My Guitar Practice Routine - How I Quickly Improved My Guitar Playing!

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The long awaited video of the little exercises and bits I do to get better at playing guitar!! These exercises have really helped me improve my technique and harmony knowledge and maybe it can help you too (that's why I shared them lol) anyway thank you for watching:)))

and as always, thank you so much for watching,
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Here's an outline and some further details for newcomers:

Note: If you don't know how to read music, if you don't know basic scales, arpeggios, modes then this won't make sense to you at all
1. 0:35 Note Finding. Find all the notes across the board
2. 1:05 A minor scale (aeolian) in 6 permutations and play styles.
If youre familiar with the a minor scale that's basically it. Instead of playing the notes in the same order rearrange the order but don't change the note you start and end on.

Play in a different style each time. Legato is a guitar playing technique where we try to keep our fingers on the strings as much as possible.

Alternate picking: this is huge and many guirarists (especially me) are used to mainly downpicks. With alternate you want to pick up, pick down as much as possible

3. 3:00 you want to take the technique used for A minor and switch it to C Major

4: G Major scale, you'll want to play this descending order going down the fretboard

5. 4:30 A Minor sweep picking. Sweep picking, sweep picking when you're aiming to pick more than one note quickly as you're playing. In this case its downpick, basically, instead of picking one note at a time you're going for as many as you can

6. 5:20 palm muting picking excersize for 3 minutes anywhere on the guitar, basically just try to perfect your picking in this excersize

7. After this you'll practice playing whatever you want, Mango then goes over stuff she's experimenting with however you'll probably at this point want to come up with your own licks

I hope I helped make this clearer for some people


• 5 minutes: note finding 0:44
• A minor variations 6 permutations of this A minor scale (legato and other day alternate picking) 1:39
• C major legato 3:11
• G major legato going through the hole fretboard 4:02
• A minor picking exercise (?) - A minor scale through the hole fretboard 4:28
• Palm mute 5:09
• Break time playing whatever u want for 30 min🤝5:40


It's cool to see people doing similar exercises. The note finding has been so useful, I can't believe it took me so long to incorporate it.


I’ve been a musician for 15 years. My practice has almost never been structured to this extent. Your advice is helpful to all types of levels! Great work!


let me know how you get on with these :)


Im a beginner so I got no clue what you just said 😭 none the less good video 👍🏽


I just stumbled upon this video and it reminds me of when I saw someone else starting out years ago. I'm hoping you'll progress as well and I get to see it as you do. Thank you for sharing your learning journey with us. Liked and subscribed.


I like your channel especially witnessing your journey as your gain fluency and expertise on your exploration of the guitar. It is a tremendous showcase for all young students wishing to learn the guitar and would wholeheartedly recommend your channel too anyone at the fundamental stage. Your honesty detailing your progress is perhaps the most wholesomely gratifying thing about your channel and I wish you every success. I look forward to watching more


The sweep picking scales and arpeggios are a great tip. I've just been using the modes recently to practice playing in a key around the guitar while using the trick to find the root notes. I only would just play songs b4 so this is all very helpful.


Thanks for this video, practicing is such a great habit! You’re awesome for sharing this!


I've actually just diacovered note finding on my own. Amazing to know that you are doing this too. Thank you for sharing.


Great video for experienced guitarists, I try very hard to practice a routine like this and it is very productive. 👍🏼


Even to a seasoned guitar player, these routines are still useful 👌🏼 subscribed 👌🏼


just when i was listening to my parents saying to drop the guitar during my exams for a while, i get this notification 💀

but its a good motivational boost! I'll be sure to check this whole out when i get done with other stuff >:)


Thank you very much for this video. I just found your chanel by searching "Guitar playing progress". I'm coming back to my studies in the A-Guitar and your tips help a lot. :)


hey manga ive been watching you play guitar for awhile now, your onr of my insprations when it comes yo guitar i got my guitar abt a year ago now and never quit bc i saw how you had gotten


Top tip to learn the note positions on the fretboard. I wish I had been told this 40 years ago. It makes life easy almost immediately.


You're doing it right. I am quite sure that you'll be a great guitar player. Keep it up. Cheers !


You make it very clear, that practicing is actually fun... and meditation. It is good for you. Keep doing what you are doing, and concentrate on making perfect movements at slower tempos.😊 Your ear will catch up in time.


That's a really nice strat. Love the finish.
