Husband Says I’m Mean And Grouchy (Is He Right?)

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Husband Says I’m Mean And Grouchy (Is He Right?)

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After my ex husband had three affairs, and my step daughter had SEVEN suicide attempts ending in the ER, he wanted the old me back. I told him, she is gone. He changed me with his affairs and the adult daughter wanting to be daddy's little girl. I found the fun me again after leaving that Jerry Springer type of situation.


Two small toddlers is tough. It is exhausting. Women are trying to work, run a house, be in the mood and take care of kids. Very difficult to balance everything.


My husband and I are pregnant with our first, and I believe these calls are giving me some accurate expectations. And accurate expectations help you be better prepared.

The hubs and I wouldn’t have had, like, ANY of the conversations we’ve had if it weren’t for this podcast 😌


RESPONSIBILITY ... responsibility is a "killer" of relationships!!

One person is always more responsible than the other ... therefore one person ALWAYS HAS TO BE more responsible than the other ... which begins the "crap" 😢


What did her husband think was going to happen when they had kids they don't take care of themselves. This stage of life is one of the hardest times. He needs to get his big boy pants stop demanding her to entertain him. Get in the trenches and fight this battle of life together.


It’s been 25 years since I had 2 toddlers and this brings up all those memories. Ladies with toddlers your life will get better. Working and having kids is HARD. Trying to be a good mom, wife and career women sucks. Instagram and Facebook lives aren’t real. You don’t have to be perfect and remember family is more important than work. John is spot on about getting husband onboard.


I can't have tough conversations without crying also. My husband also can't handle it. I really can not help it. I try. I do care deeply about lots of things.


A 1 year old and 3 year old… so she went through back to back pregnancies, labors, hormones, and months of breastfeeding… and now some of the most dependent years of their lives… but she’s not fun and reckless anymore … shocking.

I just don’t understand what people expect when they have kids. Once you have kids that old version of you is gone … for very understandable reasons … and it’s not going to have a shot of coming back until those kids are grown.

Now obviously that’s not an excuse to be rude to your spouse. But chances are if your spouse was fantastic before having kids and they’re not so fantastic now, they’re very very overwhelmed and the way to fix it should be to bring up that they’re overwhelmed and find ways TOGETHER to make things easier - not complain about how she’s no fun.


I agree with her way of parenting you can’t be soft they can smell the fear 🤣


Normally when a husband is complaining that the wife is not fun anymore, it means he is not doing his fair share of the work at home and the wife is exhausted...


This helped me so much.
I'm a mom of a 20 month old and and a 3 week old and I struggle so much with feeling like I have lost myself completely..


This is the call I needed to hear ❤️

I’m a new mom and a stay at home mom, this phase of my life has been the hardest so far and I’m not good at dealing with communicating emotions. I totally relate to this and I’m glad I listened to this


Of course, she is not fun anymore. Kids are stressful and she is tired. Have empathy for moms and dads


Great advice! I hope they can work it out!❤️
After women become mothers, they can no longer be who they were before that. Their hormones, emotions, body are changed forever.

Now they have to start getting acquainted with the new self and this is not an easy process for them. It's inappropriate of her husband to demand the old her. In fact, I believe her more than every body else is grieving the loss of the old her.

This is why in this age of information men and women who decide to get married while being ignorant about the fundamental differences in genders, really are setting themselves up for problems in the future that could have easily been avoided through knowledge


My boys are now 3 and 5 and my husband and I work full time outside the home. I feel like we are finally at the top of the mountain and heading down the other side. We still have tough toddler days but things have gotten a lot easier with the kids becoming more independent and better able to entertain themselves. They now have extended periods of playing nicely together and We are able to accomplish more things around the house.

Also, we live and strive by our routine. Very very rarely do we EVER break the routine, it just works best for all of us. Bedtime is sacred! The kids get a good nights sleep, we aren’t over tired the next day, and that’s the time that my husband and I get to spend together alone.


This story is all too familiar, myself and a lot of friends have gone through something similar.

1. The husband needs to continually practice growing in empathy.
2. The wife needs to learn that her family is not a projection of her past . . . you WILL make something better.

Best wishes.


Men, never complain about a woman crying. One of my best co-workers used to cry behind closed doors when stressed and she would then get upset with herself for crying. I would tell her it's fine and that if a man was in my office in the same situation he might yell or punch the wall. Men and women usually process stress differently.


Man I hate it so much whenever I have a super strong emotion that my freaking body says lets add to this by crying!


I have a 3 & 6 y/o & my wife are exhausted after taking care of them. After they go to bed it’s the only time we have to ourselves. We go back & fourth as to spending time with each other or doing our own thing. We absolutely adore our kids though.


Yup. I hear this all the time “you’re not fun anymore!”
Ya well now I have ~responsibilities~ and *mental health issues*
