6 Parenting Mistakes That Ruins A Child's Growth (For Parents)

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Everyone faces different challenges when growing up. While some children can flourish and become well-adjusted adults, others may not be so blessed with ideal conditions. And while you love them for the most part, a big attribute to this disfunction is how your parents raised you. So here are some common parenting mistakes that negatively affect their children’s growth.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not made to attack anyone who may display these signs, but rather to understand them and bring more awareness to the topic!

Writer: Stela Kosic
Script Editor: Michal Mitchell
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Billie
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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If you can communicate with your parents about your relationship. What would you tell them that bothers you the most?


"Not many things make a parent more proud than seeing a big A on a child's test", this is the saddest yet true thing I've ever heard


1. Signing kids up for too many activities
- negative impact on sleeping habits and mental health
- you should listen to children to know if there's too much, they signal if they're stressed or overwhelmed

2. Not allowing kids to say no
- they might not learn to gain confidence, set boundaries, and stand up for themselves

3. Comparing children to others
- ruin child's self-esteem at an early age
- makes them question parents' love

4. Forcing children to eat
- they associate that food with negative context, making them picky eaters or have restrictive dietary habits
- you should make mealtimes relaxed and fun

5. Using humiliation as discipline
- leads to behavioral and emotional problems in the future
- may make them socially anxious, depressed or aggressive

6. Praising intelligence over hard work
- you should focus praise on efforts instead of abilities
- because if not, this causes fixed mindset where they give up if they fail
- if you praise effort, they feel motivated when they fail instead


The one about praising intelligence rather than hard work really struck me.
Growing up, I started developing a mindset that only A's are acceptable because that's what made my parents proud. As a result, whenever I got into highschool, if I ever got anything else, even a B, I would spend the whole day sweating and stressed over what my parents would think. Purely because it was drilled into my mind that not having A's is failing.


POV: You watch this video and realize how horrible your parents are, and what they’ve done to you.


The ''I had it harder than you/there're so many people that had it harder than you, you should be greatful'' one should be included.


I think the biggest mistake parents can make is underestimating the ongoing influence/impact they have on their children. Some parents have no idea while others think this goes away after their children reach a certain age. It doesn't.


That last point was such a great reminder. My son is highly intelligent because of his Aspergers, but because good grades come so easy for him, he does tend to slack off and leave things to the last minute, which in turn stresses him out. It is important to remind him that hard work and effort is a must, to motivate him to not just rely on his natural talents. I’m sure I have fallen into the trap of praising him for his intelligence over his hard work on many occasions.


my parents do all of these, i told my friends and they said “dude your parents are extreme!” and i thought this type of parenting was normal. justice for the children out there yall.


If i were to show this to my parents they would be like " youre finding excuses" or " thats the only way we can deal with you"


"Emotional abuse can leave a victim feeling like a shell of a person, separated from the true essence of who they naturally are. It also leads to a victim feeling tormented and tortured by their own emotions." Lorraine Nilon


i remember hearing my mom saying bad things about me and my brothers on the phone when she thought i couldn't hear her and it just made me cry, made me feel like i wasn't good enough and made me think i failed as a daughter and failed to make her proud of me, i was quiet for the rest of the day while my mind was insulting me and shaming me because she was mainly mad that we were loud but even though she was mad that i was loud didn't mean she could curse our names like that to other people on the phone.


i like how parents do stuff like this and expect their action to not affect their child in the future, they just claim that it was just a joke and expect you to just accept that


1. signing them up for too much 0:38
2. not allowing them to say no 1:52
3. comparing them to others 3:03
4. forcing children to eat 3:58
5. using humiliation as discipline 5:14
6. praising intelligence rather than hard work 6:28
I hope I could help!


I was raised with a parent who compared me to others and I wasn't allowed to say no. I found it really hard to say no to things going into highschool and got myself in a situation that was hard to get out of because saying no was always seen as a disrespectful thing. I could never say no to my friends or my bf, which as u could probably guess, didn't turn out so well. Parents, teach ur kids how to say "no" instead of teaching them that the word "no" is bad


I had the opposite problem with being compared to other children, but it ended up with the same results. I wasn't told that I was less than another child (as far as I can recall), but I was told that I was BETTER than other children. My parents told me how well behaved I was compared to my sister and friends, but it always made me uncomfortable instead of proud. I didn't want to be praised at the expense of my peers getting smack talked. I think my friends are great- why would you speak so poorly about them? And how did this look to my sister? Furthermore, I learned that my friends parents ALSO compared them to me, "Why can't you be more like Patch?" I haven't really been able to get rid of those feelings of guilt, even at 20 years old. I always thought so highly of them, it bothered me that the adults in my life may have made me look snobbish through their actions. But yes, it also gave me an unhealthy need to maintain my reputation because I thought it was what made me likable~ I thought poorly of myself, but still cared what others thought. Hiding behind my reputation was a sense of comfort, in a way.


There was a time that my cousin argued with her mother and her mother said "I brought you into this world, I carried you for 9 months" my cousin also shouted at her saying "it's not my choice to be born in this world you and dad decided to want a child, and I'm sorry if I'm not the child that you want" and at that moment everyone in the house paused as my cousin ran outside with her bag and gone to her friend's house...after that it was just not the same anymore between them, my cousin is less active at all things, as soon as she gets home straight into her room, never comes out except for school. 😔


My mom used to compare me with the other children all the time. And when I had a confrontation with any other kid, she'd always took a side of that kid, not me. So I was growing up absolutely sure my mom loves any other kid more than me. Eventually I just stopped telling her about my problem, whenever it was bulling or a conflict with a teacher. I knew that all she gonna say would be "It was your fault".
I'm 23 now, and I still have a huuuge difficulties with sharing my problems with anyone


"To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today" - Bart Simpson


Something I hate that some parents do is when they invite people that the kids don't even know and expect them to feel comfortable with the "random person".
