Rural Cops Demanded His ID, Things Turned Ugly When He Refused - PAR

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Cell phone footage shows San Diego sheriffs threatening to fabricate charges against the driver, who was waiting on a tow truck after his car broke down. Police Accountability Report speaks with California resident Chase Hasegawa about the charges, his arrest, and the impact of this experience on his life.
Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of the Police Accountability Report!
Studio: Stephen Janis
Post-Production: Stephen Janis, Adam Coley

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Seems to me that they rolled up with the intention of doing as much damage to this poor soul as they possible could. Why oh why are these scumbags still on the force???


One late afternoon just this past summer, I was out in the grass circle at the end of my street talking with a neighbor. We were laughing a talking and just enjoying the cooler temps of the late afternoon. We notice a sheriff drive by our road about three times before he turns to confront us. We were expecting some small talk with this officer maybe him looking for some information about the unruly neighbor a street over from us. The sheriffs first words are "what are you guys doing out here" his tone was all wrong, I'm in my 50's and my neighbor is in his early 40s. Then he preceded to say "we got a call about a disturbance" I knew this was a lie. Neighbor says "we haven't seen or heard any disturbance" then came "where do you guys live?" I blurted out "I live in the moment " being the smart ars I am. Then came the ID request. I didst have my wallet and told him even if I had it he wouldn't see it. "Well when we get a call we have to ID the subjects" I let him know I am no subject to any man. And if they really had a call to report us it would be recorded correct. He didn't answer. Did you really get a call because we know law enforcement is allowed to lie to civilians. To that my neighbor and I resumed our conversation completely ignoring this idiot. He even faked called in for backup and transport for 2 individuals. He would ask us something and we never acknowledged further. After about 5 more minutes he yelped his siren a couple of times and drove off. We just busted out laughing. We waited untill he drove out the main entrance before going inside. He was just flexing his perceived authority. Spoke with a sheriff buddy of mine a few weeks later, it seems that deputy has a reputation for making questionable stops. My question to my buddy "why won't anybody confront him?" No answer


All the cops had to do is help this man out. There is absolutely no reason for them to act like this.


Disgusting. I hope they get sued, fired, and sent to prison.


I "lost" my truck when it broke down as my boyfriend andvi were doing layndry, store, errands. My boyfriend was walking to a friend's house who had a tow truck to help us move my vehicle, I was stopped by Daytona Beach Florida cops and told I was under arrest for DUI. I wasn't driving, I was outside the vehicle, I was on crutches having just had knee surgery 3 days prior and my boyfriend had been driving. The officer yanked my crutches out from under me telling me I had to perform field sobriety tests, causing me to stumble, which caused me to rip the staples in my knee as a result. My knee was killing me, bleeding down my leg, i couldn't perform those tests because i couldn't walk without my crutches, I was taken to jail (stated i refused the field sobriety tests) my truck was towed and by the time my boyfriend got back to where my truck broke down (drive shaft fell out at a stop light), both myself and my truck weren't there, I wasn't allowed to call anyone, in the holding cell phones were turned off and I continued to ask to call my boyfriend to let him know what was going on and was never allowed my phone call. I was threatened to get tazed if I didn't stop bothering them because I wasn't getting to use the phone, as I was told; until after 1st appearance the next morning. I'm diabetic and when I informed the officers of this fact and I needed to get something to eat, again I was threatened to get tazed. End result charges were dropped, but no one could seem to remember or know which company they called to tow my truck and by the time I did find where it was the fees were so high I couldn't get it back, lost my job, as a direct result ended up getting evicted because I lived outside of the public transportation areas and couldn't get to work (my truck was the only vehicle between myself and boyfriend). NEVER got my vehicle back, all of our laundry was in the back, our groceries lost. Could not find an attorney that would help either. Florida make up individual rules as they go along. This was in 2004, Volusia County.


The problem is Qualified Immunity, and their ability to investigate themselves. Not to mention they always lie to cover themselves.


End qualified Immunity now!
These tyrants need to be charged, fired n sued! Never to be able to hold a position of power ever! In any state !


So the question is how much is the lawsuit against this department going to be worth? This is actionable and a case should be filed immediately!


Just imagine how many innocent lives these two have ruined just to satisfy their egos.


I remember the days when we were broke down on the side of the road, either the neighbors would come out and help, or the police would stop by and help without asking for your license. People just helped people. Cops included. This current police state is hideous at best. I am ashamed of the way this country jails people so quickly. Jails were never made for these reasons. They were designed to house really bad people who do really bad things. Not broken down citizens on the side of the road.


Never, ever show your ID to a law enforcement agent if you haven’t been detained. NEVER. if you haven’t committed a crime, cops don’t need to know ANYTHING about you. This is your constitutional right. Use it or lose it.


Why inconvenience a poor man just because they can? Outrageous!!!!


So sad I lived first 68 of 73 years w/o HATING COPS. And I've never been arrested. I've watched over 20K vids of abusive police abuse; creating an ANGRY, potentially Dangerous OLD PERSON, allegedly. 😠😡


Hey Stephen, I appreciate the work you do alongside Taya. I don't believe these videos will affect change to the point where politicians will change their acts, but you are doing good on the part of citizens that have been asleep for so long or just flat out don't know their rights. Hope you two keep safe and keep up the great work.


As a retired Trooper, I am embarrassed by these thugs. Thay have a complete disregard of their duty to "Protect and Serve'.


Honestly this makes me sick... I'm in tears 😢... he was broke down an it goes to this? 😢😢😢Wtf is going on in our world??? Sue the F outta them!! This is not ok!!


Law enforcement agencies across the country continually overstep their boundaries and in the process, violate the citizen's Constitutional rights. Great reporting Taya! 👏 ✌️


So much respect to you Taya and Stephen going directly to these legally questionable police departments for interviews and answers. Please be careful as you both will be in the Lion’s Den.


That act like they're the boss for the jump, explicitly tell them you are exercising your right to remain silent. Don't engage with then verbally whatsoever.


refreshing to see a sharp, well spoken narrative from a young journalist speaking for all our rights.
