Calvinism & Jeff Durbin Exposed! Part 1: Discussion w/ Kevin Thompson of Beyond The Fundamentals

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In this video, Kevin and I discuss various aspects of Calvinism as we break down a video of Jeff Durbin training Calvinists to defend Calvinism against Bible-believers.

We discuss sovereignty, grace, election, predestination, and many other words that have been redefined and twisted to fit the false narrative of Calvinism.

Do not miss Part 2!

I highly encourage you to check out Kevin's extensive content on Calvinism: @KevinThompson1611
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I came out of Calvinism over the past 2yrs.


If Grace (a gift) is not accepted and received then it isn't grace.. if it's irresistible and determined.. then it cannot be a gift as it couldn't not be accepted or refused. Which would make it something other than grace


It's weaponized language.

Christians using Christian language is now a bad thing, according to JD.

And they speak of Soveriegnty as if that is God's essential nature.

Soveriegnty is something He >has<, not what He is.

The essential (essence) of God, what He IS, is Love.

Everything we think about God should be measured against His Love.

And before there was a creation He wasn't Sovereign over anything.

But what He was was Love.

So this issue isn't whether He is Soveriegn. It's
How would a God, who is Love use His Soveriegnty.

Compare God (Who is Agape/Love) against 1 Cor. 13.

The Calvinist god fails at his own definition of what Love is.


Calvinism is 100 miles wide and 1/4" deep.

Their whole system explains all they need to know, and there isn't anything left to learn.

Ever talk to someone. Maybe at work, who thinks they know it all, and you can't tell them anything? They won't learn anything.

My brother, he's not a C, is like this

Chuck Missler, in his study through Proverbs said the definition of a fool is some one who thinks they already know everything.

Reminds me of the Dunning-Kreuger Effect


Why don’t you guys have a debate with Jeff?


Hey Wade! You have a link to either a written or video of Kevin giving his personal testimony? Is he saved, or do you just assume he is because he "knows" about Jesus Christ?
Since ones personal testimony of possessing God's gift of grace is the foundation, why is he talking about beyond the fundamentals without sharing his personal testimony.
Please share any link, if it's available. I've learned the starting point must never be assumed from anyone.


Jay Vernon McGee sad that when he was young he could tell you exactly where the line between God’s sovereignty and man’s freewill was but in his old age he knows both exist, but how much is where he didn’t know. Not a direct quote nor correct grammar 😍


I feel like Calvinism is a system designed for narcissistic people who need to feed their delusions of grandeur on a spiritual level.
