generation so for that I will need the position of every lobby block e.g
[snow-(X-0.0, Y-0.0, Z-0.0)]
[coal_block-(X-5.0, Y-5.0, Z-5.0)]
And not the command that will place it as I know those commands lol if you help me then I will reward you with an equal amount of help you and I did and I will be publishing this command contraption on my minecraft forum and maybe do a YouTube video on it with my minecraft YouTube account


Lime couldent you just have it set the state to like 100 and execute it from 100 and then imeadiatly set it back to 1


Hello ! I'm a french subscriber and command blocker (not as good as you^^), and I love your command blocks and Map Making videos ! Can I add you on skype ? (just to talk a little^^ and if you want) Sorry if the english is bad. Bye !
