9 Incredible Remedies For Swollen Ankles and Feet

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🔎 In this video, we'll be revealing how to reduce swelling in your ankles and feet through the use of natural remedies.

9. Get Enough Magnesium
Magnesium plays a role in regulating fluid balance in the body, and a deficiency in magnesium can contribute to fluid retention and swelling. Some magnesium-rich foods that can help reduce swelling include spinach, almonds, cashews, avocado, broccoli, and dark chocolate.

8. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is an essential factor in reducing swelling in the feet and ankles. Drinking plenty of water helps keep the blood thin and flowing smoothly, reducing the risk of swelling and discomfort.

7. Reduce Salt Intake
By reducing the amount of salt in your diet, you can decrease the amount of water your body retains, which in turn can help reduce swelling in the feet and ankles.

6. Exercise
When we exercise, our muscles contract and help pump blood and fluids back up towards the heart, reducing the buildup of excess fluid in the lower extremities.
Exercises help improve circulation and reduce swelling without putting too much strain on the joints.

5. Elevate your legs
By elevating our legs above our heart, we help reverse the effects of gravity and encourage excess fluid to flow back toward the heart. This can also reduce the risk of complications like deep vein thrombosis and blood clots.

4. Compression Socks or Stockings
These socks work by applying pressure to the legs, helping to improve circulation and prevent fluid from accumulating in the lower extremities.

3. Massage
When we massage our legs, we help stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing excess fluid from the body. It helps to physically move the fluid up the legs and into the rest of the body.

2. Essential Oils
Some essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus, have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve circulation, reducing swelling and discomfort. To use essential oils for swelling, add a few drops of the oil to a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and apply to the affected area.

1. Herbal Remedies
Herbs such as arnica, ginger, turmeric, chamomile, witch hazel, dandelion, and horse chestnut contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce swelling and improve circulation. They can be used topically as a compress or consumed as a tea or supplement to relieve discomfort and fluid retention.
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Рекомендации по теме

Very well explained. Thank you very much


I have used Magnesium for 3 years plus Magnesium baths and foot baths. My swelling got worse lately.


I have been taking my blood pressure tablets for ages and only started to get Swollen ankles and fest last year


I am suffering from swolling i in the leg madam ..Thank you much sharing this valuable topic madam....


Thank you I have neuropathy and suffering from stiffness pain, burning and tingling in my ankles and heaviness in my legs I will try your advice and share to other's Thank you Do you have advice for neuropathy Will appreciate Thank you


Thank you for this vital information
I do appreciate it all


Thanks so much for all the helpful tips.


This was an awesome vid i stand long hrs at work and my ankels hurt and they are sorta swollen so i will do alll of this think you !


My grandmother had swelling issues for many years. She used elastic type bandaid wrapping uo unttil her death at 94. That enabled her to remain very active.


My mother also had feet ussues and now at 77 am starting to also. Using compression socks help a great deal so far. But i want to try magnesium supplement


Very good presentation with written display-Thank u !


Trying again. The kidney doctor prescribed Spironolactone 25mg for me. Tests show i have stage 3 damage. My primary care will not write a prescription for it for me because he thinks its not good to take if you have a kidney issue. So I have cut the 25mg in half and only take 12.3mg. I don’t know if that dosage is helping or harming. Its not good at all when your primary care physician and your specialist don't agree.


Thank you for your video:precis, concis, instructive, in one word excellent.


Thank you for your timely advise.Have a blessed day.


Thank you so this your video help me lots ❤❤


I don’t have to many of the oils but I can try some and do the exercises thanks for the tips


Thank you so much for your care. I would like to ask if may be soak my feet in Epsom salt/water and massage what would be your advice. Apriciate your concer and awaiting your response soon thank you again


Great video, concise, informative, BEST!


Good video, packed with lots of useful info. Thank you.


Swelling feet
Get enough magnesium
Spinach almonds cashew avocado broccoli dark chocolate
Epsom salt baths
Stay hydrated 8 glasses water a day
Herbal tea good
Truck fluid intake
Reduce salt
Use herbs and spices
Exercise walking swimming and yoga
Correct shoes 👠 inner soles
Elevate your legs preferably against wall above heart slightly bend knees
Compression socks or stockings
Massage from foot up
Also massage boots
Essential oils coconut oil as carrier peppermint lavender and eucalyptus
Herbal remedies arnica ginger and termeric as tea or supplement
Camomile and witchhazel dandelion and horse chestnut
