Parents, what's something your kids do without realizing it hurts your feelings?

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Parents, what's something your kids do without realizing it hurts your feelings? #redditstories #storytime #story
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Personally I think you gotta tell your kids when their actions hurt you even if unintentional. It teaches them empathy and to actually pay attention to how others react to things. If not they're just unintentionally or eventually intentionally self centered and uncaring how their actions affect others


We are not just gonna skip over the fact the cleaner vacuumed that dollar.


As a young adult, i hate when i go to a function with friends and they leave me to go with some guy, teach them early on that its not okay, you made plans with someone its rude to just ditch them


My "dad" refused to go to any events with me growing up. I was the only one in my class who's Dad never showed up. I'll never forget my Mom dressing up and putting on a fake mustache to show up for me on those days. She was the best.


What do you mean you'll keep it that way? Have the conversation with her!


I begged my dad to go to these and he'd always refuse. The one time I got him to go, we were an hour late because he was watching ESPN and kept not wanting to get ready. We finally get to the school and he won't dance with me like most (not all) of the other dads. He keeps sitting there and refuses to really do anything and just keeps telling me to go "run along with my friends." Except the only girls I knew at the dance were with their dads. I wanted to cry. I don't remember if I did. I just remember it meant so much and he didn't care. He just had this expression on his face that said he didn't want to be there and when we left he told me not expect that again. Other girls made fun of me because he didn't seem to want anything to do with me and some of them tried to say he wasn't my real dad because if he was my real dad, he wouldn't have pretended like he didn't know me while I had to beg for his attention all night.
I still think about it sometimes. We don't talk anymore. We haven't talked since he made excuses as to why he couldn't make it when I was getting married. I only invited him because I didn't want my family to say I didn't give him the chance. I knew he was going to let me down when I invited him.


They didnt even realize that the kid was excited for the party itself, not going there with her dad.
They wanted to please her so bad that they couldnt even understand what she wanted, and didnt even tell her what *they* wanted.


I actually thought that your girl was secure in the knowledge that HER Dad was present and honored her by extra prep. Dad's there, i'm ok, and now I'm gonna explore in this new social environment.

Maybe you could have approached her to remind her who she came to the dance with (another lesson). You could have schooled her in the art of mixed mingling. That's what this is all about anyway, an opportunity for the girls to do a practice date with the safest male in her life. It's not her playing girlfriend.


Have the conversation w her! She needs to know that if you're going somewhere w someone then you need to stay w them. She will abandon everyone and thinks that everyone will be ok w it and it's not ok


She talked about it for DAYS and then the day of she didn't even DANCE with you? She most DEFINITELY wanted to go to only see her freind(s) at that point- 🧍‍♂️


He could have looked for the daughter and asked her to dance. It goes both ways, he needed to teach her.


Someone asked me when was the last time i thanked my parents for all the stuff they do for me. I realized I basically took all their hard work for granted, and I've been trying to make a point to remember to thank them for doing things for me since.


My father never came to my school events like this. I went with my mom. Not a single one did he go to. Good job to this dad, going, even if hurt in the end. That is much more than many of us got. It hurt when she didnt go back to see you, and I think talking about that with her when you feel upset might be good, to teach her to care for others, and that she can talk to you as well.


I remember going to one. “Danced” with my dad (just jumped up and down while spinning in a circle lol) then my dad got tired and went to sit. I danced with some friends while the other tired dads also sat. Ate some cupcakes and left early to watch cartoons at home cause it was kinda boring lol.


Wow. I remember when I'd dance with my dad. He was everything to me. I still remember standing on his polished shoes, his cologne and I in my dress and I looked up at him and he gave me the biggest smile! I remember the way he walked me down to the front of the church on my wedding day and the father daughter dance. I remember dancing with him decades later at my daughter's wedding. I remember the day after his burial...hundreds of people there. I was the last one to leave the cemetery. That was almost 5 yrs ago and I miss him every single day. Love you forever, daddy.


Sounds like you guys need to build your relationship and communication a bit. This was a big step for what sounds like a little early in the journey - it's ok that you don't feel like it was 100% there, as long as you keep trying


As a little girl who did this to her dad I’m in tears rn


I was the only one of my dad's daughters to dance with him at father daughter dances. We'd come up with special dance moves together, and it felt like I was a princess. One of my sisters even made it a game to slip to the bathrooms and lose him for the night. Each of them got 2 dances to prove they'd respect him enough to stay and a gentle heart-to-heart chat that they meant a lot to him and, while he didn't mind if they wanted to play with their friends a little, he came here to spend time with them and have at least one dance. Nobody listened, but they were mad when he wouldn't go with them any more.


... yeah, because they're kids. Teach them, but if they don't know, they don't know.


I watched my dad dance in our living room with my little sister almost every night growing up before sending her to bed. It was kinda their thing, and I never fully got it, but it was endearing. Last year my sister got married and her and my dad did their dance for the bride and father dance and the music hit and everyone at our family table cried and it kinda all made sense.
