The Ultimate Guitar Practice Guide: 10 Proven Techniques to Master Any Skill and Play Better, Faster

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"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got."

This is a compilation of my best practice methods that I use practically every day to ensure that I don't waste time and actually get better each time I sit down with the guitar.

If there is a secret to getting better at pretty much anything, it's more in how you do something rather than necessarily what you do. If you follow these tips correctly, I'm confident you'll improve much faster than before.

Excerpt from the Introduction:

These are the different tools I use on a daily basis while practicing the guitar. I’ve collected them throughout my 20+ years playing this cool instrument—some from other players, some I’ve come up with myself through experimentation (and frustration!).

In an ideal world, you’d have the time and patience to systematically go through every possible combination on your instrument and master each equally, to the point where you could play anything straight away. This is not a very practical approach and, frankly, not very musical.

The more practical and inspiring way is to have the tools available to make progress on whatever you’re interested in playing right now. This will build your technique and sound based on what you actually want to hear coming out of your instrument, while also keeping that motivation strong along the way.

Remember to focus on getting a good tone and staying relaxed at all times during practice. Listen to your body and take regular breaks (I usually take a short break every 25-30 minutes to stretch my legs and give my body a break from sitting).

I truly hope you get a lot out of these tools and that they help you to achieve whatever goals you have for your playing.

#guitarpractice #shredguitar #guitartechnique

0:00 What this masterclass is about.
0:28 Getting the Pdf
0:48 Disclaimer
0:59 My best practice techniques
1:11 Shredding Intro
2:04 1. Planting & Rhythmic Planting
14:40 2. Slow & Quick (Transition Time)
19:17 3. Dotted Rhythms
24:51 4. Accents
35:27 5. Dynamics
41:22 6. Looping (one of my favorites!)
52:39 7. Speed Bursts
1:12:19 8. Beat To Beat (super effective!)
1:27:19 9. Rhythmic Variation
1:35:27 10. Visualization (very important)
1:42:03 Bonus Tips
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Thanks for share Master!!!
Really thanks!!!


Thank You for all those great tips! I also like, when looping for example 4 notes, make 5 notes loop fast/slow. 123 (triplet) 41 (quarter notes) 234 (triplets) 12 (quarter) 341 (triplets) 23(quarter) etc. You can use metronome for this, its using all variatioons and its also fun and usefull musically.


Very helpful, thanks! Are you still offering coaching?
