Demographic Trends - BestPlaces podcast #5

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By the way, the trivia answer is Memphis, TN!


I meant to say " Bendite" - but got autocorrected to "Bandit" 😤😤😤


El Paso, Texas for the win on the trivia question


Hmm, can't imagine why everyone's fleeing NY & CA... 🤔😅


A friend of mine moved from San Diego/Los Angeles area - several years ago. Bought land in Montana. They are now facing
Wild Fire issues. One recently cropped up about 8 miles from her home. She shared this on Facebook.
Let's just say, they are elderly...but how long is that going to factor into their security?


As a Bandit I just wanted to share this from Lohr Real Estate in Bend: Bend’s current population is estimated at 105, 418 people, with an estimated 202, 374 people living in the Bend metropolitan area. That represents a population growth of 38% since 2010 and – brace yourself – 439% since 1990. As of late 2019, Bend was the third fastest-growing city in the United States.


"inherent need to be in a city" ?? I don't think it's personal, so much as economic. Yes, we are a social species - but everyone I know stays in cities due to jobs. There are quite a few statements in this podcast that seem biased (ie, personal vs. data-based). Would also love to see more diversity represented on your panel.


Woodbine NJ - talk about bad economics, political thefts, and it's who you know that will get you a job. Small town, used to be the Center of Cape May County NJ. is now a town mostly poverty level incomes. Taxes are low compared to the rest of the area - BUT - they are still high.
I pay about $2600/year for 100 x 50 foot property, older home. Mom lived here for 40 years, and I got stuck with a home that I can't stand living in. Town is very isolated, only one major business - a Development Center for the impaired. It's not the cute quiet town that people claim. Drugs and poverty are apparent, if you look close enough. I had to put in a Security System.

Not a bad town... but not something I would chose to have lived in, if I wasn't left the home by my late mom. Hoping to sell this year

Seashore resorts 13 miles away - hectic from May to September with Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, Canadians, and whatever rude people can do to destroy what was once a beautiful area. Now that the beaches get trashed, they have to charge for beach tags because it takes all winter to clean it up. Waterways are filthy as well. Wildlife suffers from speeding idiots who can't seem to slow down enough to be aware of the surroundings. But isn't that Happening All Over?? We are slowly destroying the earth as it is. What else is new?

So...IF I could Sell where would I go? Where there is MORE Employment! I work two part time jobs & SSI to exist here. What will happen when I no longer can work? What about a Mate? The dating Scene is non existent LOL And I'm in great shape for my age, but the choices are just about NIL! And I am not the only woman to see that.

South Jersey has the HIGHEST Elderly Population in the State. The highest home prices considering the area - and unemployment is also a problem, since it is Season Work. Many have found a way to make the System work for THEM, and put nothing BACK into the Economy


What trends have I noticed in Colcord OK.? There is a very strong trend of theft, breaking and entering, drugs, and poverty. I am so happy to be far, far away from that area of the country!


coo, we've had one industry towns The town dies, wasted building materials. I like slower growth and diversity. Pick a city that renovates a town. Buy the whole town, reuse materials or at least move to the outskirts of town. Otherwise, it's slavery.


I don't want to see a bunch of Californians move to Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and similar states. And BTW not everybody wants to live in a city or even a suburb. This sounds like a bunch of coastal people making plans for non-coastal areas that don't want them.


I totally disagree with Bert's statement that the poorer citizens of CA are moving out of California because of high taxes and rich people are moving in who can afford our taxes, and that's why the population is basically the same. NO! The population growth in CA is from ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Unless you live here, you have no idea how many illegal imigrants live here, who get free housing btw. Sanctuary state. The people I know who are leaving and who have left are not poor, they are middle to upper middle class, lawyers, teachers, police, etc.They just want a better life. I've lived in CA for 59 years, we are moving, it's a mess out here!


00:44:00, Bert: "...the government doesn't want to do anything, in fear of being attacked by opposition or the public...." Which guvment? The local and state there that stood down Portland PD, enabling the ongoing destruction still today? Or, the Federal guvment that respected federalism and stood by awaiting a request for assistance?

Big fan of site, but y'all would do well to include data in podcast. If a couple produces less than 2.3 children to replace older populations, the baby dearth will result in the end of the #AmericanExperiment, government of, by, and for the People. The company town you ponder is the The Great Reset, aka The Green New Deal, #communism.
