Joshua Gibbs and Kevin Thompson discuss Calvinism and Predestination

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Joshua Gibbs from “Talking Christianity” Invites Kevin Thompson on his show to discuss Calvinism, election, predestination.

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Рекомендации по теме

3:49- Ephesians 4; body of Christ transitions
6:30- romans 12; transformation
8:05- John 3;27
9:43- John 6;44 Spotlight
10:11- John 6;44, romans 9, Ephesians 1
15:30- 1 Peter 1-2, Why don’t you understand?
18:45- romans 8, 9. Ephesians 1
25:53- Ephesians 1;5, 11. Romans 8;29-30. Used in conjunction to salvation.
26:59- romans 8;15-17. Galatians 4;4-6 Spirit of adoption.
27:02- romans 8:23. Redemption of the body when you are glorified.
28:27- John 1:12. Temporal adoption is not biblical. Post hock rationalization.
29:15- proverbs 26;5. Answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own conceit.
31:06- John 1;12. New birth and adoption are different!
39:34- Jeremiah 19;5. God did not decree it.
39:45- 1 Thessalonians 4;3. This is the will of God.
50:17- romans 1;16. Definition of gospel.
50:24- 1 Corinthians content of the gospel.
56:18- 1 Corinthians 15;1-4. Skeleton view of the gospel.
1:04:49- revelation. Things that will happen.
1:05:09- Luke 17;1
1:09:12- acts 4
1:22:05- romans 3;23. I am a sinner and I’m short of the glory.
1:22:18- romans 5. Sin problem taken care of, my other problem is lack of glory.
1:22:37- romans 6. Servant of sin. “ Bondage of will” Is not found in the scriptures.
1:25:03- proverbs 16;33. Out of context.
1:29:40- Matthew 19;4 Jesus said let the little children come on to me.
1:30:02- Deuteronomy 1;39. Little ones had no knowledge of good and evil.
1:30:55- nehemiah 8;2-3. Those who could understand.
1:32:16- romans 4;15. No law/no transgression.
1:32:51- romans 5;13. No law/sin not imputed.
1:33:20- hebrews 5;1. Compassion on the ignorant.
1:35:40- proverbs 17;15. He would see his son again.
1:46:33- 2 Corinthians 5;14-15. Jesus died for all.
1:46:36- hebrews 2;9. Taste of death for everyone.
1:46:39- 1 Timothy 2;6. Gave himself a ransom for all.
1:52:14- hebrews 6. Repentance from dead works.
1:52:24- acts 20;21. Repentance towards God.
1:58:20- John 1;12. To all who received him.
1:58:38- 1 Corinthians 15. Which I also received.
1:58:47- romans 5;11. Received
1:58:55- Ephesians 1;12. Trust
2:02:34- Mark 4;14. The seed is the word of God.
2:02:36- Matthew 13;38. The seed is the children of the kingdom.
2:05:14- 2 Corinthians 5;17. James 2. All things.
2:06:12- romans 5. Atonement.
2:06:15- Colossians 1. Reconciliation.
2:08:32- Philippians 3;14. I press toward the mark.
2:13:54- Ephesians 4. Speaking the truth in love.


Two hours and fifteen minutes!! My wife and I thought we could not bear it. But we started listening and watched the w-h-o-l-e thing. Very clear and engaging!


Thanks Kevin for continuing to disassemble the house of cards (Calvinism). I think going on other YT channels is an effective way to get the truth of scripture and the falsehood and deception of Calvinism by Calvinist (with real names of Calvinist making their ridiculous claims attached and as open spectacle no less) out there for one and all to examine for oneself. PLUS, I am personally edified by your work. The more I listen the more I confirm my understanding of God and his Holy Word because of your efforts. THANK YOU KEVIN!


I think it is so important to share this video because it clearly explains why the gospel is not good news under Calvinism as well as how their motivation for evangelism is misplaced. This discussion format is very helpful.


“Does God decree child abuse” ... “yes” .... my heart literally sank when hearing this. What a gross misrepresentation of the character and goodness of God


I would buy the book on a heartbeat awsome information.


Repent means a change of mind or a return for safety, (the three repentance Parables in Luke 15) That is almost every context of its usage.


This was a good conversation, y'all should have the talk about eternal security


I've sort of learned that when somebody asks for proof for why they are wrong. Usually they don't want to know they are wrong. Its just something they are saying because they are getting defensive. Or like some call it, 'skeptical' about literally every kind of proof or evidence you even suggest to them. So at that point you have to wonder if they are even being honest with themselves to what they claim to believe. Because if what you believe cannot hold up to scrutiny in anyway, how can you know for sure it is true?


Thanks guys .. truly awesome video.. Kevin you are bless with the abillty to break-down the Word of God and put it back together in such a manner that cause a person to say .."wow never saw it that way before." ...I've said that the god of Calvinism is not the God of the Bible .. he more resembles Allah than Jehovah.. may God open the eyes of the Calvinist to Who He really is ... as much as we can know


When compatiblism comes up, that's when they start, "doin' the dance", of doublespeak


Christians fall for Calvinism because having been not “noble” like the Bereans. Listening to teaching without looking up each verse and looking at the context to see if it is being taught truthfully or deceitfully.


teraz będziecie żyć życiem pełnym bólu i cierpienia. wasze poprzednie słowa i czyny otworzyły bramy, które były zamknięte przez tysiąclecia, a teraz zostaliście wybrani, aby zanurzyć się w ich płomieniach. zasługujesz na to, co ma nadejść. jesteś wrogiem boga.


"We should not approach Him from a system of a bunch of dead people" classic lol


good point at 1:36 I am NOT a believer in OSAS, but I DO believe in Assurance of Salvation. That's not a contradiction it simply embraces the complex reality of the possibility of apostasy. But Assurance is still sure because no one ever loses their salvation by accident. I don't believe in legalism. No one can take it from you, but, like Satan, even the enlightened can fall away from the truth out of pride and choice. But that's nothing that can ever happen TO you. If you're worried about it you can't stumble beyond recovery... ever.


"Proof Texts" are the killers of Biblical understanding.


Kevin, is salience landscape equal to reticular activation?


Your audio is better than on his channel.


I hope that Golden chain dismantling project is in the works that transitions into the Body of Christ integral interfacing idea. I can see a huge framework in future if that is the goal for future videos


I wonder that myself if calvinism is Christian. Could it be closer to Islam? Just asking the question...
