Все публикации

What's your 'Frick it, I've been a nice person my whole life, now I'm going to do something bad.

Delivery guys, does your shop have a 'no delivery' list, if so why? #redditstories #storytime

What was the most messed up punishment you received as a child? #redditstories #storytime #story

When did you realize that your childhood was not normal? #redditstories #storytime #story

Parents, how did your son/daughter's SO win you over? #askreddit #redditstories #storytime #story

Retail workers, what's the best instant karma you've seen happen to a rude customer? #askreddit

People who got their bosses fired, what happened? #askreddit #redditstories #storytime #story

Lawyers, what's your 'you should have mentioned this sooner' moment? #askreddit #redditstories

Social workers, what clicked about a student after meeting their parents? #askreddit #storytime

Dads, what is your best 'don't tell your mother moment' with your kid? #askreddit #redditstories

What's your 'you just fricked with the wrong person' moment? #askreddit #redditstories #storytime

What was the best moment you've seen where the real world hit a spoiled rich kid? #askreddit

What is the fastest way you have seen someone ruin their life? #askreddit #redditstories #storytime

What's the most disturbing thing you've overheard that you were never meant to hear? #askreddit

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing that is illegal, but you found really funny?

What is the biggest and most mysterious secret that you have not revealed to anyone? #askreddit

Therapists, what was your 'I need a minute' moment? #askreddit #redditsories #storytime

When did a feeling of 'we need to get out of here immediately' save you? #askreddit #redditsories

Lawyers, what's your best, most badass I rest my case moment? #askreddit #redditsories #storytime

Have you ever witnessed someone say, if you don't like it, leave and everyone left? #askreddit

What was your 'damn I'm a badass' moment? #askreddit #redditsories #storytime

Students, what was your school's big scandal? #storytime #story

What's the most innocent thing you've ever seen? #redditsories #storytime

When did the 'class clown' go way too far? #redditsories #storytime