Traps: Should They Be Removed? | League of Legends

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For today's video we're gonna be talking about traps in League of Legends, and why I think despite seeming like they belong in the game, they should be removed.

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#LoL #Traps
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"Vision is important, but not if it takes a full ability slot"


"Just about everyone in League has that one mechanic that they absolutely cannot stand."

Listing them all, I absolutely expected Vars to finish it up with Yone.


I definitely feel like traps have gotten better and more balanced with time. Shacos boxes imo are the only traps that still feel overwhelming sometimes because they can’t be countered at all by melee champs. But other than that I think they serve their purpose pretty well without being too stupid.


As a cait main

Placing a trap between you and a Garen and then dancing around it in circles as he tries to hit you is the greatest thing ever


I like how Viego has three of the five hated elements at the beginning but they're all an arguably mediocre version of each of them


Traps are an interesting mechanic with clear strengths and weaknesses. They provide area control but can be circumvented with Oracle Lens and a bit of time
But the thing is, some feel fair to play around and some don't, imo
Jhin's traps, for example, slow you and will damage you upon explosion but there is more than enough time to get out
And on the other side, there are Shaco's traps which cannot be cleared without being activated if you're a melee champion


The special thing about Caitlyn's traps is, that an experienced player can nuke an enemy, by placing these traps under enemies in a teamfight. Byt giving the root, it not only procs your headshot mechanic, but it also gives you time to get in place or escape, that's why Caitlyn's traps need to be visible and have a small hitbox, because the YST can be argued to be the strongest in the game


To me, Jhin’s traps are an essential part of his kit, and I wouldn’t trade them out for anything.

Most people make the mistake that the traps should actually hit and deal damage, when actually, their true power is the utility they provide.

The threat of dealing damage to ward enemies off, the slow that gives the peel needed for your team to retreat, these uses of his traps makes Jhin so interesting to play, as you choreograph and influence how the fight will go before it even starts. As opposed to other champs that have kits to revolve around their attack speed.

If Jhin isn’t perfectly designed I don’t know what is.


I think that shaco is the worst ofender in how bad traps are: Damage, hard cc, AoE and for some reason cannot be taken down with oracle ir you are melee, so there is pretty much nothing healthy about them.

Teemo gets damage, some cc with the slow and AoE, but at least it can be removed with oracle so even ir they can be annoying there is actual counter play to it.

The rest of traps are actually fine as they are

Nidalee can only hit one person at a time so its fine

Cait gets hard cc with her traps and can deal a lot of damage if she is in range, but she dosent get traps that are invisible, so you can just not step on them (unless they are on a bush) so they are not that bad

Jhin may get all of what Teemo gets, but he dosent get the damage inmediatly, and there is almost always more than enough time to just walk out of the trap area, so they are pretty healthy


"Traps don't feel rewarding to use" Wait what? Vars put some time into Teemo or Shaco and you'll feel the reward.


Also Teemo shrooms would be more tilting if there weren't so many different builds he can go, not all are Nuke shroom builds so for him it's more about the build plus the ability rather then just the shrooms themselves


Traps are an implementation of a variegated and anticonventional playstyle with its own kind of skill expression. In instances where they are properly balanced they're not shown to be overly oppressive, so no: totally against removal of traps from the game. We've already had a full two years of boring, mechanically samey champions with no interesting quirks at all except Rell, let's at least keep the weird quirky ones we already have intact.


I'd say Cait's traps are the most interactive, ironically. You can see them, enemy can see them, and it is a bigger threat than most of the others. As an adc, anything that helps keep distance and any form of hard cc is gold.


As insanely frustrating as most of the traps are, none are so overtuned that they feel broken or overwhelming. There are definitely bigger problems then teemo shrooms even tho it still hurts my feelings 🥲


"Vision is important, but not so much that you need to dedicate an ability slot for it."

Meanwhile Kalistas W: "OH, really?"


I like the trap mechanic, it's really nice and it's a classic. I don't think they need to be buffed to be like a Anivia ult or a Gragas barrel. If they try to make Traps like that they are missing the whole point, why make it a trap and not make it a control ability anyway? The whole point of control mages is to control, the whole point of a trap is to be a trap.


You can remove them with a 0 dollar trinket or a 75 dollar totem.


As a shaco main I have to disagree with the first point, you can definitely influence people's movement and get them to run into traps.


"Remotely detonated traps" imagine the cancer if there was a techies like character in League


My opinion on traps are surprisingly not big, but there are hidden ways traps are used in game. Area denial and Damage, maybe for vision idk, but sappers that have these improvised for abilities have a bad reputation record of being annoying and mostly used for guerilla approach which in a map that provokes concealment is a viable way of combat.
