DOCTOR: Who do You Work For?? Big-pharma or Patients?

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It time for doctors to decide who they are really working for! Is it for the long-term health-span and life-span of patients, or is it for the long-term profits for self and big-pharma? I used to be the idiot doctor who knew all the latest pills and injections and wanted to be friends with all the drug reps. I wanted to be the doctor who spoke about new drugs to other doctors (it pays very well and the fancy dinner is free).

If you currently find your practice boring and/or depressing, this video might just help you to ask the hard questions needed to transform the way you practice medicine.

----- Join me and let's optimize your health! -----

Thanks so much to our Prime & Champion Patrons, Chris B, Robert M, Julia M, Marcus K, Josh S, Andrew R, Michael K, Acer T, Fernanda T, Ronald S, Debra B, Yolanda N, 2 Krazy Ketos, Bob C, B B, Suzanne C, Mitzi C, Dean Z, Doyle R, Julie L, Lori B, Jeff P, Sam B for helping make this video possible.

TikTok: @kendberrymd
GAB: @kendberrymd MeWe: @kendberrymd

Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
Consult your doctor. Don't use this video as medical advice.
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Dr Berry
P.O. Box 486
New Johnsonville, TN 37134
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You could even share this video with your doctor!


99% of doctors seem to need a huge dose of humility. Thanks for all you do Dr Berry.


I couldn't agree MORE! I'm taking a new job, to restart my career as a patient healer! Cheers


For many years, doctors have said "lose weight" in response to EVERY health issue I've had. A cardiologist rudely told me I was "non compliant" because I was unable to lose 20 pounds over the course of a month. Yet NOT ONE of those doctors ever gave me real, workable advice on just how I was supposed to lose that weight. I tried diet after diet, and failed. It took me deciding (on my own) to try an exclusion diet to figure out what was causing severe heartburn. I literally stumbled into keto. 55 pounds in a hundred days... Something so simple that any good doctor could have told me years ago.

Dr. Berry, thank you so much for trying to help people like me who just want to live a better, healthier life. You're amazing, and your honesty is refreshing.


ive said it before, but ill say it again, god bless ya dude for speakin the truth!


A doctor on YouTube has literally saved my life. Thank you Dr. Ken Berry. Whenever someone is looking for advice about their chronic illness, I’m always so happy to share your very informative and enlightened videos. I’ve always wanted to say that to you for the loads free advice you’ve given me. May God bless you and keep you able to continue to spread your life giving advice. Many thanks, to REAL doctor💜


Unfortunately, most doctors already know everything and are therefore unreachable.


That was one of the ballsiest videos I've ever seen. Great job dr. Berry.


Whether it's doctors or politicians it's all about the mighty $$$.Keep things broken to keep the money rolling in .


Hopefully I will receive my MD in couple of years. I hope I can become a competent and a caring doctor. Also, as a person living with a chronic illness, I know how important fasting and proper nutrition can be in terms of managing and reversing illness.


I don't have a doctor for this exact reason. They're drug dealers with a diploma on the wall. The last one I saw got an attitude when I asked if he would order a thyroid panel. He dismissed my symptoms (classic hypothyroid symptoms) and told me that HE was the doctor and HE would decide what lab work to order and that my symptoms had absolutely nothing to do with my thyroid and proceeded to write prescriptions for an antidepressant, anxiolytic, and a sleeping pill. When I tried to explain about my history of hypothyroidism, he said, "Remind me again where YOU went to medical school".


This is a mandatory viewing video for EVERY doctor . Thank you


We expect more from our appliance repair technicians. They get paid to fix your appliances. If they don’t do this, they come back until it’s fixed or you get your money back because they did NOT hold up their end of the deal. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IS BASED ON DISPENSING MEDS. I have a pacemaker and had bypass surgery 7 years ago. Got my health from Drs like you Dr Berry. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

A dr that actually cares about a patient’s refreshing.


Every doctor I've known is for big pharma. Whenever I tell them about information like you put out, they always tell me "don't believe what you hear from the internet." 😕


Sounded like me. Then last week I began eating ketogenic and have lost 7 lbs. in 7 days. You are saving my life.


Thank you so much! As a person with Kidney disease, who had to take her health into her own hands and researched and fought against taking medications-with rude and aggressive pushback from doctors and nurses and administrators at the dialysis center. I reversed my failure, got off dialysis all doing the opposite of what all the doctors said, never felt better. I hope more doctors follow your lead!


Our existing medical care system is health management not health care.


Nina Teicholtz tells a story about a trainee Doctor who questioned his nutrition lecturer about the dietary guidelines. The lecturer replied he had to teach low fat to keep his job, but personally he was on a keto diet.


I've been fallowing you for over a year doctor berry and took serious all your dietary advice and now I have no more gout I was getting flare ups every couple month, plus my heart rate was always at around 100 beats a min now it's around 65 and my high blood pressure is gone.


Doctor Berry, I've only been on the Keto diet for about 2 months, and my A1C went from 9.3 to 6.0! God bless you, sir! And with my exercise program, I will be wearing size 32 pants again!
