Bad Christian Arguments...And How I Respond to Them

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In this episode I discuss what I feel are some of the worst (and most common arguments) for Christianity.

*Please keep in mind that all everything I say here is my subjective opinion, and is intended to deconstruct fundamentalist/evangelical/conservative Christian ideologies from an ex christian perspective*

01:04 | "Either god created us, or we are here by random chance"
03:26 | "God exists because you can't disprove him"
05:17 | "Objective morality proves god exists"
10:52 | "The bible is true because the bible says it"
11:51 | "Everything that exists was created. Therefore god exists"
14:04 | "You're not educated enough"
18:41 | When the arguments won't work...they turn to thought-terminating cliches

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Outro Music | "Pixels" by Jeff Kaale

tags | Ex christian, deconstructing christianity, exvangelical, former fundie, leaving christianity, gospels, jesus, bible, god, christian, evangelism, apologist, atheist vs christian, agnostic, recovering from religion
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One point on the Kalam, they say "everything that _begins_ to exist" not everything _that_ exists.
Still a bad argument, for a bunch of reasons, like fine tuning and such, all create paradoxes and other failures in logic and/or special pleading.


I’m completely comfortable saying “I don’t know and neither do you.”


It's very simple to say, I don't have to know the origin of the universe, to reject the Christian claim. And leave it at that.


What I usually see is when believers come into an argument and they immediately start becoming self referential, trying to “prove” the Bible by simply quoting it. Then, if that fails, we all get to play a rousing round of: Christian Excuse Patrol Bingo. Your common excuses are….

1. You’re reading THAT text out of context.
2. You’re going to the wrong denomination.
3. You’re reading the wrong interpretation of the Bible.
4. You’re not REALLY believing in God/Jesus with all your heart.
5. When God does it, it’s NOT evil.
6. You just need to have faith.
7. Just look around you at world events, it proves the Bible is real.
8. It sounds like you have some things on your heart that you haven’t asked forgiveness for and THAT is why you haven’t received blessings.
9. You just secretly just want to sin.
10. You were never a TRUE Christian.
11. Atheism is just another religion.
12. You’re just mad at God.
13. If you stopped believing in God, what’s stopping you from committing horrible actions against people?
14. Wouldn’t it be better to just believe in case you’re wrong?
15. That was Old Testament so it doesn’t count.

And of course, if all else fails. “That’s fine, you’re going to go to hell then”. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


Christianity is like a gym membership that makes it super easy to sign up on the website, but you have to jump through a million hoops to cancel, so you keep giving them money without using their services.


Yeah, isn't it funny how they think that we have to justify our atheism by having in depth knowledge of biology, cosmology, physics, chemistry, epistemology, hermeneutics, history and even geology. But for them to be christians all they have to do is believe in an ancient book written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night.


I grew up Amish - it was hard to deconstruct; I once had guilt, worried about hell. Your videos helped me know that there isn't a hell. Now i see Christian manipulation.


I believe in leprechauns because no one has ever shown me evidence that they don't exist.


_Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!_
You're a great inspiration, Kristi.
If you're ever up to live stream with a small channel fighting the algos like the demons they are, I'm ready, willing, and able!


"you don't know enough to question the Bible. You are not a biblical scholar"

Bart Erman clears his throat.


One of the greatest thought traps I heard repeatedly growing up (especially from my parents) was "you shouldn't question the bible, because it is the word of God and to do so is to question him". This effectively shuts down all critical thought processes, especially for children in the period of life when they are supposed to be developing it. This made things very difficult for me in school growing up and even more so as a young adult. Again I say this is one of the greatest disservices christian parents and community do to young people under their leadership.


This is so good Kristi. Especially early on after I left the church, it would infuriate me so much when people would dismiss my genuineness as a believer. But you're right, they had no idea. And they show their true colors when they try to invalidate you. My deconstruction isn't something I can tell most people I know, but that's okay. They choose to not understand. They choose to react to differing views in this way. I don't need to prove anything to them, or account for my lack of belief. I'll seek peace and truth just the same on my own. Its freeing to be able to do that.


Glad to have you back Kristi. One of the weakest arguments that Christians use is that "God is real because the Bible says so" or "the Bible is true because it says it's true." That's so ignorant. To say the Bible proves the existence of God is just like saying that How The Grinch Stole Christmas proves that the Grinch is real. A book doesn't prove anything.


Awesome job Kristi! Your encouragement to all of us is wonderful. ❤


Glad you came back to us. Your point of view is really needed in this era. 😊


I grew up with this one: "God said it. I believe it. And that settles it!"


One of the worst Christian arguments is "You just want to sin." It's not just bad logic (ad hominem fallacy), it's slander!


Religious people cannot claim that we need a standard from god to be able to say that murder is wrong, if the same god is literally commanding murder....that's a contradiction and it's absurd !!!


Greetings from New Mexico. I love listening to your videos when im doing yard work.


People have a right to their beliefs/religion, and thats fine. My only issue comes when people insist that I have to believe what they do.
