Be Aware | Windows Defender Security Center Alert Scam

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Be aware of these Windows Defender Security Center alert scams. Turn up your sound when you watch the video, it is alarmingly realistic. This scam alert was populated into an online news article via a Google pop-up advertisement. The attempt states your device is infected with viruses and you need to purchase a full version of the antivirus system to remove the infections.
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When i saw this i swear i died inside and when i got rid of it, i just had to lie down man.... literally was petrified.... then me realising i don't even have a windows laptop


This popped up on my laptop just now. I immediately came to YouTube for answers. Thank God for the comment section because the video itself gave no solutions. The video title is misleading. BUT at least my problem is solved. 😊 Thank you comment section! You guys ROCK! 😁

I'm a happy camper 😁🙏🏾


For the ones who don't know,
Press shift + escape for some moment and task bar will appear. Just close the window and you're good


Anyone who gets this message. Shut down your computer completely and turn it back on or restart it


Simply go to TASK MANAGER, then END TASK.


Thanks. You saved me and my wife some real headaches. I knew something was up when Malwarebytes alerted us. Your video confirmed it.


First off, fake, it is illegal for any software company to lock your computer without your consent.


i was literally in a call about this and I got skeptical and tried to search online if the Microsoft security thingy was legit, turns out it was a scam so I dropped the call right hope the scammer didnt manage to get much stuff out of me


This happened to me first thing this morning as soon as I tried to log into the internet, I’m the last person for techie anything. So after one failed attempt of powering down and restarting for the same result, I just opened a second tab and had no issues or security pop ups and closed out the first initial tab that had it and wouldn’t let me do anything and everything was fine after that.(Easy Peasy…..hope this helps the next)👍


1. Ctr —-> Alt —-> Delete ( Press these buttons all at the same time ) .
2. Then go to Task manager
3. Delete the Microsoft edge browsers by right clicking it and pressing delete.
4.Then shut it down


Bruh, I was literally just looking for a recipe for french toast and this popped up


I have an IMMENSE fear of alerts like these, seriously. Whenever something with that alert pops up i start shaking- also this popped up on my ASUS laptop and I sorta figured out it was a scam lol, but esc wasnt working, my laptop has a button to shut down any website so that worked! After that i just shut it down for awhile.


What if you have given access to these idiots to your pc? if you have run through the antivirus program does that catch any malware if it has been installed there by remote access?


You need to edit the title of the video title: be aware | windows defender security center false alert


This popped up on my Mac laptop yesterday. It really worried me. I did call the support number that was given, and I talked to a heavily-accented man who told me someone had hacked my e-mail and I was in serious trouble. I gave him my telephone number, and he said he would call the RCMP and file an investigation. I did then, however, restart my computer, and I also changed my e-mail password. So far, I haven't heard anything more from that man or from the RCMP. Do you think that message was real, and that I was in trouble?


I got this ad and i couldnt alt f4 or do anything else, i just restarted my computer from the power button, nothing should be wrong with my pc right?


This happened to like 20 minutes ago! Almost the exact one! I was really scared and I was home alone so I was begging my mom to go home but luckily I was on a call with my friend that is one grade ahead of me and she got her dad on the phone for help and he said to just click on esc and I didn't think it would work but it did!


Oh nah I remember in like 2015 (I was like 7/8 years old back then) I somehow ended up on a screen like the one shown in the video. The voice absolutely scared the shit out of me so I just turned the pc off directly by taking out the plug and I ran out of the room and into the living room where my family were all sat.💀💀and I didn’t even use the pc again for a few months. I was literally that horrified.


I turn off that shit as fast as possible


This happened to me a few minutes ago It stayed on my computer even after I turned it off and on I called the number but still thought it might be a scam I didn' t know what else to do the woman told me to push on and delete button at same time then she said they needed to hook into my computer I didn't liek that idea and made excuses then I got disconnected or she hung up Something popped up on my phone at the bottom when it got disconnected
