Advanced Loop Hero Tips and Tricks - Maze of Memories, Summon Quality, Unlock Suburbs, And More

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These Loop Hero tips and tricks will help you beat the game more easily.

Supply items are overpowered and if you want to equip more, start by filling the map with mud huts because they're cheap. Mud huts in crease the supply items limit by one each.

The Loop Hero maze of memories card actually does do something. This card fills a lot of space which can force a boss to spawn earlier than you normally would reach it.

Loop Hero Summon Quality for the Necromancer is the best stat. This stat increases the odds of getting the more advanced skeletons rather than the basic skeleton. The skeleton golem is particularly helpful because enemies must kill the skeleton golem before they can attack the player.

How to unlock the Loop Hero Suburbs card? It's simple, place a gymnasium and upgrade it to level 2 into an academy, that's the Loop hero suburbs unlock trick.

Loop Hero Magic damage is extremely useful for warriors and rogues. This type of damage is true damage and completely ignores enemy armor. Beware as some enemies do magic damage, meaning they do this same thing back to the hero.

Loop Hero Arsenals do stack and you can get more than one, but doing so is extremely difficult. Use battlefields to spawn ghosts and you have a very small chance of fighting prime matter enemies which can drop any card, with a 33% chance of dropping a single golden Loop hero card.

The Loop Hero Astral Orb Resource can be collected from magic and cosmic type enemies. The easiest way to farm them is to only place bookery and the Temporal Beacon.

The Loop Hero Alchemist Tent is the best building. This unlocks alchemy which let's you decompose resources for hydrogen which you can use to synthesize any material you want.

The Loop Hero defense stat is a flat damage reduction. 5 defense means 5 less damage received. Sometimes this might not seem to be the case because some enemies do partial or full magic damage, which negates defense.

The Ancestral Crypt is the best Loop Hero Gold card, giving +3 HP per enemy killed with a soul. To synergize with this card only place vampire mansions, groves, and cemeteries, which will give you the maximum number of soul-filled enemies per tile.

When placing Loop Hero buildings be sure to place them as far away from the center of town as possible, this will help to prevent the scenario where you can't place certain buildings which need to be next to another specific building.

Loop Hero healing potions are used automatically. The more you have, the less HP you have to use before the hero uses them. Once you're down to your last few health potions the hero won't use them until he's very close to death. You cannot control this process, it is automatic. You regain 4 health potions per loop.

Loop Hero Rivers and Forests are very good. Rivers double the effects of nearby buildings, but more importantly, this effect stacks. This allows you to wrap a river around other resources to double or even triple the effects from it.

That's all. Hopefully these awesome Loop Hero tips help you out. These are some of the best Loop Hero tips and tricks. Some of these advanced Loop Hero tips will help you a lot.
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You can actually tell when your hero will drink a potion. Just above the health bar, there's a blue line. Whenever his health goes below that threshold, he will drink a potion.


Summon quality also allows you to spawn skeleton mages over skeleton archers in slots past 4. They don't seem to do more damage, but they do MAGIC damage.


7:05 I checked the numbers myself and rivers actually help a lot more than this when going above one (orthogonal) adjacency to river(s). A thicket gives +4% attack speed when touching one river tile (instead of +2%), +8% with two touches, +12% with three, and +16% when surrounded on all sides by river. Or, to break the math down into a generalization, the first time a tile touches a river, it gets an additive +100% to its effect, and each additional touch beyond the first adds +200% to the effect, giving a maximum of +700% if surrounded on all four sides.

Thus I find that, if you've got enough space for it, place your river in a zig-zag (up, left, up, left, etc., as opposed to up, up, right, right, up, up, left, left, etc. - though I do like that when the layout requires a straight-away), doubling back with corners touching at the vertices, to make a whole lot of empty spaces with rivers on all four sides. This will promote the best buffs with the smallest footprint.

I also find extending the outside corners of the river into roadsides to be effective. It might turn the river into a reed there, and thus be unable to buff a tile, but the outside corners wouldn't be touching tiles anyway, so by extending out one further, you're just giving yourself more room.


the crypt is especially usefull for necromancers as they don't use armor which means the downside of not getting hp through armor doesn't apply. In my opinion the best calls for using the arsenal is a rogue because they get access the amulets which add that magical shield that recharges after every fight. Those are probably the most usefull from the options you get from the arsenal, but that one is a closer call.


Yo dude, respect - I've watched a lot of youtube over the last few years. Very few people get straight to the point like you do - I love it. Good audio quality too babe, keep at it!


The Tip with the Thicket is a bit untrue with the Values, when 2 Rivers are close to it you get 8% Attack speed not 6 ( and 12% at 3 Rivers) Summon Quality also increase the chance that a Skeleton Archer (which you only get with 5 minons or more) turns into a Skeleton Mage (which Does Magic Damage duh)


Summon quality actually lowers your skeleton DPS overall.

Skeleton appears to do two hits while the Skeleton Warrior attacks more often. Golem is A+ key etc etc for survival at some point, but I've gotten out of DPS soft locks with Sirens by _removing_ all quality.

Also, if you watch them against Training Dummies, they trigger two counter attacks.

Also, ghost spawns are 20%, unless the tooltip is wrong. Definitely feels like 10% though.


6:38 - Ooooh, now I get what that little blue notch over the health bar is. It indicates the reamining health for the next potion use! I got confused and thought that it was just a weird indicator about how full the potion is.


Good stuff, down to the point, no 2m time wasting intros


3:07 Oh that explains how I got a Suburb before unlocking it.


thanks man. this was very educational.


4:18 how much hydrogene you need to get Alphonse's body back?


This was the most helpfull vid, i watched. Thanks a lot


Bro, that alchemist thing is wat i need, thanks alot!


Good, useful and, most importantly, short stuff


Very helpful. I’m so close to 100% achievements but I just can’t seem to pull off Broken Geometry.


Top Video! Did you know, you can use books in Encyclopedia for unlock additional lore?


Its actually hilarious. After watching this video, I got the ghost of a ghost of a ghost thing in a loop the very next day 😂 couldn't believe it honestly. Wish I would have thought to screenshot it...


Tnx, all my questions answeneds in one video


Oh wow, so me getting three in a row and a gold card was a stupidly once in a lifetime happening lol
