C# for Java Programmers - Introduction to WPF

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Intro to Windows Presentation Foundation.
The video briefly introduces application development features like XAML, controls, styles, templates and data binding.
It then looks at the following container controls: Canvas, StackPanel, WrapPanel, DockPanel, and Grid. It also deonstrates how horizontal and vertical alignment works.
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Hello can you help me? I'm from Brazil and watch your classes, well my problem is this ... I have to build an agenda where I type the date start of service and final time with with an accretion of 20 minutes and a tie shows me all possible hours, thank you.


Olá você pode me ajudar? Eu sou do Brasil e assistir suas aulas, bem o meu problema é o seguinte ... Eu tenho que construir uma agenda onde eu digite a data de início do serviço e tempo final com com um acréscimo de 20 minutos e um laço mostra-me todas as horas possíveis, obrigado.
